World Express: State Administration of Market Supervision: strive to break local protection and administrative monopoly _ Financial Online
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World Express: State Administration of Market Supervision: strive to eliminate local protection and administrative monopoly

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According to the State Administration of Market Supervision, the Anti monopoly Working Conference of the National Market Supervision System and the Special Action Deployment Conference on Anti monopoly Law Enforcement in the People's Livelihood Field was held on the same day. It was revealed at the meeting that efforts to eliminate local protection and administrative monopoly will be one of the key tasks in 2023.

The meeting pointed out that 2022 is the year when China's anti-monopoly and fair competition policies are implemented to a higher level. The data shows that in 2022, China's anti-monopoly and fair competition policies will be implemented effectively, and 187 monopoly cases of all kinds will be handled in accordance with the law, with a fine of 784 million yuan; 794 cases of concentration of undertakings were concluded, and 5 cases were approved with conditions; The antimonopoly law has been revised for the first time in 15 years since its promulgation, which has boosted the development expectations and confidence of market players, stimulated the competitive vitality and innovation power of market players (300152), and promoted the construction of a unified national market.

The meeting proposed to focus on five aspects of work in 2023: first, anchoring a large market target, and striving to eliminate local protection and administrative monopoly; Second, build a strong country in service quality and intellectual property rights, and focus on improving the vitality and quality of market competition; Third, strengthen legal supervision, credit supervision, and intelligent supervision and guarantee, and strive to improve the efficiency of anti-monopoly supervision and law enforcement; Fourth, keep the bottom line of development security, and focus on enhancing the linkage effect of domestic and international markets and resources; Fifth, we should build a pattern of multiple co governance and focus on strengthening the overall synergy of fair competition governance.

label: Local protection

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