Daily news: Zhao Lijian said that China has made an important contribution to ensuring the stability of the global supply chain and promoting the development of the world economy _ FinanceOnline
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Daily News: Zhao Lijian said that China has made an important contribution to ensuring the stability of the global supply chain and promoting the development of the world economy

(Data picture)


According to the "Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's Office", on December 1, a reporter from AATV asked the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson a question: According to reports, US Treasury Secretary Yellen said that China's epidemic prevention and control policies had a negative impact on the global economic prospects. How does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs comment on this?


Zhao Lijian: There is no factual basis for the statements made by American officials. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China has scientifically coordinated the epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, making important contributions to ensuring the stability and smoothness of the global industrial chain supply chain and promoting the development of the world economy. In 2021, China's total import and export of goods will exceed US $6 trillion, a record high. In the first three quarters of this year, China's import and export of goods increased by 9.9% year on year. While sharing China's big market with the world, China continued to steadily deliver Chinese products with high cost performance to the world.

The Chinese side will continue to adhere to scientific and accurate prevention and control, ensure the sustained, healthy and stable development of the economy and society with good prevention and control results, and make contributions to the recovery of the world economy.

We urge the relevant personnel of the US side to respect the facts, stop making false statements or even deliberately distorting and discrediting China, and do more to help the international community unite to fight the epidemic and achieve common development.


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