Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: support local governments to give full play to their advantages to develop and strengthen characteristic industries _ financial online
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Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: support local governments to give full play to their advantages, develop and strengthen characteristic industries

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A reporter recently learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will support all regions to give full play to their advantages, orderly undertake and dislocation layout, and build a modern industrial system that is independent, controllable, safe, reliable and competitive by vigorously promoting industrial gradient transfer, making practical and refined docking cooperation and other measures.

Promoting the orderly transfer of industries is the internal requirement for optimizing the spatial layout of productive forces and protecting the complete industrial system. It is also an important measure to promote the coordinated development of regions and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern. China has a vast territory, with different resource endowments and different levels of development, and its comparative advantages are complementary to a certain extent, providing space for the optimization of productivity layout and industrial gradient transfer nationwide.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that he would take the directory of guidance for the transfer and development of the manufacturing industry as an important guide to support the development and expansion of distinctive and competitive industries in various regions. We will do a better job of docking and cooperation, promote the signing and implementation of major projects, and focus on characteristic industrial clusters and key industrial chains to attract investment precisely and develop in a chain way.

A good business environment is an important guarantee for industrial transfer projects to be "stable, sustainable and grow well". The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology proposed to strengthen policy coordination and supporting services, and accelerate the construction of connectivity infrastructure. At the same time, greater efforts should be made to attract and utilize foreign capital, actively undertake international industrial transfer, and support domestic enterprises to actively integrate into the global industrial chain, supply chain, and value chain.

It is reported that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will jointly hold a series of docking activities for 2023 China's industrial transfer development with relevant regions. Recently, 2023 China's industrial transfer and development docking event (Yunnan) was held in Kunming, with 2066 enterprises participating in the event. The event also organized the docking of information industry, green light metal materials industry, energy and electronics industry and other special docking. (Engineering Literature)


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