(Economy) New Regulations on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration to Prevent Counterfeiting State owned Enterprises, Central Enterprises and Other Illegal Acts Implemented in October _ Financial Online
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(Economic) New Regulations on the Registration and Management of Enterprise Names to Prevent Counterfeiting State owned Enterprises, Central Enterprises and Other Illegal Acts Implemented in October

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Beijing, August 31 (Reporter Zhao Wenjun) The reporter learned from the General Administration of Market Supervision on August 31 that the Measures for the Implementation of the Provisions on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration was recently revised and issued, and will be implemented on October 1 this year.

In terms of regulating the management order of enterprise name registration, the measures are to prevent and stop illegal acts such as counterfeiting state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, and strictly prohibit "using words related to major national strategic policies, so that the public mistakenly believes that it is related to national investment, government credit, etc." and "submitting false materials or taking other fraudulent means to declare enterprise names independently" "Intentionally declare an enterprise name that is similar to the names of others (including abbreviations, shop names, etc.) that have certain influence in the same industry". The Measures stipulate that if the names of enterprises are prefixed with words such as "China", "China" and "Central", they shall be subject to strict review in accordance with laws and regulations.

In order to strengthen the use, supervision and management of enterprise names, the Measures stipulate that the use of enterprise names shall comply with laws and regulations, shall not infringe upon the prior legitimate rights and interests of others by imitation, confusion, etc., and shall refine and improve the procedures for the registration authority to correct enterprise names.

In terms of optimizing the service of independent declaration of enterprise names, the Measures refined and improved the requirements for the specification of the elements of enterprise names, clarified and standardized the relevant requirements for enterprise names that do not include the names of administrative divisions, industries or business characteristics, and better served and guided the declaration of enterprise names. Strengthen the information support services, stipulate that the enterprise name declaration system will automatically compare the names submitted by the applicants, and make instructions on prohibition and restriction of use or risk tips according to the rules on prohibition and restriction of use of enterprise names, the same similar comparison rules, etc.

The Measures also improved the administrative adjudication mechanism for name disputes, added a special chapter for the adjudication of enterprise name disputes, refined the specific rules and procedural norms for enterprise name disputes, and improved the remedies for the legitimate rights and interests of enterprise names. The Measures specify that when the enterprise registration authority reviews the dispute over the enterprise name, it shall comprehensively consider relevant factors according to law. At the same time, adhere to the principle of efficiency and convenience, and apply the summary adjudication procedure in accordance with relevant regulations to the enterprise name disputes with clear facts, small disputes and simple cases. (End)


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