14. The department issues guidance. Camping economy presses the "accelerator" button of development_financial online
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14 The department issued guidance, and the camping economy pressed the "acceleration key" for development

China Consumer Daily reported (reporter Sun Wei): Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, camp on the waterside lawn, throw frisbees, have a picnic and drink, or look up at the stars... Have you ever experienced the pleasure of camping?

In the past two years, camping consumption has become popular. In order to enrich the supply of tourism and leisure products and guide the development of camping tourism and leisure in an orderly manner, 14 departments, including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy and Orderly Development of Camping Tourism and Leisure (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions) recently, and the camping economy pressed the "acceleration key" of development.

(Data pictures are for reference only)

Camping economy boom

"As long as the weather is good on weekends, my kids will be itching to go camping." Ms. Fang, a post-80s white-collar worker, told reporters about camping with a smile on her face. "It's beautiful to set up a small tent, set up a small square table, and have a little barbecue." Indeed, nowadays, on sunny weekends or holidays, people will laugh that "half of their circle of friends are camping".

The popularity of camping can be seen from the data of social media platform. According to the reporter's query, the number of tweets with "camping" keywords and other related topics on Tiaoyin has reached hundreds of millions. There are also a large number of highly praised posts and videos about camping experience, of which more than 30 have more than 100000 likes, with the highest being 1.079 million. Open the Little Red Book and search for the "camping" keyword, you can see more than 4.5 million notes, more than 50000 direct connected goods, and countless camping derivatives.

Consumer demand for camping equipment is also very high. In the just past "Double 11", Tmall opened for sale for one hour, the sales of camping products increased by 115%, cycling products by 89%, and various emerging sports products such as football and frisbee increased by 142%. At Vipshop, the sales of tents soared three times over the same period of last year, and the sales of outdoor tables and chairs increased more than six times over the same period of last year, hitting a new high.

According to the 2022-2023 Chinese Camping Industry Research and Benchmark Enterprise Analysis Report released by iMedia Consulting, the size of the core market of China's camping economy and the size of the driving market are showing an upward trend year by year. In 2022, the core market size of China's camping economy will reach 113.47 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 51.8%; The driven market scale was 581.61 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of 52.6%. It is estimated that in 2025, the core market size of China's camping economy will rise to 248.32 billion yuan, and the driven market size will reach 1440.28 billion yuan.

Liu Hanqi, secretary-general of Self driving Tour and Camping RV Branch of China Tourism Vehicle and Boat Association, told reporters that with the rise of consumption upgrading and city surrounding tour, more and more consumers have joined in camping activities. In addition, in recent years, the construction of green water and green mountains has brought certain basic conditions for people to travel, and related equipment and facilities have become increasingly perfect. Several reasons have accumulated, creating a camping craze.

Orderly guide the standardized development of the industry

While the demand for camping leisure tourism is growing rapidly, the market gradually exposes problems such as non-standard development, unbalanced supply and demand, imperfect facilities, and potential safety hazards. To this end, 14 departments recently jointly released the Opinions, aiming to enrich the supply of tourism and leisure products, orderly guide the development of camping tourism and leisure, and constantly meet the people's needs for a better life.

The Opinions first clarifies the relevant concepts. Camping tourism and leisure refers to the activities of using self owned or leased equipment outdoors to stay in campsites with clear scope and corresponding facilities for the main purpose of leisure, recreation, sports, entertainment, natural education, etc.

In terms of expanding service supply, the Opinions encourage local governments to build a number of public camps according to local conditions, and improve the construction level and service quality of public camps. Explore and support the development of camping tourism and leisure services on the basis of golf courses, rural homestays and other projects that have been transformed and withdrawn. Encourage qualified urban parks, tourist attractions, rural tourism spots, country parks, sports parks, etc. to set aside camping and leisure functional areas and provide camping services on the premise of meeting relevant regulations.

Improving service quality and standardizing management and operation are the key tasks clearly pointed out in the Opinions. We should promote the in-depth integration of culture and tourism, fully tap cultural resources, and enrich camping tourism and leisure experience. Encourage and guide the camp to cooperate with cultural relics, performing arts, fine arts and other relevant institutions, and enrich the service content in combination with music festivals, art festivals, sports competitions and other mass festivals and events. The camp shall obtain business license and relevant licenses or permits for sanitation, food, fire control, etc., and shall have clearly marked charging standards and tourist instructions, and provide true and accurate marketing information.

The implementation of safety precautions is the top priority of camping, tourism and leisure activities. The Opinions pointed out that camping operators should strictly comply with the safety management requirements of fire control, food, health, ecological environment protection, disaster prevention, gas and other aspects. Avoid camping activities in wild scenic spots that have not been officially developed and opened to receive tourists, lack of security, and private scenic spots that operate in violation of regulations.

Improve the overall benefit of the whole industry chain

"The development of the camping industry is a crucial aspect for the overall recovery of China's entire consumer market." Zhang Yi, chief analyst of iMedia Consulting, said in an interview with reporters, "The biggest feature of the camping economy is that it can stimulate the consumption of local and surrounding tourism. Camping consumption is different from long-distance travel. Its consumption frequency is high and participation is also high. Families and children, relatives and friends, and family members can join in. They can spend many times a year. Especially for urban consumer groups, the camping consumption demand is very extensive and high-frequency, which has a very obvious pulling effect on the upstream and downstream industries. "

Zhang Yi further said to reporters: "When talking about camping economy, we can't just focus on those tents, tables and chairs. In fact, camping economy can be divided into direct market scale and driving market scale. For example, it is more convenient to drive to the surrounding cities for camping. If you don't have a car, do you want to buy one? Even if you have a car, if you find camping equipment can't fit, do you need to change an SUV? Have some food and drink when camping. Do you have to arrange the prepared dishes? Do you want to bring some local products and hand gifts around? These are all driving the consumer market. "

Zhang Yi believes that the issuance of the Opinions is timely and is of great importance to the healthy development of the industry. "The Opinions clearly stated that tourism should play a leading role, promote the coordinated development of all links in the upstream and downstream industrial chain of camping tourism and leisure, strengthen the integration and innovation of business types, and improve the overall efficiency of the whole industrial chain. In the future, the camping economy will develop towards a diversified and innovative path, and the camping industry is expected to become a new consumption growth point," he said.

Liu Hanqi also believes that camping, as an indispensable subdivision of the cultural and tourism industry, can be effectively connected and integrated with more relevant industrial ecology through the "camp+" model in the future, such as the furniture and household appliances industry, clothing industry, food industry, etc., to bring markets to the camp with rich content and elements, forming a superimposed economic effect, So as to continuously inject new vitality into the camping economy, improve the comprehensive benefits of the campsite, and effectively promote the sustainable development of the camping market.

label: Guidance

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