Intermediate economist


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Where is the entrance for Hebei 2021 Intermediate Economist Examination?

2021-04-15 17:42:45 Source: Zhonggong Finance Views:

Where is the entrance for Hebei 2021 Intermediate Economist Examination? When is the registration time for Hebei intermediate economist? What are the registration conditions for Hebei intermediate economist exam? Today's editor will introduce relevant contents to you:

 2020 Application Guide for Economist

In 2021, the entrance to apply for the examination of intermediate economists has not yet been opened. According to the requirements of the Personnel Examination Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the qualification examination of economic professional technology will be uniformly applied online nationwide. In order to facilitate the unified implementation of examination registration and related work, candidates must register online and pay online fees through the China Personnel Examination Website (www.cpta. com. cn). Website: (China Personnel Examination Network).

When is the registration time for Hebei intermediate economist?

Time for submission of information for application for preliminary and intermediate examinations: July 30 August 8

What are the registration conditions for Hebei intermediate economist exam?

Those who meet one of the following conditions can register for the intermediate economic professional technical qualification examination:

(1) Graduated from senior high school (including senior high school, technical secondary school, vocational high school and technical school) and obtained the technical qualification of primary economic specialty, and has been engaged in relevant professional work for at least 10 years;

(2) Have a college degree and have been engaged in relevant professional work for at least 6 years;

(3) Have a bachelor's degree or bachelor's degree, and have been engaged in relevant professional work for at least 4 years;

(4) Have a second bachelor's degree or graduate class, and have been engaged in relevant professional work for at least 2 years;

(5) Have a master's degree and have been engaged in relevant professional work for at least 1 year;

(6) Have a doctor's degree.

Note: Graduates from intermediate class, senior class and preparatory technician (technician) class of technical colleges and universities should register for corresponding examinations according to their technical secondary school, junior college and undergraduate degrees.

The education or degree required in the relevant registration conditions refers to the formal education or degree recognized by the national education administrative department. Therefore, whether you have full-time or part-time education, you can apply as long as you meet the corresponding working years.

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(Editor in charge: ljn72372)