Intermediate economist


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At the beginning of 2020, the entrance of the computer test simulation answer system for intermediate economists will be directly connected to the official website

2020-09-02 14:46:34 Source: Zhonggong Finance Views:

Great discovery! Recently, a small editor found that the China Personnel Examination Network opened the computer test simulation system for intermediate economists in early 2020. What is the entry method of the computer test simulation system for intermediate economists? Where is the official website entrance? Zhonggong economist I have sorted out relevant questions and answers for you. Let's have a look!

 Computer Test Simulation System for Economists

How to enter the official computer test simulation system for intermediate economists in early 2020?

The way to enter the computer test simulation system for the official junior and intermediate economists is actually very simple. Students who do not understand it, may as well follow the steps of Xiao Bian to operate it together.

Step 1: Enter China Personnel Examination Network ( )

 Computer Test Simulation System for Junior and Intermediate Economists

Photo source: China Personnel Examination Network

Step 2: Find in the right side of the page【 Electronic Examination Service Zone 】Column, and click to enter

 Computer Test Simulation System for Junior and Intermediate Economists

Photo source: China Personnel Examination Network

Step 3: Find in the page【 Electronic Examination Service Zone for Junior and Intermediate Economic Professional and Technical Qualifications 】, and click to enter

 Computer Test Simulation System for Junior and Intermediate Economists

Photo source: China Personnel Examination Network

Step 4: Read the system instructions carefully, select and click to enter the corresponding simulation system according to the reported specialty:

 Computer Test Simulation System for Junior and Intermediate Economists

Photo source: China Personnel Examination Network

Step 5: Start simulation and answer

The system will be closed from time to time before the examination of junior and intermediate economists. Therefore, I suggest you hurry up and enter the system in time to complete at least one simulation operation. According to the above tips, students who have not yet been able to access the official simulation system may click the direct train at the entrance of the computer test simulation answering system for junior and intermediate economists below, which can be accessed with one click~

Computer test simulation answering system for junior and intermediate economists

Enter the simulation to answer (official website entry>>>)

That's it At the beginning of 2020, the entrance of the computer test simulation answer system for intermediate economists will be directly connected to the official website The operation guide of the computer simulation system for junior and intermediate economists has been updated. Those who are not clear about it are suggested to enter in advance. The editor wishes everyone a successful start and pass the exam! For more information on the examination of junior and intermediate economists, please pay attention to the website of the examination of junior and intermediate economists, and welcome to join >>>Exchange group of Zhonggong economists preparing for examination Come and find the like-minded partners!

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(Editor in charge: zj48663)