Intermediate economist


Zhonggong Finance > Intermediate economist > Application Guide > Check results

Score check entrance! The results of the intermediate economic examination at the beginning of 2023 have been announced

2023-12-18 10:06:47 Source: Zhonggong Finance Views:
Click on the lower right corner of the page to consult customer service, and you can get the test preparation materials for free! Welcome to join us for more information about intermediate economist's score inquiry, certificate collection and examination information <<  Communication group of Zhonggong economists preparing for examination > > Let's exchange information about economists with more partners. In the wind and rain, we are Zhonggong Economist Examination Network Wait for you!

Candidates log on to the website of China Personnel Examination Network , enter the home page, click the score query button on the left, and select "Economic Professional and Technical Qualification Examination (Junior High School Level)" to query. The editor here wishes you all good results!

The specific operations are as follows:
1. Enter the official website of China Personnel Examination Network( )。
2. Find it on the left side of the website home page "Score query" entrance.

three Enter your name, ID number and verification code , click Query.
4. Access Score page , you can view your exam results.

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