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2021 Senior Economist's Written Examination "Economic Basis" Knowledge Points: What does ownership relationship and ownership form mean

2021-01-11 15:36:54 Source: Zhonggong Finance Views:

In the past 2020, have you applied for the senior economist exam? Whether it is Xiaobai who is new to the workplace or a veteran who has worked hard for a long time, it is an eternal theme to firmly believe and keep moving forward. The year 2021 has come, and the kids who are preparing for this year's economist exam should begin to prepare! It was compiled by Zhonggong Finance and Economics 2021 Senior Economist's Knowledge Points of Economic Basis : Rules of contract performance Teachers who plan to apply for the 2021 senior economist exam should study together~

[Preparation] 2021 Senior Economist's Knowledge of the Economic Foundation: Ownership Relations and Ownership Forms

1. Ownership of means of production

(1) Ownership of means of production

It is an economic category, and its essence is an economic interest relationship. It includes the economic relations in all aspects such as the ownership, possession, domination and use of the means of production by the economic subject. Among the economic relations of ownership, possession, domination and use of the means of production, the ownership relationship or ownership relationship is the most basic economic relationship, which determines the nature of the ownership of the means of production and, to a large extent, the way of possession, domination and use of the means of production.

The ownership of the means of production is the basis of the socio-economic system, which defines the nature of the socio-economic system. Therefore, different modes of production are always associated with different forms of ownership. For example, the capitalist mode of production is linked to the capitalist ownership of the means of production, while the socialist mode of production is based on the public ownership of the means of production.

(2) Property ownership

After the economic ownership of the means of production came into being, it must be manifested in the legal relationship. Property ownership is the basic legal expression of the economic relationship of ownership of means of production. As the ownership of means of production is a system of ownership relations, property ownership is not simply a question of who owns the property, but refers to the right of property owners to possess, use, benefit from and dispose of their own property within the scope prescribed by law. That is to say, the property ownership includes the right of possession, the right of use, the right of income and the right of disposition. The four rights contained in property ownership can not only be concentrated in the same economic subject, but also be separated in different forms. It is precisely because of the unity and decomposition of the various functions of ownership that different forms of ownership or economic forms of the same nature may exist.

2. Ownership form of means of production

According to the composition of property owners, ownership can be divided into three basic forms of property ownership: private ownership, public ownership and mixed ownership.

(1) Private ownership

It refers to a form of ownership in which the means of production and labor products belong to private ownership, including individual ownership of workers and private capitalist ownership.

--The basic feature of individual ownership is that the means of production are owned by the workers themselves, mainly relying on individual labor for production and operation, and the products and income produced are owned by the workers themselves. Individual ownership is a form of private ownership that exists in several societies but does not dominate under any social conditions. In the primary stage of socialism in China, it is subordinate to the socialist public economy.

--Private capitalist ownership is a form of private ownership of means of production based on private ownership of means of production and wage labour. In China, the private economy belongs to this form of ownership. Because of the existence of wage labor relations in this economic form, it is a form of ownership with the nature of capitalist exploitation.

(2) Public ownership

It is a form of ownership in which workers form communities in different areas and jointly own the means of production and labor products. At the present stage of our country, public ownership has two basic forms: ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people.

--Ownership by the whole people is a form of socialist public ownership in which the means of production and labor products belong to all workers. At the present stage in China, ownership by the whole people has taken the form of national ownership. In connection with this, the economy owned by the whole people is also a state-owned economy.

--Collective ownership is a form of socialist public ownership in which the means of production and labor products belong to the common ownership of some workers. In China, there are many forms of collective ownership. Typical collective ownership has such characteristics: (1) the four rights of possession, use, income and disposal contained in property ownership are basically concentrated in collective units; (2) Collective economic units operate independently and assume sole responsibility for their own profits and losses. The amount of workers' income depends entirely on the production and operation of the unit; (3) The leaders of a collective economic unit are democratically elected by the workers of the unit. Typical collective ownership mainly exists in industry, commerce, transportation and service industries in cities and towns. Another form of collective ownership is the two-tier management system, which is based on household contract management and combines unified and decentralized management, widely existing in China's rural areas, namely the household contract responsibility system.

(3) Mixed ownership

It is an economic form of mixed ownership of public property and private property caused by the recombination of various forms of ownership. This combination occurs between economic entities with different forms of ownership, such as state ownership and collective ownership, public ownership and private ownership, Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises, etc. Mixed ownership breaks the single. Private ownership, public ownership and mixed ownership are the three basic forms of ownership of means of production in China at this stage.

3. Diversification of public ownership is the inevitable trend of China's economic development and reform

The public economy includes not only the state-owned economy and the collective economy, but also the state-owned and collective components of the mixed ownership economy. That is to say, the part owned by the state and the collective in Sino foreign joint ventures, Sino foreign cooperative ventures, joint-stock enterprises and other enterprises, of course, belongs to the nature of the public economy; The joint-stock cooperative economy, which is mainly composed of workers' capital contribution and labor output, belongs to the collective economy; The joint-stock enterprises controlled by the state and the collective have obvious public ownership. "The realization forms of public ownership can and should be diversified. All business methods and organizational forms that reflect the law of socialized mass production can be boldly used." With the deepening of state-owned and collective economic reform, the development of diversified ownership economies, and the diversification of investment subjects, the realization forms of public ownership will certainly become more diversified.

The diversification of the realization forms of public ownership is an inevitable trend of China's economic development and economic reform. Because: First, the unbalanced development of productivity in the primary stage of socialism has led to different levels of socialization of public owned enterprises in different industries and fields, different sizes of enterprises, different complexity of internal division of labor and collaboration, and different relationships among owners, operators, and workers, Thus, the realization forms of these public enterprises should also be different. Second, at this stage, China cannot realize the common possession of all workers of the means of production of the whole society. Workers can only combine the enterprise with the public means of production within a certain range, that is, they can only achieve the direct possession of the public means of production within a certain range, and the joint possession beyond a certain range can only be achieved through a certain principal-agent relationship. Therefore, the realization form of public ownership will be different due to the difference of its direct possession scope, and also due to the difference of the principal-agent relationship. Third, under the condition of socialist market economy, different ownership economies will integrate in mutual competition and common development, which will also lead to the diversification of the realization forms of public ownership. All forms of realization of public ownership that are conducive to the development of public ownership economy and socialized mass production should be used, and as pointed out at the 15th National Congress, "efforts should be made to find forms of realization of public ownership that can greatly promote the development of productive forces."

4. Encourage, support and guide the development of non-public economy

The non-public economy in the primary stage of socialism mainly includes the non-public sector of the individual economy, private economy and mixed ownership economy.

The status and role of non-public economy: non-public economy is an important part of China's socialist market economy

First, the development of non-public economy plays an important role in building the micro main body of socialist market economy.

Second, the development of non-public economy, especially the entry of foreign capital economy, can provide reference for exploring the realization forms of public economy, and can also provide space and opportunities for developing various realization forms of public economy.

Third, the development of the non-public sector of the economy is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of various sectors, making full use of social funds and introducing foreign capital, making up for the lack of construction funds, increasing jobs and expanding employment through multiple channels.

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