Intermediate economist


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What kind of candidates are suitable for junior economists?

2023-09-14 09:29:33 Source: Zhonggong Finance Views:
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Generally speaking, an economist is a person who "engages in economy" in all walks of life. Recently, provinces, cities and regions have successively released the announcement of the 2023 Economist Examination. The registration time is in July and August, and the examination time is in November. As the saying goes, "more skills do not pressure the body", in fact, "more evidence" also does not pressure the body.

 Methods for preparing economists for examination

The examination subjects for junior economists include: Basic Economic Knowledge and Professional Knowledge and Practice. Professional Knowledge and Practice is highly professional because it is divided into 10 professional categories, including business administration, finance, insurance, transportation economy, agricultural economy, human resources management, tourism economy, construction and real estate economy, intellectual property rights, finance and taxation, The certificate is highly recognized.

So what kind of candidates are suitable for junior economists?

1、 Registration conditions

According to the Regulations on Economic Professional and Technical Qualifications and the Measures for the Implementation of Economic Professional and Technical Qualifications Examination, anyone who is engaged in economic professional work and has a high school degree or above recognized by the national education department can apply for the primary economic professional and technical qualification examination. The educational background above senior high school referred to in the Implementation Measures includes those of senior high school, technical secondary school, vocational high school and technical school.

In other words, candidates who have graduated from high school and are willing to take the junior economist exam can apply for the exam.

2、 Development prospect

First, as a "professional title" certificate, junior economist is very popular in some enterprises, institutions, universities and banks. After obtaining the professional title of junior economist, you can achieve promotion and salary increase through rank assessment. You can not only get a subsidy for the economist certificate, but also sometimes become a stepping stone to future career promotion.

Second, in some developed cities, having a junior economist can also add points to the "point settlement" policy. For example, 20 points can be accumulated if Tianjin has the junior professional title of economist in the points settlement policy; In the Shenzhen points settlement policy, 80 points can be scored if you have a junior college degree and a junior economist title, and 90 points can be scored if you have a part-time undergraduate degree and a junior economist title; 40 points can be accumulated if you have the junior professional title of economist in the Hangzhou points settlement policy; In the Nanjing points settlement policy, 80 points can be accumulated if you have the junior professional title of economist.

Third, some regional human resources and social security bureaus will directly give cash subsidies and rewards after passing the economist exam. For example, the subsidy for junior economists in Jinan, Shandong Province and Mianyang, Sichuan Province is 1000 yuan, and the subsidy for junior economists in Hainan Province is 800 yuan.

To sum up, we can see that the entry threshold for junior economists is relatively low, but the development prospect is very good. If you just have the vision of promotion and salary increase or the need to settle points, you can apply for junior economists. I wish the candidates who apply for the junior economist exam in 2021 a smooth pass.

Summary of Frequently Asked Questions for the 2023 Economist Examination Registration

Summary of registration time and entrance of 2023 National Economist Examination

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