Notice of Zigong Municipal People's Government Office on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan of Zigong City to Further Promote the Consumption and Promotion of New Energy Vehicles (2024-2025)
Source: Zigong Municipal People's Government Office Category: Other municipal documents Published: 2024-05-21 read: second
ZFBF [2024] No. 15
People's governments of all districts and counties, management committees of high-tech zones, and relevant municipal departments:
The Implementation Plan of Zigong City to Further Promote the Consumption and Promotion of New Energy Vehicles (2024-2025) has been approved by the municipal government and is now printed and distributed to you. Please carefully organize the implementation according to the actual situation.
Zigong Municipal People's Government Office
May 13, 2024

Implementation Plan of Zigong City to Further Promote the Consumption and Promotion of New Energy Vehicles (2024-2025)

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, implement the major strategic decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, accelerate urban green transformation and improve commodity consumption, according to the New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) (GBF [2020] No. 39) issued by the General Office of the State Council This plan is formulated in the spirit of the "Electric Sichuan" Action Plan (2022-2025) (CBF [2022] No. 34) and other documents issued by the General Office of the Provincial People's Government in combination with the actual situation of our city.
1、 Target Task
By the end of 2024, the number of new energy vehicles and charging infrastructure in our city will be significantly improved. The number of new energy vehicles will exceed 16000, and the ratio of public (private) charging pile vehicles will reach 10:1. By the end of 2025, the consumption promotion and application of new energy vehicles will have achieved substantial results, the level of electric substitution will be significantly improved, the number of new energy vehicles will exceed 23200, and the ratio of public (private) charging pile vehicles will reach 9:1.
2、 Key work
(1) We will expand the consumption of new energy vehicles.
1. Expand the sales body of new energy vehicles. Support new energy vehicle sales enterprises to establish new sales companies in Zigong. Encourage district and county governments and the management committee of the high-tech zone to introduce new energy vehicle leading enterprise sales companies or after-sales service companies. [ Responsible units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, district and county governments (including the High tech Zone Management Committee, the same below). The leading unit is before the comma, the same below]
2. Continue to implement preferential tax policies for new energy vehicles. Consumers who purchase new energy vehicles will continue to implement the national policy, that is, new energy vehicles purchased from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025 will be exempted from vehicle purchase tax, of which the tax exemption for each new energy passenger vehicle will not exceed 30000 yuan. (Responsible unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau, all district and county governments)
3. Exploit the consumption potential of new energy vehicles. Support individual consumers to purchase new energy vehicles from auto sales enterprises registered in Zigong. Strengthen publicity and guidance, improve the green and low-carbon awareness of citizens and enterprises, and encourage the purchase and use of new energy vehicles. Encourage new energy vehicle sales enterprises to implement consumption stimulus policies such as "old for new", and tap the consumption potential of new energy vehicles. We will implement the Action Plan for Promoting the Trade in of Consumer Goods (SWF [2024] No. 58) issued by 14 departments including the Ministry of Commerce, and encourage the elimination and upgrading of old vehicles to new energy vehicles. (Responsible units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, district and county governments)
4. Carry out new energy vehicles to promote consumption. Encourage key new energy vehicle enterprises and associations in our city to carry out centralized exhibition and sales activities such as entering business districts and progressing streets. Encourage key new energy vehicle sales enterprises to strengthen docking with large well-known e-commerce platforms and expand new energy vehicle sales channels. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, all district and county governments)
(2) Improve the supporting network of infrastructure.
5. Prepare supporting infrastructure planning. Accelerate the formulation of a special plan for Zigong's charging (replacement) infrastructure that is coordinated with the territorial and spatial planning, and clarify the construction scale, layout and distribution of public (special) charging piles and centralized charging (replacement) power stations. Rong County and Fushun County shall prepare special plans or work plans for the charging infrastructure of electric vehicles in their respective jurisdictions with reference to municipal planning. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Natural Resources and Resources Planning Bureau, State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company, Municipal Transportation Bureau, and all district and county governments)
6. Improve the network of public charging (changing) facilities. Focus on promoting the construction of parking lots with charging facilities for new energy vehicles in public places such as business districts, hospitals and tourist distribution centers. Accelerate the construction of power charging (replacement) infrastructure for national and provincial trunk roads and other transportation hubs, actively strive for the upper level, and improve the power charging (replacement) infrastructure of highways within the jurisdiction of our city. In principle, the parking spaces with fast charging piles or reserved installation conditions in each service area shall not be less than 10% of the parking spaces for small buses. Encourage qualified gas stations to build public charging infrastructure. New business districts, hospitals, tourist distribution centers and other public places shall be equipped with parking lots and public parking lots with charging facilities, and the parking spaces with charging facilities shall not be less than 20% of the total parking spaces. Existing public places shall be encouraged to make the parking spaces with charging facilities not less than 20% of the total parking spaces through reconstruction. Encourage charging infrastructure to sink into villages and towns. By 2025, no less than 5 charging service stations in central villages and towns will be built. According to the actual promotion and application of new energy vehicles, encourage the construction pattern of new public charging facilities with DC charging piles as the main and AC charging piles as the auxiliary. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Municipal Bureau of Transport, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, Municipal Commission of Health, District and County Governments)
7. Strengthen the construction of charging facilities in the community. The exclusive parking space in the new residential area shall reserve the installation conditions for the charging pile of new energy vehicles at the proportion of 100%. Relevant functional departments shall supervise the approval and acceptance of new residential projects according to law. The construction of charging piles will be included in the reconstruction scope of old communities. The old communities where residents are willing to transform and have conditions will be built in a centralized manner. Other communities can build public charging facilities in a regional, relatively centralized and nearby manner. The charging operation enterprises are encouraged to accept the entrustment of the owners, build the public charging piles in the residential communities in the way of "unified construction and management", and provide services such as charging pile construction, operation and maintenance. According to the actual needs and site construction conditions, the built residential communities support the power expansion and reconstruction of communities, and clarify the action goals, key tasks and promotion timing. Research and formulate the installation process of new energy vehicle charging infrastructure equipment in residential communities that conform to the actual situation of our city, reduce the processing time limit, and facilitate consumers. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban Rural Development, State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company, district and county governments)
8. Improve the charging facilities in the unit and the park. We will promote the construction of charging infrastructure for government agencies, public institutions and parks. The proportion of exclusive charging parking spaces for newly built parking lots in government agencies, enterprises and institutions, state-owned enterprises, industrial parks, etc. shall not be less than 20%; By 2025, the proportion of exclusive charging parking spaces in existing parking lots will not be less than 20%. The charging facilities in the units and parks are mainly DC fast charging, supplemented by intelligent, orderly and slow charging, and are encouraged to open to the society at off peak times to further improve the service capacity of public charging network. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Municipal Office Affairs Administration, and all district and county governments)
9. Strengthen the supporting power grid guarantee capability. When formulating the special plan for distribution network, the new construction and transformation projects of the supporting grid for charging infrastructure will be included in the plan, and support will be given in terms of land security, corridor access, etc; Gradually improve the transformation and upgrading of rural power grids and household voltage stability. Open a green channel for charging infrastructure installation and capacity increase, optimize processes, simplify procedures, and complete within a limited time to ensure fast and barrier free access to charging infrastructure. In combination with the actual situation and user demand, scientifically predict the power demand, do a good job in the transformation of supporting power supply facilities, improve the reliability of the grid, and ensure the power supply of charging and changing facilities. (Responsible unit: State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company, all district and county governments)
(3) We will promote new energy for vehicles in the public sector.
10. Promote the renewal and application of new energy vehicles in the field of official vehicles. The government procurement of new energy vehicles will be strengthened. In principle, all new energy vehicles will be used by Party and government organs, public institutions and state-owned enterprises at all levels in the city, except for special purpose vehicles and special areas. Party and government organs at all levels, state-owned enterprises and public institutions in the city shall give priority to the service provider for renting official vehicles with new energy vehicles among the vehicles that can be leased, and shall give priority to renting new energy vehicles. (Responsible units: Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Municipal Authority Affairs Administration Bureau, all district and county governments)
11. Accelerate the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in the taxi field. Encourage and guide enterprises to apply new energy vehicles in the field of cruise taxis. Encourage online booking taxis to use new energy vehicles when adding and replacing vehicles. By 2025, the city will strive to reach 400 new energy taxis. (Responsible unit: Municipal Transportation Bureau, district and county governments)
12. Promote the alternative purchase of new energy vehicles in the field of buses. Encourage the purchase of new energy buses. In principle, all new and updated buses in the city will use new energy buses. Encourage the use of new energy vehicles for medium and short distance passenger transport and rural passenger transport. By 2025, 100 new energy buses and passenger cars will be added and replaced in the city. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, district and county governments)
13. Increase the proportion of new energy vehicles in municipal, logistics and other fields. Constantly increase the proportion of new energy vehicles in sanitation vehicles, urban logistics vehicles and other vehicles, and more than 80% of newly purchased light sanitation vehicles use new energy vehicles; Enterprises are encouraged to give priority to new energy vehicles when adding and replacing large sanitation vehicles and waste soil transport vehicles. Guide the express delivery and logistics industry to gradually update to new energy logistics vehicles, and strive to reach 20% of new energy vehicles in the new and updated vehicles in the urban logistics distribution field, and constantly expand the coverage of new energy vehicles. (Responsible units: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau, Municipal Postal Administration, and district and county governments)
(4) Optimize the supporting services for the use of new energy vehicles.
14. Encourage financial institutions to increase credit support. Make full use of monetary and credit policies, encourage financial institutions to support the consumption of new energy vehicles, explore the establishment of credit guarantee and other mechanisms, and constantly improve the purchase rate of new energy vehicles. (Responsible unit: Zigong Branch of the People's Bank of China, all district and county governments)
15. Optimize new energy vehicle insurance services. Guide insurance institutions to continuously optimize the supply of insurance services, actively do a good job in underwriting and claims settlement, make full use of insurance integration, and achieve wide coverage of new energy vehicle risks. Insurance institutions are encouraged to actively support the promotion and application of local new energy vehicles and implement preferential insurance premiums for new energy vehicles according to local conditions. (Responsible unit: Zigong Supervision Branch of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, all district and county governments)
16. Optimize the licensing service of new energy vehicles. For new energy vehicles purchased in Zigong, the public security and traffic management departments set up green channels to provide more convenient and high-quality services when handling new vehicle registration and other businesses. (Responsible unit: Municipal Public Security Bureau)
17. Improve parking service of new energy vehicles. New energy vehicles can enjoy free parking service within 2 hours in various parking lots (points) priced by the government. Research and formulate relevant measures to improve the utilization efficiency of public charging parking spaces. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, district and county governments)
18. Grant subsidies for charging infrastructure construction. Promote the implementation of the award and subsidy policy for the construction of new energy charging facilities, and give a one-time subsidy of 40% of the charging equipment investment=quantity × power × cost for charging infrastructure projects that will be completed and accepted from 2023 to 2024. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Finance Bureau, State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company, district and county governments)
19. Improve the service functions of public charging stations. Encourage public charging infrastructure operators to innovate the operation mode, implant catering, retail, leisure and other services, improve the sustainable development capacity of public charging infrastructure, and optimize the service environment. (Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, district and county governments)
20. Improve the property management level of the community. The property company should actively cooperate with and guide consumers to build charging infrastructure in communities where it is possible to build charging infrastructure; For the existing charging infrastructure, the community property should strengthen the inspection of fire safety and other safety issues in accordance with the Regulations on Fire Safety Management of Residential Property in Zigong City, guide consumers to improve their safety awareness, and try to avoid safety accidents in charging facilities. (Responsible units: Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, Municipal Fire Rescue Detachment, State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company, all district and county governments)
3、 Safeguard measures
Further strengthen department cooperation, clarify the division of responsibilities, compact work responsibilities, strengthen information sharing, and ensure the implementation of objectives, tasks and key work. Strengthen publicity and promotion, vigorously promote new energy vehicle related knowledge and policies, improve public awareness and acceptance, and create a good atmosphere for new energy vehicle consumption and promotion.
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