Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education 2017-2018 Academic Year Information Disclosure Annual Report - Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education

Annual Report of Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education on Information Disclosure in 2017-2018 Academic Year

Published on: July 6, 2023 Hits: second

This report is based on the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Government Information Disclosure, the Measures for Information Disclosure of Colleges and Universities《 Notice of the Office of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Annual Report of University Information Disclosure 》(Letter from the Education Office [ two hundred and one eight three hundred and one No.) file Relevant requirements, according to Our hospital two hundred and one seven -201 eight It is composed of the implementation of information disclosure in the academic year, including Overview of information disclosure Active disclosure Disclosure according to application And non disclosure; Comments on information disclosure; Information on the organization, reconsideration and litigation of the College due to its information disclosure work; New practices, new measures, main experiences, problems and next improvement measures for information disclosure this year; Other matters to be reported Parts , attached is the disclosure of the list items The statistical time limit of the data listed in this report is two hundred and one seven year September 1 to 201 eight year August 31.

1、 Overview of information disclosure

In order to implement the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education, ensure that the superior departments courtyard Teaching staff courtyard Students and other social organizations and individuals can effectively acquire me according to law courtyard Information, guarantee the right to know, participate, express, supervise, etc. of the above organizations and individuals, and improve my courtyard Transparency and standardization of work, two hundred and one seven -201 eight School year I courtyard The work mainly includes the following aspects:

(1) The leadership attaches great importance to the publicity and transparency of school information

The leadership of our school has thoroughly learned and understood the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the work of making government affairs public, and continues to adhere to The principle of "taking openness as the norm and non openness as the exception" is to promote the work of information disclosure in accordance with the requirements of "facilitating people, being timely and accurate". On the basis of completing routine tasks, the work will focus on standardizing work processes, innovating ways of openness, strengthening supervision and security, and make the work of information disclosure a continuous deepening of the construction of internal control mechanism, We will work hard to promote the rule of law and democratic governance of schools. In order to improve the information transparency of school work, I courtyard Leaders actively promote the work of information disclosure, and organize personnel to carefully study the "Measures for Information Disclosure of Colleges and Universities" and the spirit of relevant documents of the provincial education department on information disclosure.

(II) Key information disclosure was more standardized. college Official website( http://www.zjtjxy.net/ )Open a column on the home page Rules and regulations Teaching Finance Enrollment and scientific research , Procurement And other key information shall be updated and disclosed in a timely manner to facilitate The whole hospital Teachers, students and the public obtain relevant school running information and supervise college Related work. Through intranet and collaborative office OA System, college Active disclosure of policy documents, awards and awards Recruitment, bidding Overseas publicity and other information college Publicity between teachers and students to fully guarantee their college The right to know and supervise the work of running schools.

(III) The new media features of information disclosure are more prominent. Through learning courtyard On the basis of information disclosure through official websites, bulletin boards and other traditional ways, college Vigorously develop WeChat and other new media information disclosure channels to college The information disclosure channels are more abundant, the information disclosure is more timely, the characteristics are more prominent, and it is convenient for teachers and students, as well as off campus units and individuals to access Our hospital Information.

2、 Active disclosure of information

two hundred and one seven -201 eight Number of information disclosed by the whole school through the school portal in the school year one thousand six hundred and fifty-nine Articles, published through WeChat college Related information three hundred and thirty-eight , reported to the website of the Provincial Disabled Persons' Federation , WeChat total sixty-six Article, report important work information to the Department of Education twenty-three Article.

The College Office is responsible for coordinating the List of Information Disclosure Matters of the College (Appendix 1) Preparation:

essential information 6 items, mainly including the basic information of the school running of the college, the college's articles of association, the compilation of various systems, the relevant systems and reports of the faculty congress, the relevant systems of the academic committee, the college's planning and information disclosure annual report, etc., which are mainly disclosed through the college's official website, intranet platform, the college's WeChat platform and other channels.

Enrollment examination information 5 items, mainly including enrollment brochures, enrollment plans, enrollment channels, enrollment information and other information, which are mainly published through the college enrollment examination website.

Financial, asset and charge information 7 items, including the college's financial asset management system, donations, equipment procurement bidding publicity, budget and final accounts, charging items and basis, etc., which are mainly disclosed through the college's official website, university data collection platform and other relevant platforms. The information related to the annual financial budget and final accounts of the college is mainly disclosed to the relevant departments and faculty of the college through the financial report of the school's teacher's congress and the college's relevant documents.

Personnel teacher information 5 items, mainly including social part-time work of school leaders, school leaders going abroad on business, post setting and employment methods, appointment and dismissal of middle-level cadres in the school and recruitment information, faculty dispute resolution methods and other information, which are mainly published on the official website of the college and the website of the Provincial Disabled Persons' Federation.

Teaching quality information 5 items, mainly including college Information on specialty setting, courses offered and employment promotion of graduates, mainly through College teaching intranet, college official website and other platforms Make public.

Student management service information 4 items, mainly including student status management measures, student awards and grants, tuition fee reduction and exemption, student loans, application and management regulations of work study program, student rewards and punishments, appeal measures and other information, mainly through College official website And the intranet platform.

Information on learning style construction 3 items, mainly including information on academic style building institutions, academic norms and systems, and mechanisms for investigating and punishing academic misconduct, mainly through The college's official website and intranet platform Publicity. In addition, College Organization The Human Resources Department regularly checks the academic papers published by the teachers participating in the professional title evaluation, and punishes the teachers with academic misconduct according to the relevant system. This academic year, college No academic misconduct of teachers was found, and no report on academic misconduct of teachers was received.

The school is a higher vocational college and does not involve information related to degree disciplines.

Foreign exchange and cooperation information 2 items, mainly including college Information on international cooperation in running schools and systems related to the management of international students. The college is a newly established higher vocational college, and the work of foreign exchange and cooperation is in the exploration stage, which has not been carried out at present and is not involved in this work.

College in From May to September 2018, complete the provincial party committee's patrol inspection , related information already According to patrol requirements On the college's official website and WeChat platform Timely disclosure.

college The emergency plan, early warning and disposal information, as well as the investigation and handling of major events are mainly passed college The intranet platform is open to teachers and students. In addition, according to relevant regulations, college Relevant information has been made public within the specified scope through document circulation, information submission, campus notification and other channels.

3、 Disclosure and non disclosure according to application

college The office is responsible for the disclosure of information according to the application. two hundred and one seven -201 eight Academic year, college Not received from the public and college Information disclosure application of teachers and students.

4、 Review, report, review and litigation of information disclosure

two hundred and one seven -201 eight Academic year, college The teachers' representative did not receive any information about college Proposals for information disclosure. Meridional direction college The trade union and some cadres, teachers and students understand that, college Teachers and students college Basically satisfied with the work of information disclosure.

The public and college Teachers and students can directly college The discipline inspection and supervision department and the relevant superior departments make complaints and reports. two hundred and one seven -201 eight Academic year, college No complaints about information disclosure have been received.

5、 Key Experience

In recent years, under the guidance of relevant superior departments, the information disclosure work of the College has been continuously standardized, and the convenience, timeliness and accuracy of information disclosure have been increasingly improved. To sum up, there are mainly the following experiences:

1. Make full use of various technical means to realize the process management of information disclosure. At present, the college has basically realized the electronic circulation of official documents, notices and work. The public and the college's teachers and students can query relevant information at any time through the college's official website, intranet platform and cooperative office OA system. The electronic dissemination of all kinds of information not only ensures the convenience and timely disclosure of information, but also realizes the accurate classification management of information classification.

2. Promote information disclosure in an orderly manner by improving system construction. This academic year, the College further combed the work process of information disclosure, clarified the responsibility of information disclosure, supervision and other related work, and effectively improved the level of information disclosure of the College.

3. Actively give play to the unique advantages of new media and further expand the channels for information disclosure. In addition to the traditional channels, the College has actively developed new media information disclosure channels represented by WeChat, and pushed relevant information closely related to the relationship between teachers and students of the College to the official new media platform at any time. On the one hand, it has significantly improved the timeliness of information disclosure, on the other hand, it has brought closer the relationship with the public and our teachers and students, and achieved close integration of publicity and information disclosure, A good situation of mutual promotion.

six Existing problems and improvement measures

With the in-depth development of information disclosure, college Teachers, students and the public have higher and higher requirements for information disclosure courtyard There are still some shortcomings in the work of information disclosure, which need to be improved and perfected continuously. The main shortcomings are : college Information disclosure System to be established and information to be disclosed The construction of websites and other platforms needs to be further improved, and the supervision and assessment mechanism of information disclosure needs to be further improved. The next improvement measures are:

one . Strengthening information Open system Manage and organize relevant departments to revise the Implementation Measures for School Information Disclosure. Properly handle the relationship between information disclosure and information confidentiality, standardize the management of information resources, and improve the efficiency of information use.

two . Strengthen the supervision of information disclosure, regularly or irregularly organize the inspection of information disclosure, timely report the inspection, and ensure the implementation of information disclosure.

three . Expand information disclosure channels, use new media such as official microblog, short message platform, official WeChat official account, etc., regularly release all kinds of information, accept the consultation and supervision of teachers, students and the public.

Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education

two hundred and one eight year eleven month nine day

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