The second batch of candidates for the 2024 independent entrance examination for the disabled will be announced - Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education

The second batch of candidates for the 2024 independent entrance examination for the disabled will be announced

Published on: May 16, 2024 Hits: second

Dear candidates

It is hereby announced that our school two hundred and two four Individual entrance examination for the disabled in second batch Proposed admission result , Candidate Immediate start and end May twenty day one two Log in to the enrollment system at( )Check your admission status and complete the confirmation procedures as required. Candidate admission status is "To be admitted", if the examinee chooses "Confirm to study", he or she will be formally admitted by our university Cannot be re admitted by other universities Candidate selection If you "give up studying", you will not be admitted by our university You can choose other universities Candidates to be admitted have one and only one choice, and once the admission status is confirmed, it is not allowed to change , it is recommended that the examinee use the computer terminal to log in, and choose carefully after full consideration

Vacancies due to individual candidates giving up admission, Our school The students will be admitted from the highest to the lowest according to the total score. Admission status is Candidates waiting for additional entry Please be patient Our school does not provide telephone inquiry, please make your own Follow the official website and official WeChat Notice contact number: 0571-86571616。

Warm reminder: Candidates participate in many colleges and universities. If they are admitted by many colleges and universities , examinees can only confirm one of the schools, otherwise once it is found that the examinee has confirmed two or more schools, the admission qualification of the examinee will be cancelled. Candidates who fail to confirm within the specified time shall be deemed to have automatically given up their qualification for admission.

Enrollment of Zhejiang Vocational College of Special Education Employment Office

     20 two four year five month sixteen day

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