
all covered in ice ad snow What does a pilgrim mean(

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Asceticism is a popular way of practice in India. There are often ascetic monks who are unkempt and dressed in rags. They carry a tripod representing Shiva and recite ancient scriptures while walking. The ascetic monk must endure the things that ordinary people think are painful, such as cutting off food or even water for a long time, lying on a bed full of nails, walking on hot charcoal, enduring extreme heat and cold, etc., to exercise endurance and alienation. The reason why ascetic monks are called ascetic monks is that they regard their bodies as the carriers of sins, which are smelly skins
Everything I do is silent, bitter and sweet, and more of my own heartache.

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Kick the Heavenly Well - What does a pilgrim mean(

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 What is the meaning of pilgrim (another name for Buddhist monk)