Mp3 song >> Li Minglin >> My Hero
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Li Minglin's album: Good Boy

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Album Introduction

This song was written by Minglin when his family experienced ups and downs a few years ago. At that time, Hongyi was only 12 years old and was still an ignorant child. Minglin and his mother had to bear the burden of the family. Minglin was a music writer. Although he set out from Beijing in summer to start a journey of collecting folk songs, he only took 1500 yuan with him and walked about 5000 kilometers by train and bus, Through Changsha, Zhangjiajie, Phoenix, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xichang, Lijiang and finally arrive in Xishuangbanna

What impressed me most on the way was the scene of the Miao village. Of course, the Haonanwa was also created under the warm hospitality of the Miao people. "A Haonanwa in the valley" was about the scene of crossing a water hole by boat. At that time, there was a couple of Miao families on the boat, who were the father and mother of the child, Their harmonious smile and sense of happiness prompted Minglin to write down the lyrics of his songs, which were loved by his parents

Creation is a very magical thing. When you walk on the road, your melody will be pleasing to the environment and germinate with your mood. The meaning of perfecting this song is to express the love of all men for great women. We are moved by the love of our mother, warm for the love of our wife, and moved by the love of our daughter.

Four years later, this chance can be said to be a coincidence arranged by God. The song that originally wrote my father and my brother's heart should sing with my brother at such a time. It can be said to be an arrangement of God~We are based on love, born for love, keep love in our hearts, and spread the love of good boys all over the world~

Track List

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