open an umbrella

(Li Meng) From Li Meng 's album:《 open an umbrella
Li Meng This album has 1 song in total, open an umbrella It's the first song. Click here to see more Li Meng's Sweet Song

open an umbrella

open an umbrella
Holding an umbrella - Li Meng
Lyrics: small
Composer: Li Meng, a wandering music creation team
Song arranger: Wang Hanyi
Guitar: Yan Zifeng
Pipa: Zhao Dan
Bamboo flute: Ma Fanggeng
Recording: Zhao Jie
Mixing: stevev chen
Music producer: Wang Hanyi
Planning&distribution: Huang Xin
Supervised by: Song Chengcheng
Producer: Fei Gang
Production company: Beijing Urban Rural Travel Culture and Art Co., Ltd. (TCC International)
The evening wind blew across the lake
Crossing the sea of people just to see you
Emotional lines engraved in the palm
Seems to be waiting for your appearance
The rain falls on the hair
My heart has always stayed with you
No matter how we exchange day and night
All give you warm happiness
Two people holding an umbrella
Hand in hand, slowly walk away
Suddenly fell in love with this rainy day
Fall in love with your evening
Two people holding an umbrella
Go to our promised forever
Walk around the scenery all the way
Come to each other for warmth in the future
The rain falls on the hair
My heart has always stayed with you
No matter how we exchange day and night
All give you warm happiness
Two people holding an umbrella
Hand in hand, slowly walk away
Suddenly fell in love with this rainy day
Fall in love with your evening
Two people holding an umbrella
Go to our promised forever
Walk around the scenery all the way
Come to each other for warmth in the future
Two people holding an umbrella
Hand in hand, slowly walk away
Suddenly fell in love with this rainy day
Fall in love with your evening
Two people holding an umbrella
Go to our promised forever
Walk around the scenery all the way
Come to each other for warmth in the future
Special tips:
The song you are currently listening to is open an umbrella
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