Song of Xipu Village

(Lu Yanyun) From Lu Yanyun 's album:《 Song of Xipu Village
Lu Yanyun This album has 1 song in total, Song of Xipu Village It's the first song. Click here to see more Lu Yanyun's Beautiful Song

Song of Xipu Village

Song of Xipu Village
Song of Xipu Village
Singer: Lu Yanyun
Lyrics: Lu Yanyun
Composer: Flying Fox (Huang Kaizao)
Produced by: Kuoyi Cultural Media
Sanyong Jiaying Temple, Kowloon
The Liu brothers control the water demon
The first lift of golden sedan in March
Master, bless you and be safe
The alley bends in rows
Can't get out after three days
Yangtou Salty Water Sweet Yangwei
Sweet and salty life
Painting in Paddy Field
Xipu people are smart
Xipu bench dance dragon
Taurus Phoenix Becomes an Online Celebrity
Xipu people love hard work
Xipu people love life
A bowl of red wine is refreshing
They all praise the good policies of the Party
The alley bends in rows
Can't get out after three days
Yangtou Salty Water Sweet Yangwei
Sweet and salty life
Painting in Paddy Field
Xipu people are smart
Xipu bench dance dragon
Taurus Phoenix Becomes an Online Celebrity
Xipu people love hard work
Xipu people love life
A bowl of red wine is refreshing
They all praise the good policies of the Party
Painting in Paddy Field
Xipu people are smart
Xipu bench dance dragon
Taurus Phoenix Becomes an Online Celebrity
Xipu people love hard work
Xipu people love life
A bowl of red wine is refreshing
They all praise the good policies of the Party
They all praise the good policies of the Party
Hello, come and go to Xinqiao to drive the polder
Come to Xipu --- eat wine with fish
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