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 X Download - X Download and install the latest mobile version v10.5.0


  • Software version: v10.5.0
  • Running environment: Android
  • Software size: 106.6MB
  • Type: Social chat
  • Application language: Simplified Chinese
  • Updated on: 2024-06-18 11:18:15
  • label: X software chat interaction social contact

X App It is a social chat software. This software is very convenient to use. It is convenient for users to have the best communication at any time. It is really practical. To provide users with a different chat experience, you can make more relevant choices here. Bring real-time news reading to users. Come and download the experience!

X function

1. Social websites can let you meet many like-minded people, and it is no longer difficult to make friends on the Internet.

2. The latest edition includes topics you can participate in, so you don't have to worry about loneliness.

3. The online dating application targeting teenagers collects a large number of interesting topics and communicates with netizens.

4. Start with the topic, and let you share some information about special topics, so that strangers can open the topic more easily and efficiently.

5. The latest version allows you to communicate with similar people. May you no longer be lonely and expand your friendship circle.

6. You won't lack friends. You can talk with them. They are your good partners. There will be many new topics every day.

X Features

-Publish global posts and join the public dialogue

-Keep abreast of the latest news and follow the content you are interested in

-Keep an eye on developments through the additional background information provided by the community notes

-Use space for audio or video live broadcast

-Use private messages for private communication

-Subscribe to X Premium, expand your coverage, get blue check marks, etc

-Create exclusive content for paying subscribers and earn a living by sharing the advertising revenue you reply to

-Create and join communities with sports, music and technology as topics and interests

-Upload and watch videos up to 3 hours

-Write and read essays and blog posts of the same length

-Keep direct communication with customers to help the enterprise develop

How to set Chinese

1. Open Twitter, log in to your account, find the "More" button in the lower left corner of the interface, and click it.

2. After arriving at the following interface, please click the "Settings and Privacy" section.

3. In this step, please find and click the "Accessibility, Display and Language" section.

4. Next, click on the "Language" option.

5. At this time, you will enter the language selection interface and click the "Display Language" button again.

6. In this step, you can select Simplified Chinese and click it.

7. After selecting the language, click the "Save" button to confirm the language you want to switch.

8. After switching, you will see the Chinese interface.

X Advantages

1. It brings together a group of young bachelors with the goal of making friends and receiving orders better.

2. Share good times with friends, and record them and the small pieces of life one by one.

3. More social circles and discussion areas are provided. If you are interested, you can enter them directly.

4. In this circle, you can communicate with other netizens and make the same friends.

X Recommendation reason

1. Provide high-quality popular information and excellent user opinions, and publish the cooperation information within the industry.

2. Actively seek new business partners, release activities, register, manage, and facilitate the release of exhibitions, making friends and other activities.

3. We will strive to build an open social platform with time as its connotation, and provide users around the world with online, interactive, and communication.

4. Through this platform, we can learn the latest news and events, and create a more colorful Internet world for users.

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Software screenshot

  •  X Figure 1
  •  X Figure 2
  •  X Figure 3
  •  X Figure 4
  • X Software Collection
  1.  X Software Collection X Software Collection

    X software is a newly upgraded Twitter software. Its function and operation interface are newly upgraded. Some friends added by users before will not be affected. The small editor brings the collection of x software to everyone. The official version of x software, the latest version of x software The Android version of x software is the most popular among players. The free interaction experience of multi player friends is quite good. Players can query various game messages, and the free interaction experience of player friends in different regions is very good. Users can freely discuss various things, and there are many forms of chat that are unlimited, Users across the country can simply use the software for social chat.

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