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fifteen billion nine hundred and one million four hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and two

 What subjects will the in-service graduate students of finance take in 2022?
brief introduction Introduction

Although there is a strong demand for financial talents now, the threshold is also gradually rising, so many people choose to apply for in-service postgraduate studies in finance for better development. In order to facilitate everyone to better apply for the exam, the following is an introduction: What subjects do on-the-job graduate students of finance take the exam in?

What subjects do part-time on-the-job postgraduate students of finance take part in

On the job postgraduate in finance This way of registration is to take the exam first and then study. The exam standard is the same as that of full-time graduate students. There are national joint exam and college reexamination. The subjects of the National Joint Examination include Ideological and Political Theory, English II, Mathematics III, and Comprehensive Finance; In general, the subjects for the second round examination of colleges and universities are oral English and listening, professional foreign languages, professional courses and professional integration. For details, please consult online teachers.

Which subjects should be taken by the in-service graduate students of Shen Shuo with the same academic level in finance

Compared with the former, this way of enrollment for in-service graduate students in finance is to enter without examination. The examinations involved include the completion examination and the master application examination. Among them, the subjects of the final examination are the professional courses learned, which are arranged by the university; The Shenshuo exam is a national unified exam. The subjects of the exam include foreign languages and subject integration. The full score is 100. As long as the score of each subject reaches 60, you can pass the exam.

What are the subjects for the master's degree of finance in Sino foreign cooperative education

This way of enrollment for in-service graduate students in finance can be exempted from the joint examination. The colleges and universities recruit students independently. The examination subjects are not fixed. The general examination of professional knowledge is subject to the announcement of the colleges and universities.


in summary, On the job postgraduate in finance Which subjects to take the exam is related to the way of registration. If you choose part-time graduate students, the subjects of the national joint examination include ideological and political theory, English II, mathematics III, and finance integration, and the subjects of the college second examination include foreign language spoken and listening, professional foreign languages, professional courses, and professional integration; If you choose to apply for a master's degree with the same academic level, the final exam is a professional course, and the application for a master's degree is a comprehensive examination of foreign languages and disciplines; If you choose Sino foreign cooperation in running a master's degree, the examination subject is professional knowledge.

What subjects do on-the-job graduate students of finance take part in Hot Spots

Which subjects should be taken online by in-service postgraduate students of finance

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