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On the job postgraduate examination subjects of enterprise management

Source: Yulu On the job Postgraduate Network Time: 09:00:54, June 12, 2019

Enterprise management is one of the management majors, and you should apply for the exam On the job graduate student of enterprise management Graduation can obtain a certificate recognized by the state, and on-the-job postgraduates of this major can apply for the examination by applying for a master's degree with the same academic qualifications and part-time postgraduates. Moreover, the subjects of the two kinds of examinations are different. In addition, part-time graduate students are also divided into professional masters and academic masters, and their examination subjects are also different. Here's a detailed introduction.

 On the job graduate student of enterprise management

1、 Examination subjects for applying for master degree with the same academic level in enterprise management:

Apply for the exam by applying for the master degree with the same academic level On the job graduate student of enterprise management You do not need to take an exam when you enter the university, but you need to take an exam when you apply for a master's degree.

Specific subjects: Foreign Language+Business Administration


There are only two subjects in the unified examination for applying for master degree with the same academic level. Enterprise management belongs to one of the majors of business management in management, so the unified examination also takes the comprehensive examination of business management.

√ College:

Renmin University of China, Jilin University, Shandong University, China University of Political Science and Law, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Capital University of Economics and Business, China Academy of Social Sciences, etc.

2、 Business management part-time postgraduate examination subjects:

Enterprise management is one of the major of business administration, and the major of business administration is also divided into master degree and professional master degree. The specific examination subjects are as follows:

Master of Enterprise Management:

English II+Management (Mathematics, Logic, Writing)

Master of Enterprise Management:

Ideological and political theory+foreign language+mathematics 3+school self-taught examination subjects

That's right On the job graduate student of enterprise management Introduction to examination subjects. If you want to know more about the school, tuition, class method, school system and other information, you can fill in the information in the "Free data collection" below, or click>>> On the job graduate student of enterprise management View the brochure.


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