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Are civil servants and career editors useful for in-service graduate students? What can it bring to you?

Source: On the job postgraduate website Time: 15:11:03, August 14, 2017

At present, civil servants and public service personnel are more likely to apply for in-service postgraduate examinations. One of the main reasons is that people want to change jobs or promote themselves. They can have more opportunities to improve their academic qualifications through graduate students. However, students still have such questions: on-the-job postgraduate student Is it useful?

The minor editors can definitely say that it is useful. The civil servants and career editors can improve the following three points:

Improve academic qualifications and degrees

Nowadays, undergraduate graduation is no longer a top job. Civil service posts are a turnip pit mechanism, so if you want to have a greater chance of occupying a favorable position for promotion, you must stand out from the crowd. What can help here is a graduate degree and diploma.

   Professional title evaluation

For civil servants and institutions, academic degrees and academic certificates are also a very important condition for evaluating professional titles. The degree and diploma obtained by on-the-job graduate students are the same as those obtained by full-time graduate students, and are also recognized by the state, which is very helpful for future promotion, selection of professional titles and other aspects.

   Improve work skills

The biggest advantage of on-the-job graduate students is not only the convenient learning time, but also the promotion of work skills. The course adopts a combination of practice and theory. Candidates can learn professional and authoritative knowledge, accumulate work experience, and provide help for future development. No one can take away your ability.

  Expand contacts

The on-the-job graduate students come from different industries, from beginners to political and business elites, and alumni with different experiences in different fields will give you unexpected gains. Through learning and communication, we can get to know each other, thus expanding our personal relationships, which will be of great help to our future career.

To sum up, it is still very helpful for you to apply for an on-the-job postgraduate examination, so which majors are suitable for you to choose? I recommend it to you.

Enterprise management administration

Most positions of civil servants are inseparable from management, especially those of general management. They are very suitable to apply for business management, administration, sociology, etc.

Teachers or school administrators who are enrolled can choose a major such as education management.

computer technology

Such civil servants often have professional skills and knowledge, and their posts are all practical civil servants, and some settings have little relationship with management. For this reason, they are not suitable for management majors.

You can consider enrolling in journalism, information technology, software technology and other majors.

Legally relevant

These civil servants often refer to those who directly serve social laws or specific law enforcement links. They need to have sufficient legal knowledge and be familiar with relevant national policies. Therefore, these civil servants need to choose the legal category of job transfer.

You can consider law, master of law, and master of administration.


With the explosive development of new media such as the Internet and microblog, today's government has more and more need to learn how to deal with the media, especially when dealing with unexpected public events, which requires a high level of writing skills and expression ability, so it puts forward high requirements for our civil servants in terms of Chinese level.

Chinese and related majors can be considered, mainly including Chinese language and literature, Chinese language, secretary, secretary science, tourism culture and other majors.

Financial economy

Nowadays, the government departments have two main demands for students majoring in finance and economics: the first is accounting, such as students majoring in finance and accounting; The other is economics majors, such as finance and international trade.

Among them, when students majoring in finance and accounting enter the government, they are most likely to engage in financial work and audit business such as financial management, tax collection and management, while recruitment departments are often real power departments directly managing people's money bags, such as the Finance Bureau, the Social Security Fund Management Center, and the Social Medical Insurance Administration.

So whether you are a civil servant, a public servant or an employee of other private enterprises, on the premise of not delaying your work, on-the-job graduate students are a reasonable choice for you to improve your academic qualifications and degrees.

If you have other questions about the in-service postgraduate candidates, you can consult the online teacher for first-hand information about the in-service postgraduate candidates.


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