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East China University of Science and Technology (Shanghai Class) Public Management (MPA) On the job Postgraduate Recruitment Manual (Shanghai)

   1、 School Profile

East China University of Science and Technology, formerly known as East China Institute of Chemical Technology, was identified as one of the first batch of graduate schools in China in 1956. In 1960, it was identified as a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1993, it was renamed East China University of Science and Technology with the approval of the State Education Commission. In 1996, it entered the national "211 Project" key construction ranks. In 2000, it was approved by the Ministry of Education to establish a graduate school, In 2008, it was approved to build the "985 Engineering Innovation Platform for Superior Disciplines". In 2017, it was selected as one of the national "double first-class" construction universities, and three disciplines including chemistry, material science and engineering, and chemical engineering and technology were included in the list of first-class discipline construction.

The school's disciplines cover 11 disciplines including science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics, management, literature, law, art, philosophy and education. At present, there are 31 first level discipline master's degree authorization points and 17 master's professional degree authorization points; 18 doctoral degree authorization points of first-class disciplines and 4 doctoral professional degree authorization points; 14 mobile postdoctoral research stations. It has 8 national key disciplines, 10 Shanghai key disciplines and 7 first-class disciplines in Shanghai universities. "Chemical Engineering and Technology" is the first major to pass the ABET certification in mainland Chinese universities, and "Chemistry" is the first major to pass the Sino Russian joint international science professional certification in mainland Chinese universities. Chemistry, material science, engineering, biology and biochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology, agricultural science, computer science, environmental science and ecology entered the top 1% of ESI in the world, and engineering and chemistry entered the top 1% of the world.

It is planned to enroll more than 3500 full-time graduate students (including recommended test free graduate students) and more than 600 part-time graduate students. The Ministry of Education will release the enrollment scale of graduate students around March 2023, so the enrollment number of each specialty in the enrollment directory is only for reference. Before the reexamination, our school will adjust the actual number of students enrolled in each specialty according to the enrollment scale issued by the Ministry of Education, the number of recommended and exempted students enrolled in each specialty, as well as the school's disciplinary development, the number of enrollment tutors and other conditions.

   2、 Enrollment type

According to the type of cultivation, our master's degree students can be divided into academic master's degree students and professional master's degree students; According to the learning mode, it can be divided into two types: full-time postgraduate and part-time postgraduate; According to the mode of employment, there are two types of targeted employment master graduate students and non targeted employment master graduate students. The targeted employment master graduate students are employed according to the targeted contract, the targeted employment master graduate students should sign the targeted employment contract with the enrollment unit and the employer before being admitted, and the non targeted employment master graduate students are employed according to the two-way selection method between themselves and the employer.

The employment mode of part-time postgraduate students in our school is targeted employment. Candidates must choose "targeted employment" when applying online. After the candidates are admitted, their personnel relations and personnel files will not be transferred to the school, they will not enjoy the full-time postgraduate award and subsidy system of our school, they will not participate in the basic medical insurance for urban residents in Shanghai, the school will not arrange accommodation, and they will not be included in the employment plan when they graduate.

   3、 Application conditions

(1) Those who apply for the national postgraduate entrance examination must meet the following conditions:

1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.

2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.

3. The physical condition meets the physical examination requirements of the state and our school.

4. The academic level of candidates must meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from ordinary colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult higher education held by ordinary colleges and universities), self-study examinations and online education can graduate undergraduates at that time. Candidates must obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma or the Certificate of Foreign Academic Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before entering the university in the year of admission, or their admission qualification will be invalid.

(2) A person with a bachelor's degree recognized by the state.

(3) Personnel who have obtained a nationally recognized higher vocational college diploma for more than 4 years (from graduation to the date of admission in the same year, the same below), as well as undergraduate graduates with a nationally recognized diploma, must study in the major they are applying for and pass the examination of more than 8 major undergraduate courses (the academic affairs department must issue a certificate of achievement or a notice of self-study examination results), Apply for the examination according to the identity of the same academic level after graduation. Candidates with the same level of learning in the law (non law) major do not need to pursue undergraduate studies in the major they are applying for.

(4) Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.

   4、 Sign up

The application for the national postgraduate entrance examination includes two stages: online application and online confirmation. All candidates who take part in the postgraduate entrance examination must register online, confirm online reporting information, collect their own images and other relevant electronic information online, and pay the application fee as required.

According to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education, new undergraduate graduates should, in principle, choose the registration point designated by the provincial education recruitment and examination institution where the school is located; Other candidates (including candidates for business administration, public administration, engineering management and other professional degrees) should choose the registration point designated by the provincial education, enrollment and examination institution where they work or where they have registered permanent residence (the relevant specific requirements should be determined by the local provincial education, enrollment and examination institution according to local conditions and reasonably).

(1) Online registration requirements

1. Online registration is in October. The online forecast is named September.

2. Candidates should log in to the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" (hereinafter referred to as "Research Enrollment Network") to browse the application instructions at the specified time, and register according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, provincial education enrollment and examination institutions, application sites and our online announcement. During the registration period, candidates can modify online registration information or fill in registration information again, but each candidate can only retain one valid registration information. The registration information shall not be modified after the deadline.

3. Candidates can only fill in one major of one enrollment unit when registering.

4. The examinee shall truthfully fill in the learning situation and provide authentic materials according to the requirements of our school.

5. Candidates should accurately fill in the rewards and punishments they have received, especially truthfully fill in the punishments they have received for discipline violation and cheating in the national education examinations such as the entrance examinations for ordinary and adult colleges and universities, the national postgraduate entrance examinations, and the self-study examinations for higher education. Those who practice fraud will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Interim Measures for Handling Violations of Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities.

6. During the registration period, online verification will be carried out on the examinee's educational background (student status) information, and the examinee can view the verification results of educational background (student status) online. Candidates can log into the "China Higher Education Student Information Network" to query their academic qualifications (student status) before or during registration.

Candidates who fail to pass the online verification of academic qualifications (student status) shall complete the verification of academic qualifications (student status) before online confirmation.

7. Candidates who meet the conditions specified by the Ministry of Education and apply for the care policy must fill in relevant information as required when registering online, and truthfully fill in ethnic identity and targeted employment in ethnic minority areas. The registration point will conduct a preliminary review of the qualifications of relevant candidates, and our school will conduct a review before the reexamination (including adjustment).

Candidates who meet the conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Education and apply for the policy of adding points in the preliminary examination must fill in relevant information as required when registering online. Relevant departments shall review according to the division of responsibilities.

8. The enrollment of "High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities" shall be subject to the information confirmed by the examinees when they apply.

9. Candidates who apply for the "retired college student soldier" special master's graduate enrollment plan should be college students who have been enlisted and retired from active service, and who meet the requirements for master's graduate application (college students refer to full-time general undergraduate and junior college (including higher vocational education), graduate students, second bachelor's degree graduates, current students, and new students, As well as regular college (higher vocational) graduates, current students and new students enrolled in adult colleges, the same below]. When registering, candidates should choose to fill in the special plan for retired college student soldiers, and fill in their enrollment information before enlistment, as well as relevant information such as enlistment and retirement.

10. When applying for our school, active servicemen should carefully read and understand the relevant application requirements of the PLA and our school in advance, abide by the confidentiality regulations, and fill in the application information according to the regulations. You should contact our school in advance for any unclear points.

11. Candidates should carefully understand and strictly follow the application conditions and relevant policy requirements to fill in the application form and select the application site. If the subsequent online confirmation, examination (including preliminary examination and reexamination) or admission cannot be carried out due to non-compliance with the application conditions and relevant policy requirements, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.

12. Candidates should accurately fill in their online registration information and provide authentic materials as required. If the examinee is unable to take the exam (including the preliminary exam and the second exam) or enroll due to the wrong or false information filled in the online report, the consequences shall be borne by the examinee himself.

13. After successful online registration, candidates should take the initiative to understand the examination arrangements, epidemic prevention requirements and other matters by regularly consulting the provincial education and enrollment examination institutions, application sites, our official website and other means, and actively cooperate to complete the relevant work.

(2) Online confirmation requirements

1. All examinees (excluding those who have been exempted) shall check and confirm their online registration information within the specified time, and will not make up for it after the deadline. The online confirmation time shall be determined and announced by each provincial education enrollment and examination institution according to the national enrollment work arrangement and the local application organization.

Candidates with equivalent academic qualifications (except those who apply for the master's degree in law (non law), business administration, public administration and engineering management) must send corresponding materials to the postgraduate recruitment office mailbox of our university before October 25 for qualification examination. Online confirmation and payment of fees can only be carried out after the examination is passed. The examinee shall bear the consequences of the subsequent failure to confirm and take the exam online due to the failure to review the qualification for admission.

2. All candidates should actively cooperate with the staff of the registration point, and submit their valid resident identity cards, academic degree certificates (new undergraduate graduates hold student cards) and online registration numbers as required according to the needs of verification work, which will be checked by the staff of the registration point.

3. All candidates should carefully check and confirm their online registration information. The registration information will not be modified after being confirmed by the examinee, and all consequences caused by the examinee's filling errors will be borne by him/herself.

   5、 Preliminary test

The first test was held in December. See the admission card for the location of the initial examination.

On the morning of December 24, comprehensive ability of ideological and political theory and management

Foreign language in the afternoon of December 24

Business Section I in the morning of December 25

Business class 2 in the afternoon of December 25

Our school does not hold any form of tutorship class for postgraduate entrance examination, provide examination papers over the years, and specify no bibliography and reference materials.

   6、 Print admission card

Candidates can log in to the "Research Recruitment Network" with their online username and password, and download and print the "Examination Admission Card" within the time specified by the Ministry of Education. Candidates can take the exam with the downloaded and printed "Admission Card" and valid resident ID card (either is necessary).

   7、 Re examination and admission

(1) Our school carries out the difference reexamination. The difference ratio is generally not less than 120% (the specific difference ratio will be adjusted according to the discipline and the source of students), and those who fail in the re examination will not be admitted. The specific reexamination requirements and admission methods will be notified later.

(2) Before the re examination, our school will strictly review the original application materials such as the resident ID card, academic degree certificate, academic status verification results, student ID card and the qualifications of the candidates. Those who do not meet the requirements will not be re examined.

(3) Our school implements the system of mutual selection between teachers and students. After the list of candidates to be admitted is determined in the second interview stage, the tutor and the candidate shall select each other to determine the tutor.

(4) Retest

1. Candidates who take the second round exam with the same academic level (i.e. graduates from higher vocational colleges and graduates from undergraduate courses) must take at least two major undergraduate courses related to the major they are applying for in the second round exam. The additional test subjects shall not be the same as the preliminary test subjects. The additional test is written.

2. For fresh undergraduate graduates of adult education and self-taught and online education candidates who have not obtained the undergraduate graduation certificate at the time of the second examination, at least two major undergraduate courses related to the major you are applying for must be added to the second examination. The additional test subjects shall not be the same as the preliminary test subjects. The additional test is written.

3. Candidates with equivalent academic qualifications who apply for Master of Law (non law), Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration and Master of Engineering Management may not take additional examinations.

(5) The ideological and political theory examinations for the masters of business administration, public administration, accounting and engineering management are conducted by our school in the second round exam, and the results are included in the total scores of the second round exam.

(6) The foreign language listening and speaking tests are conducted in the second interview, organized by our school, and the scores are included in the total scores of the second interview.

4. The educational system is 2.5 years, and the tuition is 328000 yuan.

   8、 Physical examination

Good health is one of the necessary conditions for postgraduate admission. Candidates to be admitted must participate in physical examination. The physical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Guiding Opinions on Physical Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Teaching [2003] No. 3) issued by the Ministry of Education, the former Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons' Federation, and in accordance with the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education and the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Cancellation of Hepatitis B Test for Enrollment Physical Examination of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (Teaching Department [2010] No. 2), and in combination with the actual situation of our enrollment specialty. If the examinee is found to have a condition not included in the Guiding Opinions after physical examination, the school has the right to make a corresponding decision for the examinee who believes that it is not suitable for the learning requirements of the major to be registered.

   9、 Others

(1) According to the national policy, graduate students are charged, and the charging standards for graduate students are published on the website of our Graduate School.

(2) The enrollment measures for special plans such as the "High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities" and "Retired College Student Soldiers" shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education.

(3) The length of master's degree in our school is 2-3 years. Please consult the enrollment contact person of the college where your major is located for details. The training and management of our full-time and part-time master's graduates are carried out in accordance with the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education. Accommodation and teaching activities for 2023 graduate students are arranged in Xuhui Campus and Fengxian Campus. Postgraduates majoring in full-time business administration (MBA) and full-time engineering management (MEM) do not provide accommodation.

(4) Postgraduates enrolled in the industry education integration base study courses in East China University of Science and Technology in their first academic year, and spend the rest of their time in the industry education integration base. During the practice of the industry education integration base, if the base provides dormitories, the campus will no longer provide dormitories. For details, see the enrollment brochures of each industry education integration base of East China University of Technology.

(5) Our school does not accept junior college students or junior college students who have graduated early from their undergraduate courses, as well as graduate students who are on campus. Those who have been accepted by our school as exempt students are not allowed to register for the national unified examination. When registering online, candidates should check their personal information repeatedly; The responsibility for the failure to enroll due to the wrong filling of online information shall be borne by the examinee.

(6) Special reminder: candidates who apply for the examination of various majors in the School of Art Design and Communication of our school should choose the application site and take the exam according to their own actual conditions. There is no need to come to the application site of our school to take the exam.

(7) Examining the examinees' ideological and political quality and moral character is an important link to ensure the quality of freshmen. Our school will assess the ideological and political quality and moral character of all graduate students to be admitted. The assessment content includes candidates' political attitude, ideological performance, moral quality, discipline and law compliance, honesty and trustworthiness, etc. Any person who practises fraud will be disqualified from applying for examination, admission or student status whenever it is verified.

(8) According to the schedule of the Ministry of Education, the deadline for accepting the work of recommended graduate students without examination is mid to late October; Our school will announce the number of recommended graduate students who have been admitted to the public in due time. Please pay close attention to the number of recommended graduate students who have been admitted to the national unified examination for master's degree candidates, and understand the remaining enrollment quota for the national unified examination for each major, so as to adjust the major in time.

(9) For other matters related to enrollment and examination, please refer to the National Regulations on the Administration of Postgraduate Enrollment issued by the Ministry of Education, or log on the "Research Recruitment Network" in time to browse and query the application instructions and online announcements. The relevant trends of our graduate enrollment will be announced on the Internet in a timely manner. Please follow our graduate school website at any time. If you have any questions when you apply for the exam, please contact the college in time.

On the job seminar of East China University of Science and Technology (Shanghai class) Application consultation

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