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Enrollment Brochure of the Electrical Engineering Professional Course Seminar of North China Electric Power University (Beijing)

North China Electric Power University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education and a key university under the national "211 Project" and "985 Project Advantage Discipline Platform". In 2017, the university entered the ranks of national "double first-class" universities, focusing on the construction of energy and power science and engineering discipline group, and comprehensively started a new journey of building a world-class discipline and high-level research university.

The school has 11 schools, including School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering, School of Control and Computer Engineering, School of Economics and Management, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Renewable Energy, School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, School of Mathematics and Science, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Foreign Languages, and School of Marxism. The university has two national key disciplines of "power system and its automation" and "thermal engineering", and 25 provincial and ministerial key disciplines; In the fourth round of discipline assessment, electrical engineering, power engineering and engineering thermophysics ranked at A and A respectively; Five disciplines of "engineering", "environment/ecology", "material science", "chemistry" and "social science" rank among the top 1% of ESI in the world, among which "engineering" ranks among the top 100 in the world; It has 5 post doctoral research mobile stations, 7 first level discipline authorization points for doctoral degrees, 23 first level discipline authorization points for master's degrees, and 13 professional degree authorization categories such as master of engineering, master of business administration, and master of public administration, forming a complete education system for cultivating undergraduates, masters, and doctors.

In order to give full play to the basic functions of higher education in "cultivating talents", "disseminating knowledge" and "serving the society", make rational and effective use of educational resources, and cultivate high-level, high-quality, compound and innovative in-service high-level scientific and technological talents, enterprise management talents and professional and technical talents through multi-channel and multi-mode, This project is established in accordance with the Regulations of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council on Granting Master's and Doctor's Degrees to Persons with the same academic qualifications as postgraduates.

1、 Training objectives

Master solid basic theory and systematic expertise in the field of electrical engineering discipline, and be familiar with the development trend of science and technology in the research field. Proficiently master a foreign language, have the ability to innovate and engage in scientific research, teaching or independently undertake specialized technical work.

The seminar with equivalent academic qualifications is non academic education in nature, and those who have completed the course can obtain the certification of equivalent academic qualifications of North China Electric Power University. Those who meet the conditions can apply for the master's degree of North China Electric Power University.

2、 Length of schooling and teaching

1. Length of study: 2 years, 2-6 years. It is divided into two stages: course seminar and application for master's degree.

2. Curriculum: set in accordance with the requirements of the Training Plan for Academic Degree Master Students of North China Electric Power University.

3. Teaching management: the credit system is adopted, and the students who have completed the credits and passed the examination are allowed to complete the course.

4. Teaching methods: centralized teaching in schools and online classes.

3、 Application conditions for course seminar

(1) Registration conditions

1. Citizens of the People's Republic of China.

2. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have good moral character, and abide by discipline and law.

3. College degree or above.

(2) Application materials

1. Application Form

2. ID card, highest education and degree certificate (1 original and 1 copy respectively)

Two recent 3.1 inch bareheaded blue background photos

4、 Conditions for applying for master's degree

1. Have obtained a bachelor's degree and have worked for more than 3 years after obtaining the bachelor's degree; Or has obtained a master's or doctor's degree without a bachelor's degree; Or those who have passed the certification of the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education with bachelor's degree, master's degree or doctor's degree.

2. Complete the course study of the seminar of the same academic level course, complete the required credits, and pass the examination (referred to as "school examination").

3. Passed the national unified examination for foreign language proficiency and comprehensive level of subjects for the master's degree (referred to as the "national examination").

4. After passing the qualification examination, the applicant must pass the "University Examination" and "National Examination" within six years (calculated from the date of passing the qualification examination), submit the master's degree thesis within one year after passing all examinations, and complete the thesis defense and pass it within half a year.

5、 Curriculum





6、 Credit conversion

According to Article 10 of the Measures for the Administration of Research Classes with Equal Academic Qualifications in North China Electric Power University, if the students of the research class are admitted to our university as full-time or part-time graduate students after passing the national unified examination for master's degree, they can apply for exemption from the relevant courses within three years from the date of achievement to the date of admission if they have already obtained qualified scores.

7、 Certificate issuance  

1. Certificate of training class. Those who have completed the courses specified in the training program will be awarded the "Certificate of Equal Academic Level of North China Electric Power University" (with the steel seal, school seal and president seal of the university) after passing the examination of the school.

2. Master's degree certificate. Those who have obtained the certificate of research class with the same academic level from North China Electric Power University and completed the defense of their dissertations within one year after passing the national unified examination can obtain the master's degree certificate from North China Electric Power University.

8、 Charging standard

1. Training fee: 30000 yuan per student, which must be paid in a lump sum before admission.

2. Thesis fee: 10000-20000 yuan for each student, only for those who apply for the master's degree. The specific charging standard is determined according to the charging standard of each subject in that year.

Registration method
Admission telephone:
Application process:
one Telephone reservation or [online registration] two Submit application materials three Qualification review four Pay tuition five Notification of admission
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