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Shen Shuo Application conditions

The in-service graduate students who apply for the master's degree with the same educational level can be admitted without examination. The educational system is generally 2 years, and they can finally obtain the completion certificate and degree certificate.

Registration conditions
01 Junior college degree: Can participate in courses, not apply for master degree;
02 Bachelor degree: Degree: Master degree can be applied for at least three years; No degree: you can take courses and study, but not apply for master degree;
03 Master's degree and doctor's degree holders can apply for examination
04 Special case I:
National (non) recognized educational background Admitted: Graduates from adult education, online education, self-taught examination, college upgrading, etc. can participate, and can apply as long as they have a nationally recognized degree. Not recognized: undergraduate degrees and degrees obtained by military undergraduate, private colleges, party schools and other special schools cannot apply for master's degree.
05 Special case II:
Foreign degree A degree certificate issued by a foreign school is valid only after it is certified by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education.
06 Special case III:
Application requirements for some special majors If you apply with equivalent academic qualifications Master of Clinical Medicine, Stomatology and Traditional Chinese Medicine Candidates for the degree must meet the following conditions: (1) Bachelor degree in clinical medicine, stomatology, traditional Chinese medicine, and integrated traditional and western medicine; (2) Residents who are receiving standardized training for residents or clinicians who have obtained the Qualification Certificate for Standardized Training for Residents; (3) The professional degree category and field applied by the applicant should correspond to the standardized training discipline of residents.
Certificate application conditions
Degree certificates are generally issued in June or December of each year, and the time for issuing graduation certificates is arranged by each school.

1. As long as the relevant courses and credits are completed according to the regulations, you can obtain a certificate of completion.

2. Those who have a bachelor's degree and have graduated for 3 years or more, and have passed the master application examination and thesis defense, can obtain a degree certificate.

 Sample Degree Certificate

Sample Degree Certificate

 Sample Certificate of Completion

Sample Certificate of Completion

Part time postgraduate Application conditions

The part-time graduate students, who are admitted after taking the examination, need to take the national unified examination first, and the educational system is generally 2-4 years. Finally, you can obtain a diploma and degree certificate.

Registration conditions
01 Junior college degree: At least 2 years after obtaining the national recognized higher vocational college graduation degree;
02 Bachelor degree: Newly graduated undergraduates with nationally recognized academic qualifications (including graduates from regular colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, and adult higher education held by regular colleges and universities, as well as those who can graduate from self-study examinations and online education at that time);
03 Master/Doctor: Persons who have obtained master's or doctor's degrees.
04 exceptional case:
(1) Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration, Master of Tourism Management, Master of Engineering Management, Project Management in Master of Engineering, Education Management in Master of Education, Competition Organization in Master of Physical Education, a total of 7 majors, which must meet the following requirements when applying for the examination: 3 years or more of work experience after graduation from university; Have 5 years or more of work experience after obtaining a national recognized vocational college degree; Have obtained a master's degree or a doctor's degree and have 2 or more years of work experience.
Application for Master of Law (non law) Students who study in colleges and universities are non law majors. Among them, graduates of law majors [code: 0301] are not allowed to apply for the examination. Apply for Master of Law (Law) Only graduates whose undergraduate major is law [code: 0301] can apply for the exam.
Certificate application conditions

1. Meet the requirements of 5 years or more of junior college graduates, 3 years or more of undergraduate graduates, or 2 years or more of master's or doctor's degrees (fresh undergraduate students of some specialties, and 2 years of junior college graduates can also apply for the examination), which can refer to the national unified examination.

2. After passing the preliminary and second examinations of the national unified examination, you can enter the university. After completing the credits and passing the thesis defense, you will be awarded the degree certificate and graduation certificate.

 Sample Degree Certificate

Sample Degree Certificate

 Sample Certificate of Completion

Sample diploma

Master of Sino foreign Cooperative Education Application conditions

Sino foreign joint education is an in-service education mode jointly run by some domestic colleges and universities and foreign colleges and universities. There is no need to refer to the national unified examination, and the educational system is generally 1-2 years. Finally, you can obtain a degree certificate, and after certification, you can also obtain a certification certificate.

Registration conditions
01 Junior college degree: Have a college degree recognized by the state and at least one year of work experience
02 Bachelor degree: Students with bachelor's degree or bachelor's degree can apply for the exam. Some colleges and universities allow fresh students to apply for the exam.
03 Master or Doctor: Those who have obtained a master's degree or a doctor's degree can apply again.
04 Working background: In addition to the educational background, the application conditions also have requirements for working background, and different majors have different background requirements. For example, the Master of Finance from Renmin University of China - Queen's University of Canada requires background experience in the financial industry.
05 Language requirements: There is no requirement for translation in the classroom, and no translation in the classroom requires the examinee to have a specific English foundation (about CET-4). For example: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Tulane University Master of Financial Management: CET-4 (and above) certificate, or hold TOEFL/IELTS/GMAT/GRE and other international examination transcripts.
Certificate application conditions

Those with junior college or undergraduate degrees can apply for the examination and enter after the interview. After the completion of the course, they can get the foreign master's degree certificate through the defense of the master's thesis. Through the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education After certification, obtain certification certificate

 Sample Degree Certificate

Sample Degree Certificate

 Sample Certificate of Completion

Sample certificate

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