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Enrollment Brochure of PLA General Staff Trust Direct School

 Enrollment Brochure of PLA General Staff Trust Direct School
Enrollment target: Senior high school student, junior high school equivalent (secondary vocational school, technical secondary school, technical school)
Enrollment: 100 people
School employment: Higher education and employment
Tuition charge: 0 yuan /Year

01 School Profile

the Chinese People's Liberation Army · Factory Vocational and Technical School directly under the Information Department of the General Staff ( Referred to as the PLA General Staff Direct School ) Founded in one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one In, it was attached to the Army Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which is an inheritance Red gene is a public vocational school gathering strong military forces as the background. Over the past 50 years, the school has sent more than 20000 skilled personnel to enterprises directly under the army and local enterprises and institutions, including scientific research and production backbones, enterprise leaders, and even the whole country five one The school has also won widespread praise and praise from employers and all sectors of society for the winners of labor medals and outstanding military personnel who have participated in international military competitions for meritorious service.

Create characteristic schools and cultivate first-class talents ”, The school upholds Unity, diligence, integrity and refinement And set up a pilot class of national defense education to   Focusing on management, referring to the talent training model of military academies, we will combine military training with professional skills training, and strive to create new dual-use talents. Candidates should meet the relevant military inspection requirements, and can attend the national defense education pilot class after passing the political review, interview and physical examination before entering school.

02 Characteristic management

Our school Five stresses, four beauties and three passions For the content of moral education Virtue, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor As the starting point and breakthrough of moral education Break to Four New People Training is the educational goal. Through continuous exploration and innovation, we are forming a unique New mode of education.

1、 Housekeeping Standards Four in one line Towel, one thread, cup, one thread, shoe, one thread, quilt, one thread

2、 Collective standard Fast, quiet, neat and accurate All kinds of student muster shall strictly comply with the muster requirements of army soldiers

3、 Walking standard Two in line, three in line Full of spirit, stand tall, vigorous and powerful

4、 dress code Unify, clean and tidy, wear uniform clothes in different seasons, wear school cards and wear clean and tidy clothes

5、 home Calibration standard Family school co education Regular communication Sincere exchange of co education students

6、 Care standards Good teachers and helpful friends regard students as Unique Build Regular heart to heart talks with mentors and friends

7、 Class standards Earnestly focused Sit up straight, be energetic, concentrate, have a loud voice, be proactive

8、 Language standards decorum Civilized language Polite language Speaking Mandarin

03 military administration

Improve yourself: Militarization management is to effectively integrate the good style, good thought, good experience and good tradition of the army into the management of the school through practice   To cultivate students' behavior habits by means of national defense education and military training, militarize all students' daily life, eliminate students' disciplinary violations, and improve students' Study attitude, improve their comprehensive quality, and lay a solid foundation for future work.

Be strict with yourself: During the period of militarized management the interior , queue, discipline Three regulations to restrain students, according to the army's one-day living system    Their own behavior, from getting up, sorting out internal affairs, doing morning exercises to going to bed, not only builds students' strong physique, but also cultivates students' hands-on ability and self-discipline,   Experience the strict organizational discipline of the army, the style of orders and prohibitions, the sense of obedience, and improve the standardized management level so that students can consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the school, and ultimately achieve campus harmony, order, orderly life, rigorous style, and strict discipline.

04 Set up majors

Training Class for Reserve Talents of National Defense Education    

Training objectives   In order to meet the needs of national defense and modernization construction in the new era, we will further implement the policy of recruiting new students from colleges and universities Soldiers have   Notice of the People's Republic of China on the Recruitment of Non commissioned Officers from New Graduates of Ordinary Colleges and Universities , Students studying in our school three Years later, Through college entrance examination, you will be promoted to undergraduate colleges: Chongqing University of Mechanical and Electrical Technology, Chongqing University of Science and Technology Learning; Junior colleges: Chongqing Youth Vocational College, Chongqing Electronic Engineering Vocational College, Chongqing Urban Management Vocational College, Chongqing Aerospace Vocational and Technical College, graduated If they meet the recruitment conditions, they can be sent to the army to directly recruit non commissioned officers, and the students can obtain the national undergraduate and junior college diplomas.

Enrollment: four hundred people

Admission conditions for reserve talent training class

height :162cm above

weight : Standard weight =( height -110)kg, Not exceeding standard weight 30% , no less than standard weight 15%

Visual acuity standard : The naked vision of the right eye is not lower than 4.6, The naked vision of the left eye is not lower than four point five

Age : Students in the training class for national defense reserve talents shall not exceed twenty-three One year old.

Political conditions : Comply with the Regulations on Political Assessment of Recruitment issued by the Ministry of Public Security, the General Staff and the General Political Department that year and relevant regulations.

condition : Provide the qualified physical examination report in the hospital of Grade III Grade A and above every year , It conforms to the Physical Examination Standards for Recruited Citizens issued by the Ministry of National Defense that year and relevant regulations.

No infectious disease, no familial genetic disease, no snails, no flatfoot, no tattoo, no more than two Cm scar, etc.

Order Class of Air Rail Group

expert Industry: Business etiquette service Tourism service and management ( Direction of high-speed railway and subway ))

Training objectives: Strong transportation country, railway first “, In order to meet the needs of railway related professional talent reserve, the university and the Aviation Railway Track Group have targeted to cultivate high Technical management talents of railway, subway and bullet train, and students will be transferred from Road companies are responsible for interviewing and signing formal talent training contracts, and the employment of high-speed railway and subway, as well as the employment placement of students after entering junior college or undergraduate education are still effective.

Enrollment: one hundred and fifty people

National defense education pilot class

Major: Communication Zhongrui Equipment Manufacturing and Maintenance Modern communication technology should use

Training objectives   with Educate talents for the country and Cultivate talents for the army After graduation, students can join the army or directly face enterprises directly under the military, communication enterprises   ICT   System integration enterprises and other units are employed.

Enrollment: two hundred people

05 personnel training

Theoretical courses: Chinese, Mathematics, English, Computer Foundation, Military Theory, Military Skills, Military Thought, Strategic Environment, Common Sense of Light Weapons, Military Strategy, Military Topography, Three Defense Knowledge, Internal Affairs Doctrine, Discipline Doctrine, Queue Doctrine, Defense Science and Technology, Law, EQ Education Education.

Practical courses: Single army unarmed formation action, shooting basis, enemy capture, projectile throwing, assassination, tactical basis, map reading, climbing, combat readiness, individual combat skills, individual duty, individual breakthrough handling skills, individual rescue skills, individual combat Fight protection, basic night fighting, health and rescue, psychological behavior, physical ability, individual comprehensive training, etc.

Professional courses: Subject to the talent training program of each specialty.

06 campus life

07 Non commissioned officer introduction

What are non commissioned officers:

Non commissioned officer, also called sergeant.   In the military system of ordinary countries, soldiers are divided into There are three systems for officers, non commissioned officers and soldiers. The direct recruitment of non commissioned officers is to train non commissioned officers on a targeted basis. After graduating from college, they can directly enter the army and become non commissioned officers. The non commissioned officers can only be discharged after four years ( One time reward when entering the army forty thousand RMB, and annual subsidy eight thousand RMB, subsidy for two years ) After being discharged from the army, they will enter the university without examination.

Where did the soldiers go in the past years

Chongqing Armed Police Corps, Sichuan Armed Police Corps, Jiangxi Armed Police Corps, Hubei Armed Police Corps, Western Air Force , Southern Air Force, Chinese People's Liberation Army, etc

services: Army, Navy, Air Force, Rocket Force, Strategic Support Force, Joint Support Force.

08 Student aid policy

First class scholarship two thousand element / Second class scholarship one thousand element / Third prize five hundred element / Years.

Student aid system Families in need, children of martyrs, model children, orphans, etc. can apply for financial aid. Specifically:   first-class two thousand element / Year, second class one thousand and five hundred element / Year, third class one thousand element / Years.

According to the national policy, the non commissioned officer class students who have entered the army can be directly exempted from the entrance examination and promoted to the college level, and can come back directly for free

At the same time, the college tuition can be returned.

09 Hot issues

Question 1: On the standard of economic subsidies for college students serving as soldiers

Answer: college students should be enlisted in the army and have served for two years. Economic subsidy: tuition compensation: zero point eight 10000 yuan / Year, total two point four 10000 yuan; Family allowance: total for two years: three point zero three four 10000 yuan;

Question 2: About the development of college students as soldiers in the army

A: The development of college students as soldiers:

(1) Electing and changing non commissioned officers: students who join the army in the third year of university will be regarded as interns Calculate. The school will normally issue a graduation certificate. After obtaining the junior college graduation certificate, you can join the NCO suite

Change the system.

(2) Application for military academy: You can take the military academy undergraduate enrollment exam organized by the whole military, After graduation, he became a military officer. Walk to school ( Dry out ): Eligible for escort

College student soldiers can enter undergraduate military academies for further study without examination, and become military officers after graduation.

(3) Troop promotion: make important contributions and contributions during the military service I have a chance Dry out

Question 3: Preferential policies for military personnel in their studies and employment

Answer: The preferential treatment policy for college students when they are soldiers in school:

(1) College entrance examination free: college students can enter the undergraduate course without examination after transferring Further education in colleges and universities. After retirement three Take the Master's Examination within the year +10 Points.

(2) Recruitment of civil servants: priority.

(3) Recruitment of public institutions: no less than 10% and 30% Job recruitment of Provincial college student soldiers who retired that year.

ten EQ education

EQ mainly refers to people's emotions and emotions   Sense, will, tolerance to setbacks, interpersonal communication   And so on. EQ is a person's palm   The ability to control oneself and others' emotions is a   The most important survival ability of the body is   Dig emotional potential, insight into life value   Show your understanding of life goals. It's a way of overcoming   Internal conflicts and interpersonal coordination

Skill is a kind of life wisdom.

EQ The Importance of Education

Teenagers are in the golden period of psychological and physiological development and the critical period of personality building, but also     It's a time of crisis. For a long time, teachers have paid more attention to the teaching of knowledge and skills, while ignoring the feelings towards students    The cultivation of business, which emphasizes intelligence over emotion, results in most There are serious deficiencies and defects in the emotional intelligence of sub students.   Therefore, it is urgent to cultivate teenagers' EQ. Our school has built a complete EQ education Cultivate the system, cultivate students' EQ quality, enhance students' happiness index, and improve students' comprehensive quality and social adaptability.

Our school is the first of its kind in China   EQ education is a characteristic school with professional teaching and research teams and school-based teaching materials.

success = 80%   EQ + 20%   intelligence quotient

EQ education can awaken, inspire, influence and shape you !

Consultation on Enrollment Major of PLA General Staff Trust Direct School

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