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What are the good majors of Langfang Huahang Art School?

Source: Secondary Vocational Enrollment Network Time: 2023-11-23 08:57:23

in recent years Langfang Huahang Art School With its unique teaching philosophy and excellent teaching team, it has gradually emerged as an ideal place for many students to pursue their artistic dreams. There are many eye-catching majors in this school, which integrate innovative practice and in-depth learning to provide students with broad development space. today Secondary Vocational Enrollment Network What are the good majors of Langfang Huahang Art School?

 What are the good majors of Langfang Huahang Art School?

1、 Visual Arts

The visual arts major is one of the representatives of the unique trend. In this digital era, visual art is not only an extension of painting, but also covers photography, graphic design, animation and other fields. Students will be exposed to the most cutting-edge art concepts at home and abroad, learn advanced creative software and technology, cultivate visual sensitivity and creativity, and lay a solid foundation for the future of art.

2、 Music Performance

Music performance is another star major of Langfang Huahang Art School. The school pays attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive music literacy. It not only has professional music theory courses, but also has rich practical opportunities, such as choir, symphony orchestra, etc. Students can find their musical talents here, hone their playing skills and improve their performance level. After graduation, they can not only become outstanding musicians, but also shine in music education, cultural media and other fields.

3、 Dance Directing

The major of choreography is also one of the eye-catching majors of Langfang Huahang Art School. As a highly aesthetic art, dance requires students to have excellent dance skills and artistic expression ability. The school provides students with a variety of dance courses, covering a variety of dance styles, to train students to become all-round dancers and choreographers. Students can fully display their personal style here, and at the same time, they will improve their dancing skills in teamwork.

IV Aviation Services

The major of aviation service is a highlight of Langfang Huahang Art School. The major aims to cultivate high-quality talents with excellent aviation service theoretical knowledge and practical operation skills, and aims to meet the needs of the aviation industry for professional talents. Students will be exposed to a wealth of aviation knowledge in professional courses, including aviation regulations, air safety, aircraft maintenance and other aspects. The school is equipped with first-class simulation room and practice base to provide students with practical operation opportunities, so that they can quickly adapt to the needs of the workplace after graduation.

5、 What are the good majors of Langfang Huahang Art School?

To sum up, Langfang Huahang Art School has provided students with a rich and colorful art learning journey with its unique professional settings and high-quality teaching resources. The visual arts, music performance, dance choreography, aviation services and other majors have all condensed the school's careful planning for students' future career development, creating an art palace for every student to fly. If you are eager to swim in the ocean of art, Langfang Huahang Art School will be the best starting point for you to soar in the art sky.

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Tuition standard: nineteen thousand and eight hundred /Year
Langfang Huahang Art School College Entrance Examination Experimental Class
Tuition standard: thirteen thousand and six hundred /Year

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