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Tianjin Spring College Entrance Examination Class of Langfang Huahang Art School

 Tianjin Spring College Entrance Examination Class of Langfang Huahang Art School
Enrollment target: senior high school student
Enrollment: 127 persons
School employment: Higher education
Tuition charge: 13600 yuan /Year

01 School Profile

Langfang Huahang School It is a full-time, boarding secondary vocational school approved by Langfang Municipal Education Bureau, Hebei Provincial Department of Education, and the Ministry of Education level by level to recruit students nationwide. Langfang Huahang School has been established for 20 years, with double guarantees for entering a higher education and employment, and has signed an agreement on entering a higher education and employment. At present, there are more than 1500 registered students and more than 100 teaching staff. Implement the teaching mode of "cultural courses+characteristic professional courses". Students have a variety of options for further education, namely, they can take the Tianjin Spring College Entrance Examination, the Vocational Education College Entrance Examination, the National College Entrance Examination, and the Arts Entrance Examination.

02 School running advantages

1. Non Tianjin students can apply for the exam. With Tianjin official secondary vocational school status, you can take the spring exam.

2. The national recognized Ministry of Education uniformly enrolls students with electronic registration.

3. The difficulty of the exam is low. Tianjin Spring College Entrance Examination is an independent topic in Tianjin. The examination is relatively simple, with only four subjects, namely, mathematical English and comprehensive (computer foundation or economy and law).

4. The admission rate is high. The enrollment rate has exceeded 98% for two consecutive years.

5. You can apply to settle in Tianjin. After graduation, undergraduate students can directly apply to settle down in Tianjin. After graduation, junior college students can apply to settle down in Tianjin by signing a formal one-year labor contract

03 Entrance exhibition
04 Campus environment
Langfang Huahang Art School Enrollment Major Registration Consultation

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