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Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School brief introduction

  • Nature of the school: Public
  • School category: secondary specialized school
  • School address: No. 218, Shandong Road, Shapingba District, Chongqing
School introduction: Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School, located at No. 218, Shandong Road, Shapingba District, Chongqing, is a provincial (municipal) key secondary vocational school approved by Chongqing Municipal Education Commission in its ZJZ [1996] No. 29 Document.
School running advantages:
  • one Scientific and rigorous school education and teaching management
  • two The school implements closed, paramilitary management and open teaching
  • three The full-time head teacher follows the shift, and provides 24-hour security patrols and electronic monitoring.
  • four For students, it is necessary to implement the "three all-around" management, which is totally closed, all-round and all-weather;
  • five Pay attention to the "three self" education of self-education, self-management and self service.

Professional enrollment consultation

Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School student recruitment brochure

Enrollment Brochure of Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School in 2023
Enrollment target: junior school student
Enrollment plan: 127 persons
Tuition standard: 2000 yuan/year
Brief introduction: Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School was established in April 1996 with the approval of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission's Chong Jiao Zhi [996] No. 29 Document. It is a municipal (provincial) key vocational school.
Chapter Details

Is Guanghua Women's Vocational School public or private?

Answer: Is Guanghua Women's Vocational School public or private? Guanghua Women's Vocational School is a public school, which has won widespread recognition from the society with its excellent teaching quality, perfect teaching facilities, strong teachers and scientific education and teaching management

What are the selection conditions for Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School?

Answer: The selection conditions for Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School are excellent academic performance, comprehensive quality, comprehensive professional ambition, healthy physique, providing them with high-quality educational resources and development platforms, and helping them achieve a better future

What does Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School learn about aviation?

Answer: What is the aviation major of Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School? The aviation major of Guanghua School covers many aspects of the aviation field, including aviation basic courses, aircraft related courses, avionics technology, aviation safety and management, etc. These courses are designed to cultivate aviation talents with extensive knowledge and practical operation skills

Is Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School public or private?

A: Is Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School public or private? As a public school, Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School is committed to providing high-quality educational resources for female students. The school pays attention to specialty setting and teaching quality, and cultivates students' professional skills and comprehensive qualities

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