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What are the popular majors in technical secondary schools?

Source: Secondary Vocational Enrollment Network Time: 2024-05-20 11:37:02

In 2024, secondary vocational enrollment has begun! For students who can not enter high school in the secondary school entrance examination, choosing a suitable school and major will directly affect their future development direction and career development. today Secondary Vocational Enrollment Network What are the popular majors in technical secondary schools?

 What are the popular majors in technical secondary schools

What are the popular majors in technical secondary schools?

There are many popular majors in technical secondary schools. The following are some popular professional directions in technical secondary schools for your reference:
Mechanical manufacturing and automation technology: The mechanical industry has always been an important field of China's manufacturing industry. This major cultivates students' mechanical manufacturing and automation technology capabilities. After graduation, they can work as mechanical engineers, technologists, equipment operators and other professions.
Electronic information technology: With the rapid development of information technology, the employment prospect of electronic information technology specialty is very broad. This major cultivates students' skills in electronic circuit design, communication technology, embedded systems, etc. After graduation, they can engage in electronic engineer, communication engineer, network engineer, etc.
Electrical automation technology: electrical automation technology involves industrial automation and control systems, as well as the operation and maintenance of electrical equipment and lines. After graduation, he can be engaged in electrical engineer, automation technician and other professions, which are widely used.
Software technology: With the arrival of the digital era, there is a large demand in software development and application fields. The software technology major cultivates students' abilities in software development, programming and system analysis. After graduation, students can work as software engineers, application developers and other professions.
Construction engineering technology: With the process of urbanization, the construction industry has always maintained a high demand. The major of architectural engineering technology cultivates students' abilities in architectural design, construction organization and project management. After graduation, they can work as architects' assistants, construction management personnel and other professions.
Nursing: With the intensification of the aging trend of the population, the employment demand in the field of medical care is increasing. Nursing majors cultivate students' nursing knowledge and skills. After graduation, they can work as nurses, nurses and other professions.
Hotel management and service: With the rapid development of tourism, the demand for hotel management and service specialty is also increasing. This major cultivates students' abilities in hotel management, room service, conference organization, etc. After graduation, they can engage in hotel management, reception and other professions.
This is only a small part of the popular secondary professional direction. In fact, there are many other popular majors, such as automobile maintenance and testing technology, marketing, international trade practice, etc. When choosing a major, it is recommended to consider your interests, abilities and career planning, and learn more about the employment prospects and development trends of related majors. At the same time, timely attention to industry dynamics and job market changes can better grasp employment opportunities. Choosing a suitable path is an important step in life. If students want to know about secondary vocational schools or want to apply, they can leave their contact information directly in the form below, and the teachers on the secondary vocational recruitment network will contact you as soon as possible.

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