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Is Hunan Nursing School a vocational high school?

Source: Secondary Vocational Enrollment Network Time: 2024-06-17 11:46:28

In 2024, secondary vocational enrollment has begun! For students who can not enter high school in the secondary school entrance examination, choosing a suitable school and major will directly affect their future development direction and career development. today Secondary Vocational Enrollment Network I will tell you how to deal with it! Is Hunan Nursing School a vocational high school? Yes, Hunan Nursing School, founded in 1987, is a full-time private pure medical and health secondary vocational school that enrolls students nationwide.

 Is Hunan Nursing School a Vocational High School

Is Hunan Nursing School a vocational high school?

Yes, Hunan Nursing School, formerly known as Hunan Tourism Vocational Secondary School, was founded by the Changsha Municipal Party Committee of the Democratic League in 1987 and renamed as Hunan Nursing School in 2015. It is now held by Hunan Hunan Nursing School Education Management Co., Ltd. and is a full-time medical and health secondary vocational school directly under the management of Changsha Education Bureau. The school is a private non-profit institution. The school now offers nursing, traditional Chinese medicine nursing, traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation technology, optometry and glasses, oral restorative technology and other majors.

Since its establishment, the university has cultivated more than 20000 qualified graduates from colleges and technical secondary schools (including adult college entrance examination and self-taught college entrance examination), and the employment rate of graduates has remained above 95%. In the past three years, the single enrollment rate of students has reached more than 95%, and the passing rate of the national unified examination for nurse qualification certificate has exceeded 94%. In 2022, the passing rate will be 96.3%. In the past five years, it has won more than 100 national, provincial, municipal and county-level honors. In 2021 and 2022, it was awarded the honorary title of Excellent School in School Running Evaluation by Changsha Education Bureau for two consecutive years. The school's achievements and achievements have been reported by China Education Daily, Hunan Daily, Changsha Evening News, Rednet and other media for many times, forming a good social reputation.

In view of the fact that the medical and health care, elderly care services, health care and other industries have increased the level of demand for talents, the school actively plans to upgrade its specialty and school, and build a health care town integrating higher medical education, rehabilitation treatment, elderly care demonstration base, and elderly care rehabilitation research base.

Basic conditions of Hunan Nursing School

School floor area

Building area of school buildings Teaching equipment value Number of computers
729.6 mu 270000 square meters 20384500 yuan 630 sets
Total number of teaching staff Number of full-time teachers Number of professional teachers Number of "double qualified" teachers Number of undergraduates and above Number of teachers with graduate degree or master's degree
228 persons 197 persons 126 persons 79 persons 190 people 42 persons
The data of school floor area, school building construction area and number of full-time teachers are from municipal and prefectural education (sports) bureaus

Professional Enrollment Plan of Hunan Nursing School

one TCM Nursing 3 years Junior High School 18000 yuan 100 people
two nursing 3 years Junior High School 18000 yuan 700 persons
three TCM rehabilitation technology 3 years Junior High School 18000 yuan 80 persons
four traditional Chinese medicine 3 years Junior High School 18000 yuan 100 people
five Prosthetic process 3 years Junior High School 18000 yuan 60 persons
six Optometry and glasses 3 years Junior High School 18000 yuan 60 persons
seven medicament 3 years Junior High School 18000 yuan 200 people
total 1300 persons

Instructions for Registration of Hunan Nursing School

1、 Enrollment target: junior high school graduates of 2023 and previous junior high school graduates of 2022, aged 14-17, the school will not accept new students who have not obtained the junior high school graduation certificate of compulsory education.

2、 Vocational education college entrance examination class

1. With the 2026 vocational college entrance examination as the goal, separate classes will be held, and a special talent training program will be developed. Teachers with rich experience in vocational college entrance examination will teach and serve as the head teacher.

2. In addition to meeting the basic requirements of freshmen, the total score of the three subjects of language, math and English in the secondary school entrance examination for vocational college students reaches more than 60% of the full score of the local language, math and English in the secondary school entrance examination.

3. According to the cost of running vocational college entrance examination classes, the charging standard should be appropriately raised, and the annual tuition fee should be increased by 2000 yuan on the basis of similar professional ordinary classes.

4. Students of vocational education college entrance examination class do not participate in clinical practice during school, and do not refer to the nurse's qualification certificate.

3、 Interview assessment requirements

1. Physiological development

(1) Height requirements: 156cm for girls and 160cm for boys in nursing and traditional Chinese medicine nursing; 150cm for girls and 157cm for boys in traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation technology, traditional Chinese medicine health care, oral restorative technology, ophthalmology and glasses.

(2) Weight requirements: the body is symmetrical, not fat, and the weight does not exceed the standard 10kg. See the weight height comparison table for details.

(3) Vision requirements: no eye deformation, no color blindness, color weakness, and corrected vision of more than 1.0.

2. Disease history: no major disease history (such as mental illness, infectious disease, heart disease, asthma, depression, tuberculosis, epilepsy, etc.).

3. In terms of code of conduct: (1) The facial features are correct, the clothes are appropriate, and the hair is not dyed, permed, or made up; (2) No record of theft, fighting, gambling, tattoos, smoking, love and other bad behaviors; (3) Do not accept students who are unpatriotic, do not love the school, do not respect their parents, do not respect teachers, etc; (4) Having no demerit recorded or above in junior high school graduation school; (5) There is no cult belief.

4. Self expression: clear speech, fluent Mandarin. Those who fail the interview will not be admitted.

4、 Filling requirements

1. When new junior high school graduates fill in their applications, they must fill in our school (school code: 3009) as the first volunteer to ensure normal admission.

2. The specific application requirements, admission standards and enrollment plan shall be subject to the latest documents of Sunshine Enrollment such as the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Changsha Municipal Education Bureau, and the implementation rules for student enrollment.

The registration for secondary vocational schools in Hunan is very hot, If students want to know about the secondary vocational school or want to apply, they can leave their contact information in the form below directly, and the teachers of the secondary vocational recruitment network will contact you as soon as possible

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