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What majors do boys' technical schools choose?

Source: Secondary Vocational Enrollment Network Time: April 30, 2024 08:53:02

With the rapid development of society and the continuous progress of technology, technician education plays an increasingly important role in the talent training system. As an important base for training technical talents, technical schools provide rich professional choices for boys. So, what majors do boys' technical schools choose? below Secondary Vocational Enrollment Network The editor will introduce several common professional directions for students in detail to help boys better plan their future.

 What majors do boys' technical schools choose?

1、 Mechanical specialty

Machinery is one of the popular majors in technical schools, including machinery manufacturing and automation, numerical control technology, mold design and manufacturing and other directions. The students trained in these majors have the ability of mechanical design, manufacturing, maintenance and management, and are urgently needed talents in the manufacturing industry and machinery industry.

2、 Electrical discipline

Electrical majors are also popular in technical schools, such as electrical automation technology, electronic information engineering, intelligent control technology, etc. These specialties cover the installation, commissioning and maintenance of electrical equipment, as well as the design and manufacture of electronic products. With the continuous development of intelligence and automation technology, the demand for electrical professionals is also increasing.

3、 Automobile

With the rapid development of the automobile industry, automobile majors have gradually emerged in technical schools. These majors include automobile inspection and maintenance technology, automobile electronic technology, automobile marketing and service, etc. Students will learn the structure, principle, maintenance and relevant knowledge of the automobile market to prepare for future employment in the automobile industry.

4、 Computer Major

Computer majors are also popular in technical schools. Including computer application technology, computer network technology, software technology and other directions. These majors train students to master the basic computer operation, programming skills, network maintenance and other capabilities. With the advent of the information age, the demand for computer talents continues to grow.

5、 Architecture

Architecture majors also have an important position in technical schools. These majors include architectural engineering technology, architectural decoration engineering technology, engineering cost and other directions. Students will learn about architectural design, construction, management and other aspects to lay a solid foundation for future employment in the construction industry.

6、 Other specialties

In addition to the above professional directions, the technical school also provides many other majors for boys to choose, such as chemical engineering, food, environmental protection, etc. Boys can choose their own professional direction according to their own interests, strengths and career planning.

7、 How do boys choose majors

It is necessary to understand the employment prospects and industry needs of the major, ensure that the selected major has good development potential, pay attention to the faculty and teaching facilities of the school, ensure that high-quality education and training can be obtained, and make choices based on your own actual situation and interests to avoid blindly following the trend or pursuing popular majors.

8、 What majors do boys' technical schools choose?

To sum up, boys' technical schools have rich choices of majors. Whether it is mechanical, electrical, automotive or computer, architecture and other professions, all have their unique charm and development prospects. Boys can choose their own professional direction according to their own interests and career planning to lay a solid foundation for their future career.

To learn more about technical schools, click>> Technical School Selection Guide

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