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Daily recommendation

Yangzhou Secondary Vocational School Enrollment Policy Releases Multiple Types of Smooth Entrance Channels: 5+2 Project Enrollment Plan, Comprehensive High School Enrollment Plan, 3+3 Enrollment Plan, Five Year Higher Vocational Enrollment Plan View Details>>
The enrollment policy of secondary vocational schools in Chongqing is to consolidate and improve the development level of secondary vocational education, speed up the training of technical and skilled talents, and constantly enhance the construction of vocational education for a skilled society View Details>>
In 2024, Weifang secondary vocational education enrollment policy is that junior high school graduates can fill in three categories of vocational education school volunteers according to their own wishes, namely: secondary vocational schools and undergraduate high school students View Details>>
Application for secondary vocational school entrance examination

Classification of secondary vocational schools

Training objectives
Enrollment target
Length of schooling
Enrollment method
Higher education
Vocational high school
Available for employment and further education
Focus on culture (language, number, foreign language) and specialty
Former junior high school graduates
3-year system
There are strict restrictions on admission score and enrollment plan
Can take the ordinary college entrance examination and skill college entrance examination
secondary specialized school
Employment oriented
Teaching based on industry
Former junior high school graduates
Three year system, very few of them have 1, 2, 4, 5 year system
There are strict restrictions on admission score and enrollment plan
There are certain restrictions on taking the college entrance examination, and some provinces are more suitable for taking the spring college entrance examination or single enrollment, and then take the way of upgrading from junior college to undergraduate.
Technical school
Cultivate front-line workers for various industries and enterprises
Focus on professional skills training
Junior high school graduates also recruit general social youth and unemployed migrant workers
1-5 years
Employment oriented, unlimited enrollment
There are certain restrictions on taking the college entrance examination, and some provinces are more suitable for taking the spring college entrance examination or single enrollment, and then take the way of upgrading from junior college to undergraduate.

Vocational high school enrollment

What is a vocational high school?

It is the closest model to the ordinary high school. Generally speaking, vocational high schools are reformed from ordinary high schools with poor entrance rate and teachers in the nine-year compulsory education reform, so vocational high schools are mainly public schools. The general high school attaches importance to cultural courses, while the vocational high school attaches importance to the technical and vocational aspects. The vocational high school can also participate in the college entrance examination.

Educational characteristics
Emphasis on academic education of cultural courses. It is inclined to the management mode of ordinary high schools, focusing on culture courses, and specialized courses are also more inclined to the setting of entrance examinations
graduation certificate
Secondary professional school graduation certificate printed by the education department

Technical secondary school enrollment

What is technical secondary school?

With the same level of education as high school, enrollment is included in the national unified enrollment plan. Ordinary technical secondary school graduates are issued with ordinary technical secondary school graduation certificates verified and stamped by the Provincial Department of Education. Vocational technical secondary schools mainly recruit junior high school graduates. The traditional training objectives are intermediate technicians, managers, etc.

Educational characteristics
Technical secondary schools generally set up not only ordinary classes focusing on employment, but also 3+2 classes and further education classes for the purpose of further education.
graduation certificate
Secondary professional school graduation certificate printed by the education department

Technical school enrollment

What is a technical school?

Technical schools, technician colleges, specialized colleges and so on are collectively called. Most of the technical schools are privately run and cultivate practical talents. By studying at school, you can generally get two certificates, including diploma and vocational qualification certificate, after graduation.

Educational characteristics
The training and education with the most emphasis on skill training. Professional training teaching in technical schools is undoubtedly the most powerful existence in secondary vocational education.
graduation certificate
Technical school graduation certificate printed by the labor department

Secondary Vocational School

Chongqing Rail School

Technical school
School employment: Higher education and employment
Beibei District

Direct School of PLA General Staff

Technical school
School employment: Higher education and employment
Beibei District

Langfang Huahang Art School

secondary specialized school
School employment: Higher education and employment

Chongqing Guanghua Women's Vocational Secondary School

secondary specialized school
School employment: obtain employment

Chongqing Zhixing Health School

secondary specialized school
School employment: Higher education and employment

Chongqing Agricultural School

secondary specialized school
School employment: Higher education and employment

Shijiazhuang Huaxia Vocational School

secondary specialized school
School employment: Higher education and employment
Luancheng District

Chongqing Yicai Technician College

Technical school
School employment: Higher education and employment
Jiangbei District

Chongqing Traffic Vocational School

Technical school
School employment: Entrance examination, employment, summer examination, single enrollment, vocational education college entrance examination
Bishan District

Recommended for junior high school students to go to college

College of Continuing Education, Taiyuan University of Technology

Outside the plan
education: specialty

International College of Xi'an International Studies University

Outside the plan
education: Undergraduate/junior college

School of Continuing Education, Dalian Maritime University

Outside the plan
education: Undergraduate/junior college

Tianjin Tianshi University College of Continuing Education

Outside the plan
education: Undergraduate/junior college

College of Continuing Education, Jiangxi Normal University

Outside the plan
education: Undergraduate/junior college

Shanghai Lida University College of Continuing Education

Outside the plan
education: specialty

Science and Technology College of Anhui Xinhua University

Outside the plan
education: Undergraduate/junior college

Nanning Institute of Technology

Outside the plan
education: specialty

College of Continuing Education, Nanjing University of Technology

Outside the plan
education: Undergraduate/junior college

School of Vocational and Continuing Education of Beijing Printing College

Outside the plan
education: specialty

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