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What are the advantages of Beijing Dongfanghong School? This article makes it clear

Source: Yulu Private School Enrollment Network Release time: 2013:30:00, May 21, 2024

   Beijing Dongfanghong School A twelve year bilingual private boarding school located in Changping District, Beijing, has been committed to providing students with high-quality educational resources and a comprehensive development platform since its establishment in 2005. With its unique advantages in running a school, Dongfanghong School has come to the fore in the educational world, attracting the attention of many parents and students. Then, what are the advantages of Beijing Dongfanghong School? This article will conduct in-depth analysis from multiple perspectives. Let's have a look.

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Advantages of Beijing Dongfanghong School

  Really pay attention to students' personality

The school knows that every student is a unique individual. Therefore, in the process of education, it always adheres to the principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and individualized training. Each child has an exclusive growth plan. We constantly innovate and change, thinking about how to stimulate the maximum potential of each student. We constantly summarize and reflect, innovatively implement the group cooperation mode, layered counseling, private customized learning plans and other measures, help students develop personalized learning programs, and let them constantly explore and move forward on the path that is most suitable for them.

  Attach great importance to reading

There are only 20 minutes of classical early reading every day. There are also one reading exchange class and one reading topic class every week. It is more common for teachers and students to read one book and the whole book together. In the context of "big Chinese" education, we base ourselves on the classroom and campus to cultivate students' reading habits and improve their Chinese literacy. We hope that children can reach the reading level of grade six in grade four and junior high school in grade six. Relying on the reading sequence of 100 books, the reading amount in six years can exceed 10 million words.

   English education is unique

You may be amazed by Dongfang Hong's English class. We create a strong English atmosphere by immersive teaching, employ teachers from English speaking countries to teach, and offer courses such as English drama and English reading to cultivate students' English reading ability, aesthetic ability and core literacy. In such a multicultural atmosphere, students can learn and feel the multicultural world, so that they can learn and grow from a diversified perspective.

   Mathematics teaching pays attention to the cultivation of thinking

In mathematics class, we pay more attention to the refinement of mathematical methods and the cultivation of mathematical thinking. Students should not only be able to "do", but also be able to "say", and experience the process of knowledge production. We introduce a game based approach. From the first grade to the sixth grade, each grade has its own special games, such as jigsaw puzzle, addition and subtraction, Sudoku, magic cube, and nine links. Through educational games to assist thinking training, students are willing to get close to mathematics, understand mathematics, and use mathematics; The junior high school should train students to understand the environment and society they live in with a mathematical perspective, learn to "think mathematically", and develop students' rational spirit, innovative consciousness and practical ability; In high school, more attention is paid to the establishment of students' mathematical thinking, the cultivation of logical thinking, and the cultivation of students' ability to solve problems independently using mathematical thinking.

   Pay attention to the improvement of students' comprehensive quality

We respect the differences of each student and explore the plasticity and diversity brought by differences. Therefore, in addition to subject courses, we have opened nearly 30 elective courses, one every day, covering four major categories, including science and technology, art, sports, language, including handball, programming, drama, paper-cut, sand painting, fencing, piano, dance, football and other courses. Here, students can not only learn knowledge in class, but also exercise their practical ability and broaden their horizons in research bases and community activities. The school has rich educational resources and activity facilities, providing students with a broad space for learning and development.

   Advocate activities to educate people

We will hold a variety of activities, such as the annual cultural festival, research, foreign language festival, science and technology festival, sports festival, adult ceremony, outward bound training, New Year party, etc., to provide students with a stage to show themselves, and also an important platform for major associations to show their learning and training achievements, so that students can exercise their courage, will, and mind in various activities, Stimulating motivation; Let them feel the learning and application of knowledge and skills, the handling of interpersonal relationships, and let them experience the seemingly simple truth.

   Focus on cultivating students' international vision

It is worth mentioning that Dongfanghong School also attaches great importance to cultivating students' international vision. Under the educational concept of diversified development, the school actively carries out international cooperation and exchange, providing more learning and display platforms for students. Here, students can come into contact with cultures and ideas from different countries and regions, so as to cultivate a more open and inclusive mentality and vision.

The above is related to the "advantages of Beijing Dongfanghong School". When you enter Dongfanghong School, you will be attracted by the unique educational atmosphere and warm learning environment here. The school has its own Jingxin Lake, swimming pool, open book reading room, perfect art and sports training room, theme learning corner, thousand mu farm, research base and other facilities to build a rich learning scene and provide students with a more colorful learning experience. Here, every student can feel the care and respect of the school, and can make continuous progress and surpass on their own growth path. To learn more about the school's enrollment details, please contact our online teacher for consultation or click View>>> Admission Brochure of Beijing Dongfanghong School

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