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Chengdu Dujiangyan high school admission score line, quickly see how many points can be admitted to high school in 2024?

Source: Yulu International School Network Release time: 2024-05-17 13:11:53

According to the Notice on Defining the Admission Score Line of Ordinary High Schools in 2023 issued by the Dujiangyan Municipal Commission of Recruitment and Examination, the admission score line of ordinary high schools in Dujiangyan in 2024 will be 470 points. Of course, different schools have different admission scores. See the following table for details:

 Dujiangyan High School Admission Score,

For the high school admission score in other districts of Chengdu, Dujiangyan's high school entrance examination score is relatively low. For Chengdu junior high school students with low scores in the 2024 middle school entrance examination, Dujiangyan can be considered as a high school student.

>>> Click to view Summary of high school admission score in Longquanyi District, Chengdu, for reference in choosing schools in 2024

>>> Click to view What is the high school admission score in Wuhou District, Chengdu? How many points can I get in high school in 2024?

What about students below 470 points?

Students with scores below 470 can consult local private high schools to see if they can enroll. If they can, they can go to private high schools. If not, the following solutions are suggested:

1. Vocational high school or technical secondary school

The enrollment methods of vocational high schools or technical secondary schools mainly include independent enrollment and unified enrollment.

Independent enrollment: independent enrollment refers to a way for vocational high schools to organize professional ability tests for enrollment according to their own educational and teaching needs. Chengdu students who have not been admitted to senior high schools can directly apply to local vocational high schools or technical secondary schools to take the exam. The pass rate of the exam is very high.

Unified enrollment: that is to say, Chengdu will enroll students in batches in advance for the senior high school entrance examination, and apply after the score of the senior high school entrance examination. According to the enrollment plan and students' scores in the middle school entrance examination, all schools admit students from the first volunteer with high scores to low scores, and then the second and third students with high scores, until the quota is full. Generally, the first volunteer enrollment rate is high.

2. Privately run International High School

Graduates of junior three with scores below 470 can still apply for some private international high schools in Chengdu, take the entrance examination for these international high schools, and choose the best according to the examination results.

The entrance examination is divided into written examination and interview, and the written examination is generally mainly for math and English. The interview is in English.

   Chengdu International High School can be applied by students with scores below 470:

School name
High school curriculum system High school tuition/year
Chengdu Wharton Public School IGCSE、Alevel 148 thousand
Chengdu Melbourne School IGCSE、Alevel 162 thousand
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China OSSD International Course OSSD course Hong Kong DSE course 78-149800
Qingmiao School Chengdu Campus IBDP、Alevel、DSE 150 thousand

3. Study abroad

If the family economy allows, students who fail to enter high school can consider directly applying for studying abroad in foreign middle schools. The high schools in Canada, South Korea, Singapore and other countries are relatively easy to apply for, but the cost of studying abroad in high schools is high, which is completely different from international high schools in China. If If you are not fluent in English or Korean, you are not recommended to study abroad in high school

The above are some ways out for Dujiangyan students whose high school entrance examination scores fail to reach the entrance mark of ordinary high schools. You can choose according to the actual situation.


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