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Primary school to international school

What are the advantages and ways out for primary schools to go to international schools? Public or private? What are the advantages and disadvantages? What should be paid attention to when selecting? Let's learn about the advantages and disadvantages of going to international schools in primary schools and suggestions!

Tianjin's international education has developed well in China and has been recognized by many families at home and abroad. Tianjin International School also has some 12 year schools, including International Primary School, Junior High School and Senior High School. So, which schools can choose to attend international schools in Tianjin Primary School?

1、 Tianjin Heilibury International School

Heiliberi International School is a full-time boarding school approved by the competent education department of Tianjin. The school has a primary school department, a junior high school department and a senior high school department. The Primary School Department of Heilibury International School integrates the primary school experience of Heilibury, Australia, with China's basic education to provide a complete education system for children aged 6 to 11. The curriculum of the primary school is based on the academic standards of the national compulsory education system, strengthening English learning and integrating other characteristic courses. It covers four key points, namely quality, English, interest and specialty, and activity experience.

Enrollment target: teenagers aged 6-11

Admission conditions: take the entrance test after registration

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Families who plan to study in Tianjin International Primary School in 2024 have already selected schools. So, what schools can be selected for Tianjin International Primary School in 2024?

1、 Tianjin Heilibury International School

The Heilibury Primary School Department integrates the primary school experience of Heilibury in Australia with the basic education in China. Provide a complete education system for children aged 6 to 11. Based on the academic standards of the national compulsory education system, we should strengthen English learning and integrate other characteristic courses. Monday to Thursday are compulsory courses, majoring in compulsory education, and Friday are optional courses. Students choose subjects according to their own interests.

Enrollment target: teenagers aged 6-11

Admission conditions: take the entrance test after registration

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Related to primary school going to international schools International Primary School Selection Guide

For children, the growth of young age is more critical. The cultivation of habits, character and thinking in this period will affect their life. Therefore, a truly excellent international school must have excellent primary education and preschool education. They can lay a good foundation for children's future growth with their educational philosophy and the most appropriate teaching methods.

We often hear the teacher of an international school say, "XX's child is very excellent, and he has studied here since kindergarten." "XX's child has studied here since childhood, so his English, thinking and other aspects are much better than those of the children who came from high school." This also reflects from the side that excellent international education can have a very important impact on children from childhood.

 National Institute of Technology

So, what is the primary education of international schools like? What abilities do they focus on cultivating students? How to set up courses? Today, let's take a look at how primary education in Beijing Aidi International School is carried out.

Riverbed education concept allows personalized cultivation and development

Aidi International School, invested and founded by Aidi Education Group, is a 15 year consistent international school from kindergarten to high school, in which the length of schooling in primary school is 6 years. In primary school, Eddie advocated the idea of river bed education. As long as it did not cross the prescribed boundary, all children's behaviors were allowed. The school believes that the ultimate goal of curriculum and management in primary school is to give children a broad environment, and on the basis of cultivating their habits, character and comprehensive quality, let them have more possibilities to find their own interests and strengths.

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Can children in Grade 3 of primary school go to International Primary School? The answer is yes. As long as the application conditions and admission requirements of international schools are met, children in grade three of primary school will have the opportunity to attend international schools. Many international schools have additional places for placement, so you can consult the relevant requirements of the intended school in advance to prepare for the application.

Generally speaking, the enrollment process of international schools at the primary stage includes the following steps:

Learn about different international schools and courses. Different international schools have different school running characteristics, educational concepts, curriculum settings, enrollment policies, etc. Parents need to choose appropriate international schools and courses according to their own needs and interests and children's interests.

Prepare application materials. Different international schools have different requirements for application materials, generally including application forms, transcripts, letters of recommendation, portfolios, personal statements, etc. The application materials should reflect the child's basic information, learning, strengths, hobbies, personality characteristics, etc., and reflect the child's adaptability and potential for international education.

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Many parents will send their children to international schools at the primary school stage in order to cultivate their children's bilingual ability, hobbies and international vision, but this kind of education costs the most. Therefore, some people question whether it is necessary for primary schools to go to international schools?

The answer is: It is very necessary to study in international schools in primary school First, because the domestic education is a "dumb" test oriented teaching for children's English teaching, many children can do English test papers, but cannot speak English. The International Primary School attaches importance to English education. It has specialized foreign teachers, a large number of English reading classes, scene based English teaching courses, and a good environment for speaking English. Many students graduated from the International Primary School can communicate with foreign teachers normally.

In addition to improving oral English ability, primary schools in international schools have the following advantages:

1. A good foundation of English enables children to learn English easily in junior high school and senior high school and cope with English examinations.

2. International primary schools do not affect children's choice of primary schools. Primary school graduates can take the primary school graduation exam and choose to enter public junior high schools, international junior high schools or foreign junior high schools.

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What do I need to prepare for international school in primary school? What admission materials need to be prepared? This is a question we have received from many parents recently. In fact, there are still a lot of entrance materials to prepare for international schools in primary schools. The following is a list of relevant admission materials we have compiled for you.

1、 Documents for admission to international schools in primary schools

Since the primary school entering the international school is a compulsory education stage, all families applying for the international primary school should prepare the admission materials according to the local admission policy requirements, such as the social security, residence permit, work certificate and other materials of the family. Different requirements need to be prepared in advance.

Recommended reading: International Primary School Enrollment Policy

2、 Basic materials for international school enrollment in primary schools

The basic materials for admission include the basic materials of the student's birth certificate, vaccination certificate, household registration book and ID card, which are generally available to families. If you are a family studying in an international primary school, you also need to provide students' transcripts and other materials.

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