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How many Hainan International Primary Schools are there?

Source: Yulu International School Network Release time: 2024-06-17 09:40:28

Hainan International Primary School It refers to schools offering international courses in primary school, including international schools for foreign children and private international schools. Only private international schools can enroll Chinese students, and most children from Chinese families also choose to enroll in private international schools. So, how many Hainan International Primary Schools are there?

 Which are the Hainan International Primary Schools

The number of Hainan International Primary Schools is increasing year by year. The following are the Hainan International Primary Schools that can be counted and are enrolling students:

School name
Region Grade setting
Haikou Harrow School Haikou City Early childhood height

First grade 217000/year

Grade 2 235000/year

Grade 3 2452000/year

Grade 4 2452000/year
Sanya Foreign Language School The city of Sanya Small initial height 47000 yuan/semester
Hainan Yingyasheng Peter School Haikou City Early childhood height 81500 yuan/semester
Sanya School for Foreign Children The city of Sanya Early childhood height 72000/year
Blue Bay Future Leadership School Lingshui County Early childhood height 180000 yuan/year

Among them, there is an early bird price for the primary school enrollment of Inmarson Peter School in 2024, that is, before June 30, 2024, the tuition is 70% off, and the discounted price is 57050 yuan/semester.

It can be seen that in 2024, when studying in Hainan International Primary School, choosing Yingya or Sanya foreign language is more cost-effective.

Hainan Yingyasheng Peter School

Hainan Yingyashengbede School was introduced by Hainan Provincial Department of Education in 2023. It was jointly run by Hainan Shengfeng Education Group and the millennium famous British Shengbei School (founded in 627 AD) to establish a new ecological international school with multiple channels integrating kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. Because the school has just been established, there are preferential policies on tuition fees.

Sanya Foreign Language School

Sanya Foreign Language School and Sanya Foreign Children's School are located in the same campus. Both primary schools and junior middle schools have Chinese classes and integrated Chinese and Western classes. The tuition is less than 100000 yuan a year. Sanya is a popular international school in Sanya.

Although the tuition fees of these two international primary schools are low, the school hardware, school background and teachers are very good. It is worth making an appointment to see the school and find out!


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(Enrollment registration is in progress in the spring of 2023. In order to avoid mass consultation and no degree after the end of the epidemic, parents are recommended to register for consultation first!)
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