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What should we do if the examination of the four certificates of junior high school entrance for non Beijing students in 2024 fails?

Source: Yulu International School Network Release time: 2024-05-27 10:53:26

In 2024, four certificates of non Beijing registration will still be reviewed in Beijing Xiaoshengju, including Beijing residence permit, Beijing work certificate, Beijing actual residence permit and household register of the whole family. Although it is called "four certificates", in fact, each certificate needs to submit a lot of materials as proof materials. For example, the parents of children enrolled in Beijing need to prepare property certificate and tax payment certificate for the actual residence certificate, and the families without houses need to provide Beijing rent certificate, property owner's property certificate, tax payment certificate, and the opinion letter for agreeing to occupy the property, These certificates generally have specified time limits. For example, it takes 9 or 12 months to rent a house. Different districts have different requirements. Every year, many non Beijing citizens fail to pass the examination of four certificates, We have summarized the solutions for each district that failed to pass the examination of the four certificates for junior high school entrance examination. You can click to view the solutions according to the districts.

 In 2024, what should we do after the examination of the four certificates for non Beijing junior high school students

Solutions for non Beijing junior high school students failing to pass the examination of four certificates (including 17 districts)

Beijing 17 District Click to view the solution
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Fangshan In 2024, what should we do if the examination of Fangshan District's four non Beijing junior high school entrance certificates fails?
Dongcheng In 2024, how can I go to junior high school after the examination of the fourth certificate of junior high school in Dongcheng District, a non Beijing native?
Westlife What remedies are there for the failure of the examination of the four non Beijing certificates for junior high school students in Xicheng District?
Yanqing How to remedy the problem of non Beijing four certificate audit in the junior high school of Yanqing District?
Mentougou In 2024, how can Pinggu District go to junior high school after the examination of four non Beijing certificates?
Pinggu In 2024, how can Pinggu District go to junior high school after the examination of four non Beijing certificates?
Huairou How can Huairou District go to junior high school after the examination of four non Beijing certificates in 2024?
Shijingshan Shijingshan District, in 2024, how can I go to junior high school after the examination of the fourth certificate of non Beijing junior high school?
Miyun In 2024, what should we do if the examination of the four certificates of junior high school entrance examination for non Beijing citizens in Miyun District fails?
Tongzhou In 2024, what should we do if the examination of the fourth certificate of junior high school entrance of non Beijing nationality in Tongzhou District fails?
Yizhuang What should we do if the examination of Yizhuang's four non Beijing junior high school entrance certificates in 2024 fails?

Seen from the solutions of the four certificate audit in each district, we can sum up the following solutions:

1. Return to the original place to go to junior high school

For ordinary income families, the cost of returning to their original places of residence to attend junior high school is relatively low, and they have the opportunity to attend junior high school in a better place of residence.

2. Stay in Beijing to study in a private junior high school

Non Beijing students who fail to pass the four certificate examination can attend Beijing private junior high school, but they can only borrow. Children without Beijing junior high school status need to be registered as non Beijing students.

Another thing to note is Beijing Private junior high school tuition It is generally between 30000 yuan and 100000 yuan. For ordinary families, the cost is still high.

3. Reading in Beijing International junior high school

Non Beijing residents with high family income can consider letting their children take the route of international study and directly apply for entrance examination at Beijing International School. If they pass the examination, they can be admitted.

   Beijing International Junior High School Tuition : It is generally about 100000~250000.>>> Click to view List of International Junior Middle Schools with Lower Tuition in Beijing in 2024

   Entrance route:

① International junior high school → International senior high school → Application for studying abroad

② International junior high school → senior high school study abroad → direct promotion to overseas universities

③ International Junior High School → International Senior High School → International Undergraduate Program of Domestic Sino foreign Cooperative Education

4. Go to Hebei to study junior high school

The enrollment policy for primary school students in Hebei is relatively loose. Every year, many non Beijing students choose to go to private junior high schools in Yanjiao, Sanhe, Xianghe and other regions near Beijing.

Although it is a private junior high school, the tuition of private junior high schools in Hebei is much lower than that in Beijing, with an average of 20000 to 50000 yuan per year.>> Click to view Recommended by Hebei Private Junior High School Enrollment School

5. Go to Tianjin for junior high school

The settlement policy in Tianjin is looser than that in Beijing. Many non Beijing residents who work in Beijing buy houses and settle down in Tianjin, so that their children can go to primary school in Tianjin.

6. Junior high school students studying abroad

Some families choose to let their children study abroad at the junior high school stage, but studying abroad at the junior high school requires parents to accompany them. The education cost is the highest, which is more than 500000 yuan a year. If it is in the United States, it needs about 1 million yuan a year.

The above is the solution that can not be approved by the four certificates of non Beijing junior high school entrance examination. You can choose a suitable entrance scheme according to your income.


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(Enrollment registration is in progress in the spring of 2023. In order to avoid mass consultation and no degree after the end of the epidemic, parents are recommended to register for consultation first!)
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