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What are the small language international high schools in Chaoyang District, Beijing?

Source: Yulu International School Network Published on: 2024-05-22 08:10:45

many International schools Small language courses, such as Japanese courses and German courses, are offered to meet the needs of students studying abroad. Small language courses in some schools can also take part in the college entrance examination instead of English, so many students choose small languages in international high schools. So, what are the small language international high schools in Chaoyang District, Beijing?

 What are the small language international high schools in Chaoyang District, Beijing

1、 Beijing Experimental Foreign Language School

Beijing Experimental Foreign Language School is a full-time complete middle school approved by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission. The Sino Japanese orientation training class offers Japanese courses. It adopts the 2.5 academic year orientation course for studying abroad in Japan+0.5 academic year preparatory course for studying in Japanese universities. Finally, it applies to famous Japanese universities with excellent test results and IELTS/TOEFL scores. The course modules include Japanese comprehensive courses, EJU comprehensive subject courses, art literacy courses, customized guidance courses for further study. The central courses include Japanese intensive reading, Japanese listening and speaking, Japanese writing, Japanese dialogue, and advanced Japanese.

Admission requirements: new junior high school graduates, not limited to household registration and student registration

Admission requirements: students can take the entrance test and be admitted after passing the written examination/interview

Tuition: 98000/year

Admission brochure: Enrollment Manual of Beijing Experimental Foreign Language School's Sino Japanese Orientation Training Class

2、 Humboldt College of Beijing Mingcheng Foreign Language School

Beijing Mingcheng Foreign Language School is a K-12 boarding multilingual foreign language school approved by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission. Small language courses in senior high school include Sino German class and Sino Japanese class.

Curriculum of Sino German Class

Academic courses: open enough courses within the national plan to provide two-way development opportunities for students to take the college entrance examination and stay single. Chinese, Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Physics, Chemistry, Health, Politics, History, Geography, Music, Sports, Guanshu, Information Guishu, General Technology

Featured courses: a variety of foreign language featured courses and dual foreign language teaching mode, which is a practical basis for the green channel connecting the street to overseas students. Shi's characteristic courses, German and German art courses, international understanding courses, and overseas research courses.

Select and modify courses: music, dance, sports, art and other quality courses.

Curriculum of Chinese and Japanese classes

National planned curriculum: PEP senior high school curriculum

Japanese project courses: Japanese project courses, theme Japanese courses, subject Japanese courses, Japanese high school courses, Japanese national visiting courses

International understanding courses: Japanese culture and living habits, situational courses (cooperation with well-known international schools in Japan

Enrollment target: recruit junior high school graduates nationwide. Unlimited school and household registration

Admission method: All students must pass the school test.

Tuition: 138000/year

Admission brochure: Enrollment Guide for Japanese High School Class of Humboldt College of Beijing Mingcheng Foreign Language School

                    Beijing Mingcheng Foreign Language School Humboldt College Sino German High School Enrollment Brochure

The above is an introduction to "What are the small language international high schools in Chaoyang District, Beijing". Families planning to study small language international high schools in Chaoyang District can call or make an appointment with online customer service to see the school and register.

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   What are the small language international high schools in Daxing District of Beijing?


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