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What is the ranking of international schools in Fengtai District of Beijing in 2024?

Source: Yulu International School Network Release time: May 21, 2024 11:34:16

Fengtai District of Beijing is vigorously developing international education International schools The number will be more and more, and students in this area will have more choices in primary school, junior high school and senior high school. Although the international schools in Fengtai District are relatively young, some of them have relatively strong educational background and excellent teacher allocation, and have achieved a good ranking in the national ranking of international schools. The following is the ranking of international schools in Fengtai District, Beijing in 2024:

 What is the ranking of international schools in Fengtai District of Beijing in 2024

   1. Beijing Fengtai Lize International School

   Beijing Lize International School It is a new type of international school with public background and private characteristics, which is led by the Education Commission of Fengtai District, invested by social capital and run by education experts. It is a planning project included in the Three Year Action Plan for the Development of Beijing International Schools (2019-2021). It is to optimize the business environment of Lize Financial Business District and meet the high-quality and diversified education needs of high-end talent children It is a masterpiece of education layout to make up for the shortcomings of Fengtai District International School. Beijing Lize International School inherits the school running philosophy of "truth-seeking, benevolence and aestheticism", and takes the vision of building an "international school with Chinese characteristics and world-class standards". Through the implementation of personalized education, it helps every student find their place in the world, so that they can grow into promising young people with patriotism, world sentiment, moral beauty and creativity.

   School enrollment plan for 2024-2025 academic year:

Enrollment grade

Grade 1 of primary school, Grade 1 of junior high school, Grade 1 of senior high school

Enrollment target

Grade 1 of primary school: school-age children (born before August 31, 2018)

Grade 1 of junior high school: fresh Grade 6 graduates of primary school

Grade 1 of senior high school: new junior high school graduates

Opening class quota

Grade 1 of primary school: 2 classes

Grade 1 of junior high school: 2 classes

Grade 1 of high school: 3 classes


Tuition for the first grade of primary school: 120000 yuan/year

Tuition for the first grade of junior high school: 138000 yuan/year

Tuition for the first year of senior high school: 180000 yuan/year

   Click to view details Beijing Lize International School Admission Brochure

   2、 International Department of Yihai Branch of Beijing No.8 Middle School

Yihai Branch of Beijing No. 8 Middle School was founded in 1998. Adhering to the principle of "running schools by experts and teaching by famous teachers", the school has an excellent teaching team with teachers from the No. 8 Middle School and key schools in the urban area as the main body, combining special and senior teachers with young and middle-aged backbone teachers. The school has created a number of high-quality courses belonging to Yihai Middle School in the process of famous teacher demonstration, backbone guidance, school-based research, focusing on classroom and series of teaching reform activities, and has always maintained a leading position in the domestic private education system.

At present, the International Department of the university has Sino US cooperation courses and Japanese high school programs, which are suitable for students who want to study in the United States and Japan respectively.

Tuition information:

96000/year for Japanese class and 188000/year for American high school class

Enrollment information:

Enrollment target: students who have graduated from the third year of junior high and have the intention to study abroad

Admission requirements: sign up and pass the school entrance test

Enrollment time: April October (autumn enrollment), November March of the next year (spring enrollment)

Opening time: September in autumn, March in spring

   Click to view details Admission Brochure of International Department of Yihai Branch of Beijing No. 8 Middle School

In addition to these two international schools, there are also some international departments established by private schools in Fengtai District, but the enrollment situation of these international departments is not very ideal. It is recommended to first consider the above international schools with rankings and good reputation.

>>> Extended reading recommendation List of Top International Schools and Tuition Fees in Beijing in 2024


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