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How much does Pan Ocean Wenhua School cost a year?

[International class]
Source: Pan Ocean Wenhua School Time: 2024-05-21 09:20:45

   Pan Ocean Wenhua School TRANSCULTURE ACADEMY (TCA Destiny's philosophy focuses on the elite cultivation of holistic education. So, how much does Pan Ocean Wenhua School cost a year?

 How much does Pan Ocean Wenhua School cost per year

1、 International high school tuition

Pan Ocean Wenhua School offers IGCSE/A-LEVEL, a compulsory international senior high school basic course for junior high school graduates and senior high school students who apply for world-class colleges in China. Students will be fully prepared to compete for the world's top universities here. The university will provide diversified channels for students to enter the world's top universities according to their needs, so as to help them enter the world's top universities more quickly.

Tuition: 189000/year

Enrollment scope: nationwide enrollment, class change allowed

Enrollment target: 15 years old or above

Length of schooling: 2-3 years

Admission requirements: provide usual grades (above 70%); Participated in the entrance examination of Pan Ocean Mandarin School and passed the examination;

Admission brochure: Pan Ocean Wenhua School International High School Admission Brochure

2、 Pre college tuition

Pan Ocean Wenhua School, a world famous school, offers basic courses for British international high school students above junior high school level, university preparatory courses for world famous schools and professional courses in the arts. It focuses on the cultivation of whole person education and is committed to helping Chinese students successfully enter the world's top 100 schools to make full preparations.

Tuition: 125000 yuan/year

Enrollment scope: nationwide enrollment and class change

Enrollment target: students who have completed the second or third year of senior high school

Length of schooling: 0.5-1 years

Admission requirements: provide usual grades (above 70%); Passed the entrance examination of Fanyang Wenhua School and passed the interview;

Admission brochure: Fanyang Wenhua University Preparatory Admission Brochure

The above information describes how much the Pan Ocean Wenhua School costs a year. If you can accept the tuition fees here, you can call or make an appointment with the online customer service to see the school first. You can apply if you are satisfied with the field visit.

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