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In 2024, what should we do if the examination of Fangshan District's four non Beijing junior high school entrance certificates fails?

Source: Yulu International School Network Release time: May 20, 2024 13:18:02

Dear parents, we know that the examination of four certificates is a key link for non Beijing families in the primary school entrance in Fangshan District in 2024. These four certificates include the employment certificate of migrant workers in Beijing, the actual residence certificate, the household register of the whole family and the Beijing residence certificate. The requirements for each certificate are relatively complex. Every year, many parents fail to pass the four certificates due to non-compliance with the audit standards or omission of important materials. Then, what should we do about the examination of the fourth certificate of non Beijing junior high school students in Fangshan District?

 In 2024, what should we do if the examination of Fangshan District's four non Beijing junior high school entrance certificates fails

Non response plan for non Beijing four certificate audit:

1. Confirm the cause and see if it can be remedied

Sometimes, it may be just a matter of material details, such as insufficient payment of social security or non-standard lease contract. At this time, the problem may be solved by timely supplementary payment or supplementary application of relevant certificates.>> Click to view Official policies for the promotion of junior high school students in Fangshan District, Beijing in 2024

2. Private school in Beijing

If it has been determined that it cannot be remedied, it can consider Beijing Private Junior High School School loan. Some private junior high schools in Fangshan District may be willing to accept students for loan, but parents need to solve the problem of non local student status by themselves.

3. Private junior high schools around Beijing

Langfang City, Hebei Province, around Beijing, is the first choice for many children from non Beijing families to go to school. This area is close to Beijing, and many Beijing education groups have established campuses here. Its educational resources are not weaker than those of Shunyi, Tongzhou, Daxing and Fangshan. And the tuition is lower than that in Beijing, so you can board.>>> Click to view Recommended by Hebei Private Junior High School Enrollment School

4. Beijing International Junior High School

In addition to private junior high schools, non Beijing families with good economic conditions can also keep studying in international schools. Junior high school is a good time to transfer to international schools. choice International junior high school There is no need to take the high school entrance exam. After finishing junior high school, you can only go to international high school. High school graduates can directly apply to foreign universities or universities in Hong Kong.>> Click to view List of International Junior Middle Schools with Lower Tuition in Beijing in 2024

5. Return to my hometown for junior high school

The primary school graduates of Fangshan District who cannot pass the examination of four non Beijing certificates can also return to their hometown to attend junior high school, which can not only reduce the education cost, but also enable children to adapt to the education in their hometown and enter higher education in their hometown.

In short, there are many other options for entering a higher school in Fangshan District. As for which scheme to choose, it depends on the parents' planning for their children's education.


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(Enrollment registration is in progress in the spring of 2023. In order to avoid mass consultation and no degree after the end of the epidemic, parents are recommended to register for consultation first!)
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