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In 2024, Beijing's private international primary schools with a total of 100000 students will be summarized. Enrollment is in progress, regardless of household registration

Source: Yulu International School Network Release time: 2024-05-17 14:01:03

As the political and cultural center of China, Beijing has not only high-quality domestic education resources, but also rich international education resources, including more than 100 international schools, schools for children of foreigners, and public international departments. Many parents who have high recognition of international education will choose international schools in their children's primary school. Beijing private international schools can enroll Chinese students, and many schools have a consistent system of primary, junior and senior high schools, but the tuition fees of these schools are often high. At present, it is the season of information review and school selection for Beijing Yousheng Primary School. Now let's summarize about 100000 private schools International Primary School , for everyone to choose.

 Summary of private international primary schools with 100000 students in Beijing in 2024

Summary of Beijing's private international primary schools with 100000 students in 2024

School name
Region Primary school tuition Grade setting Whether boarding in primary school
Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School Haidian, Changping 85000/year Small initial height Boarding
Shunyi King Wood Bilingual School Shunyi District 100000/year Preschool, primary school Boarding
Beijing Wangfu School Changping District 119-15500/year Early childhood height Boarding
Beijing Zhongde School Chaoyang District 136000/year Preschool, primary school, junior high school Boarding
Beijing Xinxuedao Linchuan School Changping District 138000/year Early childhood height Boarding
Beijing 21st Century International School Haidian District 149800/year Small initial height Boarding
Beijing Sino Canada School Tongzhou District 79-16800 yuan/year Small initial height Boarding
Beijing Tongzhou District Private Shuren School Tongzhou District 115800 - 136000 Early childhood height Boarding
Beijing Huijia Private School Changping District 110000/year Small initial height Boarding

   notes : These International primary schools can be boarded and can enroll students across regions All primary and secondary school students who have passed the examination of Beijing Compulsory Education Enrollment Service System can apply.

The above is the summary of Beijing's private international primary schools with 100000 students in 2024. Enrollment is in progress, regardless of household registration. These schools have attracted more and more parents' attention with their flexible teaching mode, rich and diverse curriculum and high-quality teaching resources. If you want to provide children with an international learning environment and cultivate their innovative spirit and comprehensive quality, these private international primary schools will be a good choice.


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(Enrollment registration is in progress in the spring of 2023. In order to avoid mass consultation and no degree after the end of the epidemic, parents are recommended to register for consultation first!)
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