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Is the admission rate of international schools high?

Source: Yulu International School Network Release time: 2024-05-16 15:22:59

   International schools In fact, most students applying for international schools can be admitted, so the admission rate is relatively high. This is mainly due to the high tuition fees of international schools, the relatively small number of applicants, and the many ways of enrollment in the early childhood.

 Is there a high admission rate for international schools to choose the best students for young children

For example, in Beijing, international schools usually adopt the following ways to enroll children:

1. Private school assignment

In May of each year, Beijing starts to review the information of young and rising pupils. After the information is reviewed and approved, private primary schools will start to volunteer in the middle of June. Private primary schools can be selected by each district, including some international schools that have primary school departments, such as those in Chaoyang District Edie School Qingmiao School , Shunyi District Tripod stone Xinfuxue Nordanda , are in the list of private schools in the district, and parents can check these schools when filling in the application.

  All students who apply for admission through the Compulsory Education Admission Service System can be enrolled through computer assignment. Of course, if the number of applicants is less than the number of students enrolled by the school, there is no need to assign places to directly enroll all students.

2. School enrollment

In addition to position assignment, Beijing International School can recruit students from young to young Register directly at the school The main reason is that parents who choose international primary schools often pay more attention to the school environment, teachers, courses, food and beverage levels, and need to go to the school to see for themselves before making decisions.

The parents who decide to register can register on the same day by checking the school. Of course, if the parents want to register in Beijing, they still need to provide the student enrollment information collection form.

   be careful : Registration requires an interview with the parents, that is, the parents have an interview with the head of the primary school department of the International School. After fully understanding the student's family background, family education philosophy, and education needs, the school will comprehensively evaluate whether the student meets the school's requirements in combination with the school's resources and education philosophy.

So, In the early stage, there is no entrance examination for international schools to enroll students, and the selection of excellent students depends mainly on their family background and parents' educational philosophy Because of this admission principle, the admission rate of international schools is very high.

>> Extended reading recommendation Summary of official policies for children's promotion to primary schools in 16 districts of Beijing in 2024 (including Beijing/non Beijing/treated as Beijing)


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(Enrollment registration is in progress in the spring of 2023. In order to avoid mass consultation and no degree after the end of the epidemic, parents are recommended to register for consultation first!)
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