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In 2024, what should we do if the examination of the four non Beijing certificates of Yousheng Xiaoxiao in Daxing District of Beijing fails? Recommend alternatives for school selection

Source: Yulu International School Network Release time: 2024-05-16 09:02:21

Recently, all districts in Beijing have started the review of materials and applications for the promotion of children to junior high schools in 2024. The review time of four non Beijing certificates in Daxing District is from May 6 to May 31. What if the four non Beijing certificates of Yousheng Xiaoxiao in Daxing District of Beijing in 2024 cannot be reviewed?

 In 2024, what should we do after the examination of four non Beijing certificates of Yousheng Primary School in Daxing District, Beijing

1、 Requirements for the review of four certificates of non Beijing nationality in Daxing District

   1. Employment certificate of migrant workers in Beijing: At least one of the parents of non Beijing students needs to provide the employment certificate of migrant workers in Beijing, which usually includes the unit labor contract, social security rights and interests records and other materials to prove the parents' employment in Beijing.

   2. Proof of actual residence in Beijing: This requires non Beijing families to provide proof of their actual residence in Beijing, such as the property certificate of their own house, the rental contract and the tax payment certificate of the rental house. These materials need to prove that the family has a stable place to live in Beijing.

   3. Household register of the whole family: Non Beijing registered families need to provide a family household register to prove the family relationship and household registration information.

   4. Beijing Residence Permit: Parents of non Beijing students need to hold a Beijing residence permit, which is an important certificate to prove their parents' legal residence in Beijing.

2、 Daxing District Non Beijing Four Certificate Review Procedure

The town (sub district) shall establish a joint review mechanism, and each department shall review the materials according to the responsibilities of the department and the implementation rules of the town (sub district) review.

National town (street) accepts the application for review

The review applicant shall apply for review in the town (street) where he/she lives within the specified time (from May 6 to May 31, 2024), obtain the Application Form for Review Materials of Compulsory Education for Children and Adolescents of Non registered Age in XX Town (Street), and review the materials in relevant departments according to the implementation rules and workflow of the town (street) review.

Joint review by relevant departments

The town (street) shall coordinate the audit work within the jurisdiction, and clarify the detailed rules for material audit in combination with the actual situation. All relevant departments shall be responsible in accordance with the detailed rules.

1. Employment materials for migrant workers in Daxing District: the social security payment certificate shall be reviewed by the District Human Resources and Social Security Department; The legal representative, shareholders, partners and self-employed businesses shall be reviewed by the district market supervision department. 2. Residential materials for the actual residence in Daxing District: the property certificate (real estate ownership certificate) or the Beijing Commercial Housing Pre sale Contract shall be reviewed by the district's housing construction, planning and natural resources departments; The town (street) is responsible for reviewing the rental materials.

3. The Beijing residence permit shall be reviewed by the local police station.

4. The household register of the whole family shall be reviewed by the local police station, and the district education administrative department shall review whether the over age children and adolescents have enrolled in the school in their original places.

Rizhen (sub district) feedback audit results

The town (street) where the applicant resides shall inform the applicant of the audit results within the specified time, issue a letter of approval for eligible school-age children to study in Beijing, and confirm it on the school-age population information collection system or junior high school enrollment service system.

3、 Daxing District Yousheng Small Non Beijing Four Certificate Review But What to Do

   1. Returning to study at home: If the four certificates cannot be supplemented in a short period of time, the child can choose to return to his/her home country to study first, and then return to Beijing to study when the four certificates meet the requirements of Beijing. Although this way will make children face some challenges to adapt to the new environment, it is also a relatively compliant choice.

   2. Borrowing in Beijing: You can choose Beijing to accept students on loan private schools , let the children read first. At the same time, during the loan period, prepare the deficiencies in the four certificate review materials as soon as possible, review the four certificates through transfer, and transfer the children's school status back to Beijing.

   3. Consider schools around Beijing: There are some schools around Beijing that can accept non Beijing students, most of which are located in Langfang, Sanhe, Yanjiao and other areas. These schools have relatively loose admission conditions, which can be used as an option for non Beijing families.

  4. Choose to study in other cities: If the family has the household registration or long-term residence certificate in other cities, they can also consider sending their children to study in other cities.

   5. Select private schools that can accept four incomplete certificates: Parents can choose private schools in Beijing that can accept their children first, including International Primary School Let the students study first, and prepare the deficiencies in the four certificate review materials as soon as possible during the study period, review the four certificates through transfer, and transfer the children's student status back to Beijing. However, there may be some risks in this way, so parents need to choose carefully.

Recommended by Daxing District International Primary School:

   Yaohua International Education School Beijing Yizhuang Campus (National regular courses+characteristic courses, 250000 yuan/year)

There are not many international schools in Daxing District, If non Beijing families Clarify that families who want to study abroad in the future can consider Daxing District International Primary School You can also choose international primary schools that recruit students independently in other urban areas of Beijing, such as those in Chaoyang District Aidi International School Kevin School , Tongzhou District Beijing Dehong School Private Shuren School Etc.

The above is an analysis of "What can we do in 2024 when the examination of four non Beijing certificates for children's promotion to primary schools in Daxing District, Beijing". In terms of school selection, parents from other places should consider children's learning ability, school promotion planning, family economy and other comprehensive factors, and make a number of school selection plans in advance to ensure that children can enter school smoothly.


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