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How much is the annual tuition of Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School?

[International class]
Source: Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School Time: 2023-12-22 10:01:27

Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School is a boarding and day school private international school with a primary school department, a middle school department and an international department. The junior high school English characteristic class and the senior high school international program (GAC) are one of the characteristics of our school, and they recruit students nationwide. So, Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School How much is the annual tuition?

 How much is the annual tuition of Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School

1、 Primary School Department

The Primary School Department of Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School, while completing the general education at the primary school stage, adopted the National Geographic Our World "multimedia courses, learning from the teaching concept of Australian primary schools, integrating interdisciplinary elements into English teaching, teaching art, science and other courses in English. "Bring the world into the classroom and integrate the classroom into life", bringing a new learning experience to each student.

Tuition: 85000/year

2、 Junior High School Department

Zhongguancun Foreign Language School's junior middle school bilingual class curriculum integrates Chinese compulsory education curriculum with international characteristic curriculum, including basic curriculum, characteristic curriculum, community activities and practice expansion curriculum. Basic courses and characteristic courses are the core of the curriculum, and community activities and practice expansion courses are extensions, which focus on the personalized cultivation of students and lay the foundation for connecting international high schools.

Tuition: 85000/year

3、 Orientation Class of Sydney University, Australia

The University of Sydney is Australia's oldest and most prestigious university, known as the "Eight Famous Universities in Australia", Australia's five-star university, and one of the world's most respected institutions of higher learning. The courses of the orientation class of Zhongguancun Foreign Language School, Sydney University, Australia include:

HSC preparatory courses: English intensive, Chinese, mathematics, physics, business, art

HSC core courses: EALD, Chinese, mathematics, physics, business, art

College prerequisite: Social Science Foundation

Tuition: 168000/year

4、 Australia HSC High School International Class

The international class of Australian HSC High School is Zhongguancun Foreign Language School and Australian Presbyterian Ladies College (PLC) secondary school cooperation and the Australian high school project approved by the Department of Education of New South Wales, Australia. This project is fully synchronized with the Australian high school curriculum. Students can complete the Australian high school curriculum after two and a half years of study in an all English teaching environment. Those who pass the HSC Australian high school graduation certificate will be directly issued by the Department of Education of New South Wales, Australia, and enjoy the same university admission treatment as local students in Australia.

Tuition: 158000/year

5、 English featured college entrance examination class

In order to comprehensively cultivate students' English ability and international vision, highlight the school's foreign language characteristics, English language courses are added on the basis of ordinary high school courses. Students can study international preparatory courses in senior three according to their own learning ability and promotion plans. International preparatory courses are suitable for students with good English ability, solid disciplinary foundation and clear goals of studying abroad. Graduates can not only choose to enter a higher education in China, but also go to a famous overseas university through the study of international preparatory courses, so as to achieve the dual integration of domestic and foreign education.

Tuition: 98000/year

  >>> Enrollment Manual of Beijing Zhongguancun Foreign Language School

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