Enrollment Brochure of Primary School Department of Haijia International Bilingual School Tianjin Campus - Enrollment Website of Haijia International Bilingual School Tianjin Campus
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Enrollment Brochure of Primary School Department in Tianjin Campus of Haijia International Bilingual School

[International class]

The basic courses of HAIKA Bilingual International School Tianjin Campus adopt American core public standard courses. The standards based education system aims to link learning standards, courses and classroom teaching together to ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve high standards of excellence. The basic standard curriculum of the campus is carefully selected to ensure that students can learn a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge in each designated content area and each designated grade.

These standards specify the key points and the content that all students must learn. The school's curriculum and teaching define the teaching standards and ensure that students are fully prepared to learn after their primary education in BIBA or anywhere else in the world. The consistency of our courses ensures that all resources, materials, teaching practices and assessments reflect the standard requirements of each content area.

As a school, BIBA Tianjin Campus is constantly thinking, developing, supervising and evaluating the relevance and adequacy of our standard based curriculum to ensure that it is consistent with the latest research and practice in the latest international education curriculum.

   Primary school stage (G1-G5)

Based on the Chinese national standard curriculum and integrating the American core public standard curriculum, the proportion of foreign teacher courses reaches 50%. There are natural spelling courses, English reading and writing workshops, English science and social sciences, American speech and debate courses, PBL courses introduced by HTH in the United States, and more than 20 ECA extracurricular activities courses.

   Enrollment target

Enroll students of grade 1-5, regardless of household and school registration.

   Charging standard

   1. Application fee: 1000 yuan (this fee is non refundable)

   2. Tuition: Primary School Grades 1-5 (G1-G5) 100000 yuan/school year

(1) The academic year of Haijia School is divided into two semesters, which are divided by the Chinese Spring Festival holiday.

(2) Tuition fees are not calculated in days and months, but in terms of semester and academic year. If the enrollment time of the new student is less than one semester, the fee shall be paid as a complete semester.

(3) Families with more children: The second child and later children enjoy a 20% discount on tuition fees, which is no longer used together with other benefits. It is only valid when more children are in school at the same time.

(4) Tuition fees must be paid within the notice payment period to confirm admission qualification. If the payment is not completed within the specified time, the degree will be deemed abandoned.

   3. School uniform fee: 2600-3400 yuan/set

   4. Lunch and Breaks: 25 yuan/day

   5. School bus fee (optional): 6000-8000 yuan/year

   6. Dormitory fee (optional): Four rooms: 5000 yuan/year; Double room: 8500 yuan/year

   Enrollment process

   Step 1: Make an appointment for a visit

The school regularly holds an enrollment introduction meeting and an open day, and encourages all families to make an appointment to visit Haijia School before signing up, come to the school personally to understand, feel the campus culture and ask relevant questions.

   Step 2: Apply for registration

(1) Fill in the application form online;

(2) The following application materials shall be submitted at 13:30-15:00 on Monday and Wednesday (working days only);

● Health record form

● Copies of the first page of the household registration book and the child's own page

● One copy of valid ID cards of both parents (front and back)

● One copy of the valid passport and visa page of both students and parents (applicable to foreign families)

● Fill in the medical insurance and learning service form

● Sign the policies and regulations of transfer and refund

● School bus application form (if required)

● Copy of vaccine book

● A copy of the student's performance report for the past year (required for students applying for grades 2-12)

● Letter of recommendation (required for students applying for preschool to Grade 12)

(3) Pay the registration fee of 1000 yuan (non refundable or non transferable).

   Step 3: Interview and notification

After receiving the above information and payment confirmation, we will invite you and your child to attend an interview or test at school.

After the interview/test, you will receive one of the following emails:

(1) Admission notice, admission physical examination notice and tuition bill;

(2) Wait position notification email;

(3) Notice of non acceptance mail

   Step 4: Payment

Students must complete full payment before admission. Please complete the payment before the payment deadline according to the amount of the tuition bill and the school account information. For all students who pass the test/interview, we will arrange the degree after receiving the financial confirmation. If payment is not received by the deadline of the tuition bill, we cannot guarantee your child's degree. Please be sure to indicate your child's grade and name when paying, and send the payment voucher to tibaoffice@tibachina.org , only after receiving the confirmation from the financial email can the payment be deemed as successful.

   Step 5: Prepare for admission

(1) Submit the physical examination report within the specified time (valid within three months);

(2) Get the school uniform within the specified time;

(3) Confirmation of school bus time and location (if necessary);

(4) Prepare for the start of school according to the new student welcome email.

Registration method
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Application process:
Telephone appointment or[ Online appointment ] Entrance test Admission Registration procedures Formal opening of school
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