Beijing Xinfuxue Foreign Language School Enrollment Guide of Korean Media Film Art Class - Beijing Xinfuxue Foreign Language School Enrollment Website
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Beijing Xinfuxue Foreign Language School Korean Media Film Art Class Admission Brochure

[International class]

The Korean Media Film Art Class is located at the Yuno College of Art in Xinfuxue Uno College, adhering to the purpose of "Uno Art Begins, Uno Japan Knows", has opened English, American and Italian art classes, Japanese art classes, and Korean media film classes. Integrating high-quality academic resources at home and abroad, introducing a full-time international art teacher team, and building a high-end art professional studio are aimed at cultivating comprehensive innovative art talents in the era of creative economy and uncertain informatization. Students can think and solve problems independently, have a thirst for knowledge, creativity and talent, and have a positive, healthy and upward world outlook, so as to truly realize the goal of nourishing life with art.

College Features

Yangmei Professors' Group Supervision+School Art Examination and Training, Achieve Domestic Comprehensive Art Talents

IG art featured courses+multilingual language environment infiltration

A-Level Official Examination Center+Overseas Returned Artists Group guided the school to complete the collection of works and sprint to famous British and American schools

Doctoral director of Dongyi University+art experts from China and Japan work together as teachers, and Japanese+works collection/school test joint training

First line guidance of professor Beiying of Chinese drama+characteristic teaching of Korean major to cultivate film and television performance talents

Features of Korean Media Film Art Class

01. Media, film and television, performance, professional courses support the development of students' personality characteristics

02. Comprehensively infiltrate Korean and culture to adapt to foreign language environment in advance

03. Member of Beijing Dancers Association, choreographer and director of Rocket 101 Girls Group

04. Professors from the Central Academy of Drama and Beijing Film Academy give first-line lectures

05. Professional guidance of drama, film and television art works collection to enhance students' artistic competitiveness

06. 1600 Ping Art Center, independent drama studio, film studio, enjoy exclusive creative space

07. One on one guidance for further education, to develop personalized training plans for students

Higher education institutions

ranking Photography (director) Performances Practical Dance Media
one Dongguo University National Central University Seokyeong University Seoul University
two Korea Arts University Korea Arts University Hanyang University Korea University
three National Central University Dongguo University Ewha Womans University Yonsei University
four Hanyang University Jiaquan University Dankook University Chengjunguan University
five Chengjunguan University National University Sejong University Ewha Womans University
six Sejong University Seokyeong University Busan University National Central University
seven Dankook University Kyung Hee University National University Dongguo University
eight Seoul University of the Arts Sejong University Zhongnan University Hanyang University
nine Kyung Hee University Dankook University Quanbei University Kyung Hee University

Admission results

country University name Admission Major ranking
U.S.A Chicago Academy of Arts (scholarship $33600 Movies, videos, new media animations TOP 2 QS National University Ranking
TOP 6 World Undergraduate Art Design
New York Institute of Visual Arts Illustration design, visual effects and animation design TOP 1 National Illustration Professional Ranking
Preet College of Art Illustration design, animation design TOP 3 QS National University Ranking
TOP 7 World Undergraduate Art Design
Savannah College of Art and Design (scholarship S46000 Animation Design TOP 10 QS National University Ranking
Maryland College of the Arts Animation Design TOP 3 USNEWS ranking in the United States
Ruiling College of Art and Design Action design, game art TOP 3 Animation/Game Design National Ranking
California Academy of Arts Animation Design TOP 2 USNEWS Video Ranking
Berkeley Conservatory of Music (scholarship $10000) Music performance, music management TOP 2 World Music Schools Ranking
britain London University of the Arts Industrial design, costume design, costume design TOP 1 World Undergraduate Art Design
University of Edinburgh Animation Design TOP1QS UK University Ranking
Goldsmiths, University of London Product design, media Top 2 All British Media and Media
Kingston University product design TOP 1 All English Design and Art
University of Teesside Computer Character Animation Design TOP 1 All English Games and Animation Design
University of Southampton clothing design TOP 2 All English Textile/Fashion Design
Leeds University clothing design TOP 3 All English Textile/Fashion Design
Nottingham Trent University Fabric design, costume design, costume design TOP 5 All English Textile/Fashion Design
University of Creative Arts Industrial design, fabric design, clothing design TOP 2 The second largest art school in Europe
Bournemouth University Computer Animation Design, Film Top 4 Ranking of Media Professions in the UK
Canada Ontario College of Art and Design product design TOP 1 Ranking of Canadian Art and Design
Italy Naples Academy of Fine Arts Decorative design, pure art, stage design The oldest and most prestigious art academy in Italy
NABA of Milan New Academy of Fine Arts Game design, media design, fashion design Top 2 Italian Academy of Fine Arts
Udine Academy of Fine Arts Architectural interior design, graphic design painting Association of Public and Private Music and Fine Arts Colleges and Universities
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Enrollment information

Enrollment target

Students in grade 8 and above

Admission criteria

Refer to the results of the high school entrance examination and participate in the written examination+interview on campus

Registration method
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