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Special introduction to stewardess school

There is no limit to getting high salary

Achieve professional dreams

With the continuous improvement of economic level and the vigorous development of tourism, air travel has become the preferred travel mode for people to take vacations, travel and work. The rapid development of the civil aviation industry has also greatly increased the demand for civil aviation professional services and management personnel. Stewardess is an enviable profession. Every year, tens of thousands of students enter the flight attendant school with the dream of stewardess. With the development of the times, flight attendants have become a very popular profession in recent years.

At present, there are two types of stewardess schools:

one Unified enrollment schools can register through college entrance examination or single enrollment;

two For unplanned vocational education enrollment schools, students who fail to pass the exam or have low scores can register directly at the school or online on the official website. If they pass the interview, they can enter the school. It is also a full-time class.

What is a stewardess school?

Cultivate stewardess talents to help students realize their blue sky dreams

The general stewardess school is to study the professional courses of flight attendants for 3-4 years. The enrollment objects of the stewardess school are generally junior high school graduates, senior high school graduates and those with the same educational background. Because these students have only junior high school or senior high school educational background, and can not meet the educational requirements of the airline for recruiting flight attendants when they are employed, the stewardess school, while cultivating students' professional knowledge of flight attendants, Students should also obtain a junior college or undergraduate degree, so that they can meet the requirements of airlines to recruit stewardesses. At the same time, because the stewardess school has a long learning time, which can better enable students to master the relevant stewardess skills, it will adopt the mode of combining theory with aviation practice.

Why do so many people choose to go to the stewardess school if the stewardess is not professional? First of all, many stewardess schools will directly cooperate with airlines to cultivate talents. For example, school enrollment only includes students from stewardess schools, which is the first advantage. In addition, if two people have similar appearance, physique, temperament and education background, the interviewer will give priority to the students from the stewardess school, which is the second advantage.

Advantages of choosing a stewardess school

Small competition

There is a threshold for flight attendant schools to enroll students, and they have certain requirements for students' own conditions, such as height, weight, eyesight, age, etc., which restricts some students and makes them less competitive than other majors.

Low score

The state has a new policy for the flight attendant specialty set up by flight attendant schools, which reduces the requirements for scores, mainly depending on the physical quality requirements of students themselves. Going to college can no longer be bothered by scores.

Good employment

China's flight attendant industry has developed rapidly. For a long time in the future, China's flight attendant talent has been in shortage, and the demand for talent has gradually expanded, with many jobs, wide prospects and good employment.

High salary

The post salary consists of basic salary+flight hour fee+flight allowance+housing allowance+holiday welfare+communication allowance+transportation allowance+provident fund, etc., which can easily realize financial freedom.

Employment prospect of stewardess school

According to statistics, at present China's demand for flight attendants is close to 500000 For a long time in the future, China's aviation talents will be in shortage. Compared with other industries, the introduction of talents in the civil aviation industry is relatively independent, even blocked, which is also an important reason for the shortage of flight attendants in China.

In view of this situation, most of the stewardess schools decided to relax the college entrance examination score and age limit, and establish cooperation with enterprises to carry out the school enterprise cooperation enrollment plan to train stewardesses professionally.

Many people misunderstand that stewardesses eat youth food. In fact, stewardesses can be divided into four stages: ordinary class, steward, two class steward, regional steward, and chief steward. The income and status of stewardesses are very different. The chief steward can even carry out international flights and chief plane tasks independently. Therefore, if you become a regional purser or chief purser, even if you retire, you will not only have a high retirement income, but also have many other excellent department jobs.

 Employment prospect of stewardess school

Career of stewardess

15-18 years old
At the age of 15-18, he began to study flight attendants in colleges and universities. After 2-3 years of theoretical study+1 year of practical courses, he became a qualified flight attendant.
18-23 years old
At the age of 18-23, he officially entered the airline and became a regular steward after 3-6 months of internship. Flying 40 hours a week and more than 100 hours a month, the revenue is 8000 yuan+.
23-35 years old
23-35 years old, who has flown for more than three years, has been promoted to purser after being evaluated and confirmed by the leading group of the airline. Monthly income in 12000 yuan+.
35-40 years old
At the age of 35-40, having flown for more than ten years, he was successfully promoted to chief purser. There were more than a dozen stewards in the front and rear cabins of the management. Monthly income in M 20000 yuan about.
45-60 years old
At the age of 45-60, he left the front-line position and became the backstage, and could be engaged in the management and training of the company. Monthly income in 30000 yuan about.
Over 60
Enjoy after 60 High paid retirement , start retirement life.

Job recommendation of stewardess school

airline stewardess Monthly salary: 8000~20000 yuan

It is mainly responsible for providing drinks and meals for passengers on civil aviation aircraft, making passengers feel safe and comfortable during the journey, guiding passengers to correctly use onboard safety equipment in emergencies, and helping passengers escape from the aircraft.

VIP reception at the airport Monthly salary: 5000~8000 yuan

It is mainly responsible for the reception of VIPs. On the premise of guaranteeing the service needs of passengers, it can fully meet the service needs of important guests and VIPs, which are convenient, fast, private and noble, and provide a comfortable boarding environment for VIPs.

Ticketing specialist Monthly salary: 5000~7000 yuan

It mainly includes consultation, ticket booking, ticket change and refund. Although the ticketing work is quite busy, there are also six insurances and one fund, and all aspects of the treatment are also good.

Security inspector Monthly salary: 5000~8000 yuan

It is required to obtain the certificate of civil aviation safety inspector. It is mainly responsible for maintaining airport order, airport security inspection, guiding passengers to enter the security inspection area, and taking precautions to protect aircraft, airport and passengers' personal safety.

Operator Monthly salary: 6000~8000 yuan

It is mainly responsible for handling passengers' boarding passes, answering flight attendants' questions, providing waiting, baggage inquiry and baggage check-in, and pacifying passengers' mood and handling passengers' problems in case of flight delay.

High speed rail/cruise crew Monthly salary: 5000~18000 yuan

The work content is similar to that of flight attendants. Now high-speed railway and cruise ships also need a large number of service personnel, mainly engaged in passenger service, safety, inquiry and other work.

Attendant school enrollment

 Admission Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of Beijing Language and Culture University
Admission Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of Beijing Language and Culture University

Enrollment: twenty-five

tuition: 19800 yuan /Year

 Admission Brochure of Aviation Major of Continuing Education College of Beijing Material University
Admission Brochure of Aviation Major of Continuing Education College of Beijing Material University

Enrollment: six hundred

tuition: 9300 yuan /Year

 Capital University of Economics and Business Miyun Campus Joint Training Enrollment Brochure
Capital University of Economics and Business Miyun Campus Joint Training Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 16800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Professional Talents Training Plan of School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University
Enrollment Brochure of Professional Talents Training Plan of School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University

Enrollment: one hundred and twenty

tuition: 15000 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of School of Continuing Education of North China Electric Power University (Baoding)
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of School of Continuing Education of North China Electric Power University (Baoding)

Enrollment: eighty

tuition: 16800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Shijiazhuang Engineering Vocational College
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Shijiazhuang Engineering Vocational College

Enrollment: one hundred and twenty

tuition: 8000 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education, Taiyuan University of Technology
College of Continuing Education, Taiyuan University of Technology

Enrollment: one hundred and eighty

tuition: 9500 yuan /Year

 College of Vocational and Continuing Education, Beijing Printing College Enrollment Brochure of Flight Attendant Major in 2023
College of Vocational and Continuing Education, Beijing Printing College Enrollment Brochure of Flight Attendant Major in 2023

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 11800 yuan /Year

 Admission Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Botou Vocational College
Admission Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Botou Vocational College

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 5000 yuan /Year

 Yanjing Institute of Technology College Enterprise Joint Training Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure
Yanjing Institute of Technology College Enterprise Joint Training Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: sixty

tuition: 23800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service and Flight Attendance Specialty of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology International Flight Attendance Training Center
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service and Flight Attendance Specialty of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology International Flight Attendance Training Center

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 5800 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education, Bohai University
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of College of Continuing Education of Bohai University

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 16800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Vocational Education of Continuing Education College of Dalian Maritime University in 2023
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Vocational Education of Continuing Education College of Dalian Maritime University in 2023

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Major of Applied Technology College of Liaoning University of Technology
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Major of Applied Technology College of Liaoning University of Technology

Enrollment: one hundred and thirty

tuition: 7800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure for International Cruise Crew Management of Economic Management Branch of Liaoning Polytechnic
Enrollment Brochure for International Cruise Crew Management of Economic Management Branch of Liaoning Polytechnic

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 9900 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education of Shenyang University of Technology Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure
College of Continuing Education of Shenyang University of Technology Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Project of School of Optoelectronics and Information, Changchun University of Technology
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Project of School of Optoelectronics and Information, Changchun University of Technology

Enrollment: sixty

tuition: 15800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Vocational Education Training of Continuing Education College of Harbin Institute of Technology
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Vocational Education Training of Continuing Education College of Harbin Institute of Technology

Enrollment: sixty

tuition: 22400 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Manual of Aviation Service Vocational Education of Continuing Education College of Harbin Engineering University
Enrollment Manual of Aviation Service Vocational Education of Continuing Education College of Harbin Engineering University

Enrollment: thirty

tuition: 16800 yuan /Year

 Harbin Guangsha College Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure
Harbin Guangsha College Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: two hundred

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 College of Arts and Information Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
College of Arts and Information Engineering, Dalian University of Technology

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 9800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of School of Applied Science and Technology of Shenyang City Construction University
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of School of Applied Science and Technology of Shenyang City Construction University

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 9800 yuan /Year

 Admission Brochure of Flight Attendant Major 2023 of Continuing Education College of Liaoning University of Technology
Admission Brochure of Flight Attendant Major 2023 of Continuing Education College of Liaoning University of Technology

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 13800 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education of Liaoning Institute of Technology
College of Continuing Education of Liaoning Institute of Technology

Enrollment: forty

tuition: 13800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Vocational Education of School of Continuing Education of Zhejiang Ocean University
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Vocational Education of School of Continuing Education of Zhejiang Ocean University

Enrollment: one hundred and twenty

tuition: 14000 yuan /Year

 Admission Brochure of Ludong University School of Continuing Education for Aviation Service Vocational Education
Admission Brochure of Ludong University School of Continuing Education for Aviation Service Vocational Education

Enrollment: one hundred and fifty

tuition: 12000 yuan /Year

 Air Service Enrollment Brochure of Overseas Exchange Center of Ocean University of China
Air Service Enrollment Brochure of Overseas Exchange Center of Ocean University of China

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 17800 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education, Nanjing University of Science and Technology Public Affairs Management (International Aviation Service Direction) Enrollment Brochure
College of Continuing Education, Nanjing University of Science and Technology Public Affairs Management (International Aviation Service Direction) Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: two hundred and forty

tuition: 15000 yuan /Year

 Brochure of Admission of Flight Attendant Major of Science and Technology College of Nanchang University
Brochure of Admission of Flight Attendant Major of Science and Technology College of Nanchang University

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 19800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure for Air Stewards (Correspondence Education, School Enterprise Cooperation) of the Cabin Service College of Binzhou University
Enrollment Brochure for Air Stewards (Correspondence Education, School Enterprise Cooperation) of the Cabin Service College of Binzhou University

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 12000 yuan /Year

 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Jincheng College Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Jincheng College Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: one hundred and fifty

tuition: 23800 yuan /Year

 International Aviation Service Program Enrollment Brochure of School of Continuing Education, Communication University of China
International Aviation Service Program Enrollment Brochure of School of Continuing Education, Communication University of China

Enrollment: eighty

tuition: 15000 yuan /Year

 Admission Brochure for Civil Aviation Service Projects of School of Continuing Education of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Admission Brochure for Civil Aviation Service Projects of School of Continuing Education of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Enrollment: two hundred

tuition: 18000 yuan /Year

 Zhengde Vocational and Technical College Aviation Service Professional Orientation Training Enrollment Brochure
Zhengde Vocational and Technical College Aviation Service Professional Orientation Training Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 14000 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service (Unplanned Enrollment) of Continuing Education College of Shanghai Lida University
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service (Unplanned Enrollment) of Continuing Education College of Shanghai Lida University

Enrollment: one hundred and fifty

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Manual of Full time Workplace Innovation and Entrepreneurship Class of School of Continuing Education of Zhejiang Normal University
Enrollment Manual of Full time Workplace Innovation and Entrepreneurship Class of School of Continuing Education of Zhejiang Normal University

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 12800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Continuing Education College of Jiangxi University of Applied Science and Technology
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Continuing Education College of Jiangxi University of Applied Science and Technology

Enrollment: sixty

tuition: 13800 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education, Jiangxi Normal University
College of Continuing Education, Jiangxi Normal University

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 19800 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education, Shandong University of Technology
College of Continuing Education, Shandong University of Technology

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 8000 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Harbin Engineering University Qingdao Vocational Education Base
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Harbin Engineering University Qingdao Vocational Education Base

Enrollment: sixty

tuition: 8600 yuan /Year

 Admission Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Huace Film Academy of Zhejiang Media College
Admission Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Huace Film Academy of Zhejiang Media College

Enrollment: seventy

tuition: 39800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College Adult Education College
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College Adult Education College

Enrollment: eighty

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Mingda Vocational and Technical College Enrollment Brochure in 2023
Mingda Vocational and Technical College Enrollment Brochure in 2023

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 9800 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education, Nanjing University of Technology Aviation Service | Maintenance | Aviation All media Orientation Class Admission Brochure
College of Continuing Education, Nanjing University of Technology Aviation Service | Maintenance | Aviation All media Orientation Class Admission Brochure

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 15000 yuan /Year

 Admission Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendance Major of School of Continuing Education of Nanjing University of Technology
Admission Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendance Major of School of Continuing Education of Nanjing University of Technology

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 15000 yuan /Year

 Enrolment Manual of Aviation Service Vocational Education of Science and Technology College of Ningbo University
Enrolment Brochure of Aviation Service Vocational Education of Science and Technology College of Ningbo University

Enrollment: one hundred and fifty

tuition: 11800 yuan /Year

 Aviation Service Enrollment Brochure of Suzhou Research Institute of Xi'an Jiaotong University
Aviation Service Enrollment Brochure of Suzhou Research Institute of Xi'an Jiaotong University

Enrollment: one hundred and twenty

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Admission Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of College of Continuing Education of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics
Admission Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of College of Continuing Education of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics

Enrollment: one hundred and forty

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Wuhan University of Science and Technology Flight Attendant Enrollment Brochure
Wuhan University of Science and Technology Flight Attendant Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 18800 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education of Henan Normal University Aviation Service Vocational Education Training Program Enrollment Brochure
College of Continuing Education of Henan Normal University Aviation Service Vocational Education Training Program Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of 2023 Aviation Service Vocational Education of Zhujiang College, South China Agricultural University
Enrollment Brochure of 2023 Aviation Service Vocational Education of Zhujiang College, South China Agricultural University

Enrollment: one hundred and fifty

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Lingnan Normal University Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure
Lingnan Normal University Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: one hundred and twenty

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Xinghai Conservatory of Music Continuing Education College College Enterprise School Cooperation Aviation Service Vocational Education Project Enrollment Brochure
Xinghai Conservatory of Music Continuing Education College College Enterprise School Cooperation Aviation Service Vocational Education Project Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Wuhan Institute of Engineering Science and Technology College Enterprise Joint Training Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure
Wuhan Institute of Engineering Science and Technology College Enterprise Joint Training Aviation Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: two hundred

tuition: 23800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Air Service Flight Attendant Major of Humanities College of Shenzhen Technician College
Enrollment Brochure of Air Service Flight Attendant Major of Humanities College of Shenzhen Technician College

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 6000 yuan /Year

 College of Continuing Education, Zhongyuan University of Technology
College of Continuing Education, Zhongyuan University of Technology

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 14000 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of Aviation College of Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology
Enrollment Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of Aviation College of Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 14000 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of Continuing Education College of Zhongyuan University of Technology
Enrollment Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of Continuing Education College of Zhongyuan University of Technology

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 14000 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Hubei Institute of Technology
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of Hubei Institute of Technology

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 10800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of School of Continuing Education of Wuhan Textile University
Enrollment Brochure of Flight Attendant Major of School of Continuing Education of Wuhan Textile University

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 13800 yuan /Year

 Huizhou Vocational and Technical College of Economics Continuing Education College Higher Vocational Education/Undergraduate Continuation Enrollment Brochure
Huizhou Vocational and Technical College of Economics Continuing Education College Higher Vocational Education/Undergraduate Continuation Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: thirty

tuition: 14900 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Guide for Higher Vocational Education of the Open College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Enrollment Guide for Higher Vocational Education of the Open College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Enrollment: thirty

tuition: 14800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Vocational Education, School of Art Design and Media, Xinhua College, Sun Yat sen University
Enrollment Brochure of Aviation Service Vocational Education, School of Art Design and Media, Xinhua College, Sun Yat sen University

Enrollment: two hundred

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Training Center of Henan University of Economics and Law School enterprise joint training aviation service vocational education training project
Training Center of Henan University of Economics and Law School enterprise joint training aviation service vocational education training project

Enrollment: eighty

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Air Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure of Continuing Education College of City Science and Technology College of Chongqing University
Air Service Vocational Education Enrollment Brochure of Continuing Education College of City Science and Technology College of Chongqing University

Enrollment: ninety

tuition: 23800 yuan /Year

 Sichuan International Studies University College of Network and Continuing Education
Sichuan International Studies University College of Network and Continuing Education

Enrollment: one hundred

tuition: 11800 yuan /Year

 Enrollment Guide for Aviation Service Vocational Skills Training of School of International Education of Sichuan International Studies University
Enrollment Guide for Aviation Service Vocational Skills Training of School of International Education of Sichuan International Studies University

Enrollment: one hundred and twenty-seven

tuition: 19800 yuan /Year

 Sichuan International Studies University Chengdu College Aviation Service Enrollment Brochure
Sichuan International Studies University Chengdu College Aviation Service Enrollment Brochure

Enrollment: one hundred and twenty

tuition: 19800 yuan /Year

 Air Service Management Enrollment Brochure of Sichuan University of Culture and Arts
Air Service Management Enrollment Brochure of Sichuan University of Culture and Arts

Enrollment: ninety

tuition: 8600 yuan /Year

 Admission Manual of Flight Attendant Major of School of International Education of Sichuan International Studies University
Admission Manual of Flight Attendant Major of School of International Education of Sichuan International Studies University

Enrollment: one hundred and sixty

tuition: 19800 yuan /Year

 Southwest Forestry University College of Foreign Languages Aviation Services
Southwest Forestry University College of Foreign Languages Aviation Services

Enrollment: two hundred

tuition: 21800 yuan /Year

 Admission Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of School of Management of West China Normal University
Admission Brochure of Aviation Flight Attendant Major of School of Management of West China Normal University

Enrollment: fifty

tuition: 14800 yuan /Year

 Enrolment Brochure for 2023 Aviation Service Vocational Education and Training Project of Wenhua College of Yunnan Arts College
Enrolment Brochure for 2023 Aviation Service Vocational Education and Training Project of Wenhua College of Yunnan Arts College

Enrollment: one hundred and fifty

tuition: 23800 yuan /Year

Employment of stewardess school

 graduation certificate
graduation certificate
 CET-4 Certificate
CET-4 Certificate
 Security inspection qualification certificate
Security inspection qualification certificate
 Certificate of Oral English
Certificate of Oral English
 Flight attendant qualification certificate
Flight attendant qualification certificate
 Mandarin Level Certificate
Mandarin Level Certificate
 Bachelor degree certificate
Bachelor degree certificate
 Human Resources Management Certificate
Human Resources Management Certificate
 Air China
Air China
 Shenzhen Airlines
Shenzhen Airlines
 China United Airlines
China United Airlines
 Emirates Airlines
Emirates Airlines
 Singapore Airlines
Singapore Airlines
 Guangzhou Baiyun Airport
Guangzhou Baiyun Airport
 Xiamen Airlines
Xiamen Airlines
 Beijing Capital Airport
Beijing Capital Airport
 Keep empty and keep empty
Keep empty and keep empty
 Check in ticketing
Check in ticketing
 Ground handling management
Ground handling management
 VIP reception
VIP reception
 security check
security check
 Stewardess training
Stewardess training
 Service simulation cabin
Service simulation cabin
 Air stewardess
Air stewardess

Registration conditions of stewardess school

Enrollment target

It is intended to recruit graduates from senior high schools or the same educational background (including vocational high schools, technical secondary schools, technical schools and art schools) from all over the country, aged 15-20.

Registration conditions

1. The facial features are correct, the skin color is good, the body is healthy, the figure is symmetrical, the personality is cheerful, the manner is dignified;

2. Height requirements: female height requirements: 162cm~175cm; Male height is 172-185cm;

3. Weight requirements: weight (kg)="height (cm) - 110" ± "height (cm) - 110" × 10%;

4. Vision requirements: no eye deformation, color blindness, color weakness, strabismus, corrected vision of more than 1.0;

5. There are no obvious scars on the face, neck and hands, with good skin color and no skin diseases that can not be cured for a long time;

6. Spoken clearly, fluent in Mandarin, and basically accurate in English pronunciation, with listening no less than 5 meters;

7. Normal walking without obvious internal and external eight characters;

8. No history of mental illness and epilepsy, normal liver function, no nephritis, infectious diseases and various chronic diseases;

9. No criminal history, no serious disciplinary history;

News of stewardess school

Professional online registration consultation of stewardess school

Free consultation

 Online consultation
Evaluation of admission probability
Scan code for attention
 Official WeChat official account

Official WeChat official account

Telephone consultation
contact number
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