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Introduction to Enterprise Order Class of Continuing Education College of Dalian Maritime University in 2024

Source: College Admission Network Time: 2024-05-20 11:45:27

School of Continuing Education, Dalian Maritime University It has always been committed to cultivating high-quality applied talents for the society. In 2024, the college will continue to cooperate with a number of well-known enterprises to open school enterprise order classes, aiming to further strengthen school enterprise cooperation, optimize talent training mode, and provide students with broader employment prospects. Now let's introduce and share the enterprise order classes of Dalian Maritime University's continuing education colleges with the big families!

 Introduction to Enterprise Order Class of Continuing Education College of Dalian Maritime University in 2024

1.100% recommended employment

The employment security agreement is signed upon enrollment. Students can be recommended for employment after passing the examination and obtaining relevant vocational skill certificates and academic certificates.

2. Many graduation options

Employment+postgraduate entrance examination+going abroad+civil servant examination+independent entrepreneurship and other multi-dimensional options, both for further education and employment.

3. Power of teachers and students

Combining with the "four business" training system of Hainan University, we will create modern high-end professional talents. Dalian Maritime University's strong faculty+experienced enterprise teachers ensure that students can learn the latest technology and experience.

The school has 1662 full-time teachers, including 374 professors, 205 full-time doctoral supervisors, 46 secondary professors and 97 tertiary professors, and a large number of outstanding young and middle-aged teachers have emerged.

4. Semi military management

A century old school has a complete management mode of teaching and educating people. The process implements a semi militarized management system. Each class is equipped with a full-time head teacher for attendant management. The student apartment is a standardized four bedroom apartment (bed and table). The student apartment has a dormitory administrator who provides 24-hour services to ensure the safety of students in school.

5. Advanced teaching equipment

The school has the most advanced teaching equipment and operating platforms, such as the maritime training base, navigation simulation laboratory, marine engineering simulation laboratory, etc., and also has two oceangoing teaching practice ships.

6. High quality cooperative enterprises

Shanghai Huayang Maritime, Taizhou Shipowners Association, Far East Holdings, Tianjin Zhongyang, Dalian Guohe Maritime, Dalian Yongji International Shipping, Royal Caribbean International Cruise Line, COSCO Shipping Special Transportation, China Shipbuilding Power, China Railway Electrified Railway Operation Management, China Shipping Group, China Ocean Shipping, etc.

7. Advanced training mode

Introduce advanced concepts of foreign vocational education, basic theoretical learning+paid practical operation+skill stage training and certification, and obtain solid theoretical knowledge as well as rich industry experience upon graduation.

The school enterprise order class of Continuing Education College of Dalian Maritime University in 2024 is not only a model of cooperation between schools and enterprises, but also an important platform for students to realize their career ideals. Through this model, students can grow in the combination of theory and practice, and enterprises can obtain the talents they need to truly achieve a win-win situation.

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