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School of Continuing Education, Nanguang College, Communication University of China brief introduction

  • Nature of the school: Independent colleges
  • School type: Art
  • Enrollment category: Outside the plan
  • Education: undergraduate
  • School address: 3666 Hongjing Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu
School introduction: Communication University of China Nanguang College is a non-profit undergraduate college established in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in 2004 with the approval of the Ministry of Education. It is also the only application-oriented university of communication arts in Jiangsu Province. Nanguang University. The average annual employment rate of graduates has reached more than 99%, and the employment competitiveness has ranked first among similar universities in Jiangsu for six consecutive years.
School running advantages:
  • one Have a strong faculty
  • two Significant advantages of media art brands
  • three Adopt the mode of "education+skills" to cultivate professional talents
  • four Mature management mode, forming a good style of study and institute
  • five Professional career guidance to complete the transformation of students into professionals
  • six Full practice and stable employment channels

Professional enrollment consultation

School of Continuing Education, Nanguang College, Communication University of China student recruitment brochure

Enrollment Guide for Self taught Higher Education Undergraduate Students
Enrollment target: High school graduates, college graduates (obtaining graduation certificates)
Enrollment plan: 50 people
Tuition standard: 15000 yuan/year
Brief introduction: The project relies on the school running characteristics of Nanguang College of Communication University of China in broadcasting and hosting, film and television and art majors, and combines the market demand to set up popular majors in broadcasting and hosting, film and television, and art.
Chapter Details
International Aviation Service Program Enrollment Brochure
Enrollment target: Previous high school graduates or equivalent
Enrollment plan: 80 persons
Tuition standard: 15000 yuan/year
Brief introduction: The opening of civil aviation service specialty in Communication University of China Nanguang College will meet the needs of civil aviation development and provide a steady stream of professional service talents for the development of domestic and international aviation.
Chapter Details

School of Continuing Education, Communication University of China

A: When the School of Continuing Education of Communication University of China (CUC), Nanguang College, selected a university in the last few years, the length of schooling was an important factor to consider. The College of Continuing Education of Communication University of China, Nanguang College, is dedicated to the students

Is the School of Continuing Education of Communication University of China Nanguang University worth visiting

A: Is it worthwhile to visit the School of Continuing Education of Communication University of China, Nanguang College? The curriculum of the School of Continuing Education of Communication University of China, Nanguang College, focuses on media, covering advertising, news, communication, etc

School of Continuing Education, Communication University of China

Answer: Registration and interview fees of School of Continuing Education of Communication University of China Nanguang College Students need to pay registration and interview fees before considering joining the School of Continuing Education of Communication University of China Nanguang College

Application Conditions for College of Continuing Education, Communication University of China

Answer: The School of Continuing Education of Communication University of China Nanguang College has certain requirements on the qualifications of candidates. Usually, you need to

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